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Story of a Young Falun Gong Practitioner from Hong Kong (Photo)

September 06, 2012 |   By a practitioner in Hong Kong

(Minghui.org) Martin is six years old and about to enter elementary school. His mother is from Hong Kong and his father is from Europe. He also has a younger brother. His family lives in Hong Kong.


Martin reading the book Zhuan Falun

Before Martin was born, his mother received the book Zhuan Falun from a colleague. However, she was not interested in reading it at the time and stored the book at home. When Martin was born, he had severe eczema. His mother was quite distressed and started thinking about the meaning of life. She contemplated, "Why does a small child suffer so much?" Her colleague later suggested that she practice Falun Gong. She then learned the exercises at a group practice site near her home. She also dug out the book to study the Falun Dafa teachings. Every morning, she and Martin recited several times, “Falun Dafa is good. Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) is good,” before she went to work. When Marin was two years old, he was able to recite “Falun Dafa is good. Zhen-Shan-Ren is good” by himself. His eczema also disappeared.

When he was three years old, Martin could see Falun emblems on his mother's head, and on other practitioners. The colors were beautiful. He told this to his mother, but since her celestial eye (Tianmu) was not open, she decided to test Martin to determine if he was truly seeing the Falun emblem. She asked him if he saw the colors of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple. Martin answered “yes.” When asked if he saw black, gray or brown, he answered “no.” When asked if he saw a Falun on his father's head, he answered “no.” His mother was then convinced that he was truly seeing Falun.

On one occasion, his grandfather fell ill, so Martin told him that he needed to recite “Falun Dafa is good” one hundred times. When his younger brother was ill, Martin also taught him to recite “Falun Dafa is good.”

When Martin was four years old, he learned that he and his mother were Dafa practitioners - but not his father. He asked, “Why doesn't Teacher accept dad?” She replied, “It is not that Teacher doesn't accept him. Your father is not ready yet. We need to give him more time, but he's very supportive of us in practicing Falun Dafa.”

Martin speaks English with his dad and Cantonese with his mom. He also learned Mandarin and the Pinyin system from DVDs. Although he has not yet attended elementary school, he can read Dafa books in traditional Mandarin (more complicated characters) with his mother. He can recite Lunyu, the opening statement in Zhuan Falun. Sometimes he even corrects his mother's pronunciation in Mandarin.

Martin's mother put up Teacher's portrait in their home. Martin often conjoins his hands in front of his chest to show his respect to Teacher. His younger brother, who is only one and a half years old, also learned to do the same in front of Teacher's portrait.

One weekend, Martin's mother took him with her to distribute truth clarification materials. He said to people, “Please take one. Please take one!” When someone refused to take it, he asked sadly, “Why did they refuse to take our newspaper?” She explained to Martin that saving sentient beings was difficult, and that cultivators needed to bear hardship. Martin said, “We are doing the best thing.”

Several days ago, Martin's mother left home early as usual so that she could help distribute the newspapers before work. Martin's father realized that it was very quiet at home and thought, “What is Martin doing? Why is he so quiet?” He found Martin reading Zhuan Falun by himself. His dad took a picture and sent it to his mother. She was very happy, and recalled that Martin once told her that he needed to read the Fa every day, or his level would drop.