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Jiangsu Province: Ms. Zuo Kangwei of Huaian City Faces Another Illegal Trial

June 08, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangsu Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Zuo Kangwei is a Falun Gong practitioner from Huaian City, Jiangsu Province. Qinghe District Procuratorate in Huaian recently decided to put her on trial, and her file was submitted to Qinghe District Court. Her family learned that the trial could begin in ten days, and they are preparing to defend her innocence.

On the morning of May 26, 2014, when Ms. Zuo’s husband Mr. Wang Shixin went to Huaian Detention Center to deliver summer clothing for his wife, he was surprised to see the computer in the reception office displaying her case in the “First trial phase.” He hadn't received any notice.

That afternoon, Mr. Wang went to Qinghe Court, where he learned the judge assigned to the case was Zuo Wenjie (no relation to Zuo Kangwei), and the trial would be held in about 10 days. Mr. Wang asked Zuo Wenjie over the phone, “Why wasn't our family notified?” She said, “No need.” She also declined Mr. Wang’s request for a face-to-face meeting.

Ms. Zuo Kangwei and Family Repeatedly Persecuted

Ms. Zuo Kangwei, 55, used to work at the Huaiyin City Machinery Corporation. In the years since the persecution started, she became a victim of repeated persecution by the 610 Offices of Huaian City and the Qinghe District, the police, and the legal system. She was detained twice, sent to brainwashing centers twice, held and imprisoned a number of times, and served three years in jail.

This will be the second time Ms. Zuo will have been tried in Qinghe Court.

Her husband was a physics teacher in Beijing Road Middle School and most recently taught at the No. 9 Middle School. He complained about being taken to a brainwashing center and called this illegal detention a crime. He also clarified the facts that exposed the CCP's false accusation against Falun Gong. As a result, Mr. Wang lost his job and served three years in prison.

Related article: Ms. Zuo Kangwei from Huaian, Jiangsu Province Detained Again

Responsible Parties:

Zhang Yaqing (张亚青), head of Huaian City Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-517-83762101Qinghe District Court: +86-517-83589004, +86-517-83339004, +86-517-80879104, +86-517-83339008Zuo Wenjie (左文洁), judge assigned to the case(For more perpetrators' contact information, please refer to the original Chinese article)