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Update on Xinbin County Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested Last Year

Jan. 14, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) As the Chinese New Year approaches, please do not forget the Falun Gong practitioners who are still in detention. We can write letters or cards to encourage them. We can also write to the police to clarify the facts of Falun Gong. We can make them aware that their crimes are being reported online so they will stop committing more crimes.

The following are recent updates about eight practitioners who were arrested in Xinbin County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, in April 2012.

Mr. Zhao Jiwei

On October 31, 2013, Mr. Zhao Jiwei was sentenced to three and half years in Shenyang Prison. When his family learned this on November 4, they went to see him. A guard said that Mr. Zhao was “studying” and couldn't receive visitors.

His family told the guard that Mr. Zhao had Hepatitis B and wondered why the prison would still hold him. The guard told them that, as long as he was still alive, the prison would not release him. This was a new rule. In addition, no practitioners that were “studying” were allowed any visitors.

His family tried to see Mr. Zhao again on November 20. Guards informed them that he was being transferred to another cell and refused to allow the visit on that basis. His family returned on December 3. The guard told them that he was again “studying,” and that they couldn't see him. The guard informed them that they might be able to see him in a month or so.

No one knows how Mr. Zhao is being treated. His family wonders if he has been tortured or is being pressured to give up his belief.

Ms. Wang Yumei, Ms. Shang Liping, Mr. Sun Haifeng, Wang Guihua, and Mu Guodong

Ms. Wang Yumei, who was sentenced to three and a half years, was not accepted by the prison for health reasons. All the other practitioners were. Ms.Yu Shuxian was sentenced to four years in prison and Ms. Shang Liping and Mr. Sun Haifeng to three years each. Ms. Wang, Zhang Deyan, Wang Guihua and Mu Guodong were all given sentences of three and a half years. Ms. Shang has been placed in a ward that metes out severe torture. Her family went to the prison but were not allowed to see her.

Ms. Chi Xiuhua

Ms. Chi Xiuhua was sentenced to four years in prison and taken to Group No. 3 in the third Ward of the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Her family went there once. They talked with her through a glass partition via a phone.

Two police officers held Ms. Chi and did not allow her to say anything sensitive. When the family asked how she was being treated, the police ended the conversation. She appeared to be in great pain. Although she had only been there a few days, she already looked sick and weak.

Her family asked Ms. Chi if she needed any necessities. She said, “There is nothing here.” The police immediately disconnected the phone. The family asked the police, “Doesn't she have money? We have already deposited money for her. Why not buy some necessities for her?” The officers replied, “We will see.”

The two officers were Dong Lu and Guo Guijie. Both of them have persecuted many Falun Gong practitioners. They deprived Ms. Shu Dong'an of sleep, forced her to stand in cold water, and handcuffed her behind her back, disabling one of her hands. Ms. Shu was eventually temporarily released for medical treatment after she was near death. Practitioners Liu Junlu, Wang Jing and Zhang Shuxia were also brutally persecuted.

Parties Responsible for the Persecution:

The third ward of the Liaoning Province Women's Prison: Wang Jian(王建), director of the ward, police ID 2105286 Wang Hongyun(王宏云), political instructor of the Ward, police ID 2105226 Yang Yang(杨阳), captain, police ID 2105070 Dong Lu(董璐), captain, police ID 2105481 Yin Na(尹娜), captain, police ID 2105104 Liu Yu(刘妤), captain, police ID 2105489 Wang Fang(王芳), captain, police ID 2105526 An Li(安利), captain, police ID 2105519 Yang Li(杨莉), director of the Liaoning Women's Prison: +86-24-89296666(Office), +86-24-86914173(Home), +86-15698806333(Cell)

Related articles: Recent Circumstances of Nine Fushun Practitioners Sentenced in 2012