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Police in Henan Province Arrest Three Retired Falun Gong Practitioners

January 15, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Henan Province, China

(Minghui.org) Song Fulin from the Domestic Security Division of Yindu Public Safety Bureau in Anyang City, Henan Province, led twenty officers to break into the homes of three elderly Falun Dafa practitioners on November 14, 2013. They performed an illegal search and confiscated the practitioners' personal belongings. They have been held in the Anyang City Detention Center for almost two months. The police threatened the practitioners with harming their families and friends.

April 2, 2014 Update:

The procuratorate said that there wasn't enough evidence and the sisters were returned to Yindu Police Department. They are still being held in Anyang City Detention Center.

The three practitioners are Ms. Wang Yuqin, Ms. Li Baozhen and Ms. Li Xiuzhen. Ms. Wang is 72 years old and a retired employee from the Anyang Division of The People's Bank of China. Ms. Li Baozhen and Ms. Li Xiuzhen are sisters and both retired teachers. Ms. Xiuzhen was a language teacher at Guopanliu Elementary School in Dongfeng Township, Anyang City. Her younger sister Ms. Baozhen taught mathematics at the 27 th Middle School in Longquan Township.

Persecution Cases Involving Song Fulin

The main perpetrator in the persecution of the three practitioners is Song Fulin. Song is the captain of the Domestic Security Division of Yindu Public Safety Bureau. He is almost 60 years old and has long been participating in the persecution of Falun Gong.

Song and Liu Guangchao from the Domestic Security Division colluded with the Yubei Cotton Plant in July 2007 to break into the home of practitioner Mr. Wu Jianguo. Their illegal search found nothing that broke the law, yet they still imprisoned Mr. Wu in the Anyang City Detention Center for six days.

During the Beijing Olympic Games, the torch relay went through Anyang City. Song arrested Ms. Li Aiping from Anyang for so-called security reasons. Ms. Li was an engineer at Anyang City Environmental Health Division, but lost her job because of her spiritual belief. Her family and relatives distanced themselves from her because of the constant harassment from the authorities.

Mr. Zhang Chunlin was an employee at the Food Bureau and a practitioner in Anyan City. Song and agents from the Anyang City 610 Office brought several police officers to break into Mr. Zhang's home at 6 a.m. on February 12, 2010. They searched his home and confiscated his computer, Falun Dafa books, CDs, and other belongings. Mr. Zhang later received five years of imprisonment and is now imprisoned at the Xinmi Prison in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province.

Mr. Wang Bin is a practitioner from Hebi City. Song and Liu worked with the police in Hebi City and broke into Mr. Wang's home on May 20, 2010. They searched Mr. Wang's home for hours. Later that day, Mr. Wang fell from the 4 th floor of a building with handcuffs on. His head, lung, and kidney were ruptured and his ribs and femur were fractured. He fell unconscious and died on May 21 at the age of 31.

Information on the Perpetrators

Zhang Manru (张曼如), female, was the secretary of Anyang City Political and Legislative Committee. She openly arranged the suppression of Falun Gong at a city-wide meeting of the Political and Legislative Committee in 2013.

Liu Yuesheng (刘跃胜), deputy secretary of Anyang City Political and Legislative Committee. Liu has been a main perpetrator over the past 14 years of persecution within the 610 Office.

Huang Yingzhang (黄赢章), investigator of the Anyang City Political and Legislative Committee. He's been a main perpetrator over the past 14 years of persecution within the 610 Office. He retired several years ago but continues to be in charge of the work in the 610 Office.

Song Fulin (宋福林), is captain of the Domestic Security Division of Yindu Public Safety Bureau in Anyang City: +86-372-5118490, +86-13939989777 (Cell)