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I Was Kind Because I Harbored Ulterior Motives

July 06, 2013 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) I had always wanted to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to my neighbor Sangu. However, I was worried for my safety because of the persecution. While I was waiting for the opportunity to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa to her, I was very kind and considerate to establish a good and trusting relationship. Therefore, she always spoke kindly about me. One day, I convinced her to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliates.

I was very happy about her choice. But, I also was relieved, because I had achieved my goal and no longer needed to make an effort to win her trust. Last year, her child passed the college entrance exam. I wanted to avoid her, fearing that she would invite me to the celebration dinner and that I had to spend 100 yuan for a gift. I no longer wanted to associate with her.

One day, Teacher’s words came to my mind,

“Whatever you do today, the future people will remark, 'That's how Dafa disciples did it back then,' so we can see that many things are major.” (“Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.”)

I looked inward and thought, “Sangu and I are neighbors. Her other neighbors might attend the celebration dinner. If I don’t go, what will they think of me? If the day comes when all practitioners return to their own heavenly worlds, and all my neighbors realize that I am also a practitioner, will they think negatively of me because I didn’t want to spend the money? Did I not let go of the attachment to money and self-interest? Did I fulfill Teacher’s requirement that we need to conform to ordinary society?”

I instantly realized my attachment – I am kind because I harbor ulterior motives. Although my hope is to help them withdraw from the Communist Party to ensure their safety when it collapses, I've still created an omission. Once my goal is achieved or has failed, meaning that I have or haven't succeeded, I turn indifferent. Thus, I haven’t truly assimilated to the characteristic of the universe – Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. I should be kind at all times and in any environment.

Teacher also told us,

“You probably remember something I've said to you often: a Dafa disciple should consider others first in everything he does.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston”)

I was not really considerate when it came to Sangu. Our local customs require for such celebration to be very formal. I had been very kind to her in the past, why should I just push her needs aside? She may think that she had done something that offended me. The 100-yuan cost helped finally expose my being stingy.

After I realized my omission, I asked Sangu for the date of the celebration and I accepted her invitation gladly.