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Additional Persecution News from China – September 18, 2013 (12 Reports)

October 09, 2013 |  

(Minghui.org) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 12 cities or counties in 7 provinces. According to this report, 11 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 14 practitioners were illegally arrested.

1. [Beijing] Ms. Li Li's Whereabouts Unknown
2. [Shouguang, Shandong Province] Ms. An Yunhui Arrested
3. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Mr. He Xunming Arrested
4. [Chongqing] Mr. Liao Tianbi Sent to Brainwashing Center
5. [Dongying, Shandong Province] Ms. Ding Kuangsong Transferred to Brainwashing Center
6. [Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province] Three Practitioners Sentenced to Prison and "Fined"
7. [Dunhua, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners Arrested
8. [Chifeng, Inner Mongolia] Mr. Tian Fengcheng Arrested Again
9. [Jiyuan, Henan Province] Six Practitioners Illegally Sentenced
10. [Ningxia] Mr. Ding Fadong and Mr. You Haiping Arrested
11. [Bozhou, Anhui Province] Ms. Wang Ling Arrested
12. [Zhengzhou, Henan Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

1. [Beijing] Ms. Li Li's Whereabouts Unknown

Ms. Li Li, a practitioner from Beijing, was sent to Beijing Women’s Forced Labor Camp for two and a half years in late July 2011. The forced labor camp has been closed down, and Ms. Li’s current whereabouts are unknown.

2. [Shouguang, Shandong Province] Ms. An Yunhui Arrested

Ms. An Yunhui from Jitai Town, Shouguang City was illegally arrested by officers from the Qingzhou City Police Department for telling people the facts about Falun Gong on September 13, 2013.

3. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Mr. He Xunming Arrested

Mr. He Xunming from the Lixia District was arrested by officers from Shizhong District Police Department on the evening on September 15, 2013, for telling people the fact about Falun Gong. The next morning, the police broke into his house and ransacked it.

Parties involved in the persecution:

Shizhong District Police Department: +86-531-86039110

4. [Chongqing] Mr. Liao Tianbi Sent to Brainwashing Center

Mr. Liao Tianbi was arrested and taken to Qianzhugou Brainwashing Center, Geyueshang, on September 16, 2013. Nine people from Fengjie County Education Committee and Zheng Hongquan from Fengjie County Domestic Security Division made the arrest.

5. [Dongying, Shandong Province] Ms. Ding Kuangsong Transferred to Brainwashing Center

Ms. Ding Kuangsong was arrested and taken to Shencaipei School Brainwashing Center by Dong Ning from Bingbei Police Department on September 6, 2013. Ms. Kong Fanlian and Ms. Zhang Hongmei are also being detained there.

6. [Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province] Three Practitioners Sentenced to Prison and "Fined"

After Ms. Rong Aimei, Mr. Yan Qinghua, and Mr. Liu Jinming were sentenced by Lianhua County Court to two to three years of imprisonment. They each had 20,000 yuan extorted from them by the Office of Justice to get released on parole.

7. [Dunhua, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Cheng Yuzhong was arrested again from his home on the afternoon on September 6, 2013. Mr. Pan Yiwen and his wife Ms. Wang Yuexin were arrested by Domestic Security Division police on the afternoon on September 11. Over 10,000 yuan in personal items including a printer and informational materials were taken from their home.

8. [Chifeng, Inner Mongolia] Mr. Tian Fengcheng Arrested Again

Mr. Tian Fengcheng was arrested by 610 Office agents on September 16, 2013. This was less than five months since his release from prison on April 25, 2013. It's believed he may have been sent to a brainwashing center.

9. [Jiyuan, Henan Province] Six Practitioners Illegally Sentenced

Six practitioners were sentenced on August 13, 2013. Ms. Hu Rongying was sentenced to four years of imprisonment, Ms. Li Yuping to four years, Ms. Qin Xiaomin to three years, Ms. Wang Rui to three years on four years' probation; Mr. Liu Fazhi to four years, and Mr. Li Zongru to three years and three and a half years probation.

10. [Ningxia] Mr. Ding Fadong and Mr. You Haiping Arrested

Mr. Ding Fadong and Mr. You Haiping were arrested by police from Zhongning County on September 15, 2013. Mr. You's home was ransacked and the police took his personal belongings including a computer.

11. [Bozhou, Anhui Province] Ms. Wang Ling Arrested

Ms. Wang Ling from the Qiaocheng District was brutally beaten by officers from Guobei Police Station on the morning on August 11, 2013, when she was telling people facts about Falun Gong. She passed out. Her mud-covered unconscious body was carried to a detention center.

12. [Zhengzhou, Henan Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

Five practitioners were arrested on September 9, 2013, including Ms. Meng Qiaolian, Ms. Du Shengxi, and Ms. Lian Dongmei.