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Falun Dafa Practitioners Illegally Detained in China Wish Revered Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (40 Greetings)

September 09, 2014 |  

(Minghui.org) For the occasion of the 2014 Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as Moon Festival), Falun Dafa practitioners both inside and outside China have sent greetings to the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi. Along with the written greetings are scores of homemade greeting cards, poems and photographs expressing gratitude and wishes to Master Li for a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

In this report, we present a selection of the 40 greetings sent from practitioners who are illegally detained in prisons, detention centers and other facilities in China.

In particular, practitioners from Songyuan, Jilin Province who are illegally detained wrote in their message, “We face constant physical torture and mental abuse, but we are empowered by the Fa, which enables us to persevere in upholding our beliefs.

“We believe that the staff working in the judicial system in Songyuan are the real victims. They blindly follow the orders from their superiors, are tempted by money, and brutally torture a group of cultivators who strive to cultivate toward Buddhahood. Unless they awaken, those staff members' fate will be miserable.

“We also hope practitioners in Songyuan will form a strong body, strengthen righteous thoughts, and seek all possible means to help these people awaken.”

Practitioners illegally held in the Jilin Detention Center wrote, “Master, please rest assured, no matter how harsh and severe the circumstances are, we will persist in cultivating Dafa to the end.”

Falun Dafa Practitioners Illegally Detained in China Wish Revered Master a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!