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Australia: Falun Gong a Welcome Fixture at the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers (Photos)

September 26, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) On September 21, Falun Gong practitioners from Australia participated in the Grand Central Floral Parade, one of the major events of the week-long 64 th annual Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers. The Central Floral Parade is one of the largest parades in Australia. This year, 92 groups performed, with more than 100 thousand spectators enjoying the festivities. The Falun Gong group consisted of the Divine Land Marching Band, an exercise demonstration team, a dragon dance troupe, Celestial Maidens dancers and a waist drum group. Their performances were warmly welcomed by the spectators along the length of the parade route.

Falun Gong practitioners made a colorful part of the Grand Central Floral Parade

Many Chinese people – tourists, immigrants and students, watched the parade. A number of them took photos and videos of the Falun Gong group, and waved to the practitioners. Some of them even shouted: “Falun Gong is good! Greetings, Falun Gong!” One practitioner said that nowadays many Chinese people have learned the facts about Falun Gong, and they have dramatically changed their attitude toward Falun Gong.

There were seven host stages along the parade route, introducing each group to the public. When the Falun Gong group passed by, the announcer said: “The first time that the Falun Gong group participated in this parade was in 1999. Welcome! Falun Gong is an ancient Chinese cultivation based on the teaching of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and has benefited millions of people. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance – how wonderful the teaching is. We love it! This is what we need, absolutely!”