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Cultivating Myself While Clarifying the Truth

September 17, 2012 |   By a practitioner from Hubei Province

(Minghui.org) I started to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. In 2008, after I joined a Fa study group, I started to feel the urgency to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. Through Fa study, I realized that there are lots of sentient beings waiting for us to save them. I was anxious to step forward and hoped that some practitioners could help me. Master saw that I had the desire to save sentient beings, so he arranged for a fellow practitioner to work with me. After I clarified the truth a couple times with this practitioner, I gained a little courage. In the beginning, I was quite nervous even when distributing a DVD or posting a flyer. Now I can do these things as if no one were around. Thank you, Master. Thank you, my fellow practitioner.

I. Feeling Master's great compassion towards sentient beings

I remember a very hot day about two years ago. Another practitioner and I went to a town and started to distribute Shen Yun DVDs. We each did one side of the street. The other practitioner openly told about the content of the show and told people to pass it around. I also delivered the DVDs door to door. At one place, there were several sets of stairs in front of a house. After I got up the stairs, I saw a seven- or eight-year-old boy standing there. I gave him a DVD and asked him: “Little boy, do you have a DVD player at home?” He nodded. “You must watch this show!” I told him. As I turned around and walked down the stairs, the boy followed me and thanked me. I noticed that he spoke with a lisp and saw that he was disabled. He followed me on his crippled legs to thank me. I could not hold back my tears. In my heart, I said to Master: “Master, people are waiting to be saved, I came late!”

One day, we went to another town. Right after we got out of the car, we heard some evil Chinese Communist Party (CCP) songs being played. The other practitioner said, “Send forth righteous thoughts!” After we walked a couple of steps, the music stopped. While distributing the DVDs, I came to a convenience store. Several people were there playing cards. I asked the owner, “Do you have a DVD player? I have a set of DVDs of a show for you to see.” Several people asked for the DVDs. One of them said, “I feel that I know you.” I looked at her, but didn’t recognize her. She said, “I really feel that I know you.” I smiled and said, “It is probably our predestined relationship in a certain lifetime.” All of them smiled.

After we walked a little further, I came across the family who had been playing the CCP songs earlier. Actually, they were celebrating a wedding. I went in and gave them a couple of DVDs. I had then finished distributing all the DVDs I had. I followed the other practitioner and helped to hand out hers. While we were about to leave the town, I suddenly heard Dafa music coming from the sky. The practitioner said, “They are playing the Shen Yun DVD!” Then I realized what was going on. But I indeed heard sounds from above. We looked up and felt that the sky looked very clear and bright. Feeling grateful towards Master and the joy of being able to save sentient beings, we returned home.

On another occasion, we encountered danger when distributing Shen Yun DVDs in the countryside, but with Master's protection nothing happened to us. Once we were in a rural township. We walked on a trail under the baking sun. It was a festival day, but there was hardly anyone on the road. On a narrow road, we saw several houses, which led to the township that we just came from. The other practitioner and I agreed that I would take the narrow road while she would take the wide one, and we would meet at the township. After I reached the end of the narrow road and went to the wide road, I did not see the township, nor had I realized that I had gone the wrong way. I said in my heart, “Master, I want to find my fellow practitioner. Please help me.” Soon a car caught up with me and someone yelled from the car, “Are you going to the town? Get in!” I saw that my fellow practitioner was in the car, so I immediately joined them. After we drove for about a half Chinese mile, two police cars approached from the other direction. Soon, another police car arrived. The local people in the car said, “That is so strange. Why are there so many police cars in the village? Nothing has happened.” Then a fourth police car drove into the village. We were not moved and continued to send forth righteous thoughts on the way. With Master's protection, we got home safely. Once we arrived home, I saw several practitioners who were sending forth righteous thoughts for us, and I could not hold back my tears. They said that they felt that we might be having problems. We immediately looked inward. All of us found our own problems in cooperating with each other while saving people.

II. Encouraging more local practitioners to step forward

There were not many practitioners in our area, so after the persecution against Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, many practitioners would not step forward. For several years, we rarely distributed truth clarification materials. Only a few practitioners did it on a couple of occasions. There were only a few practitioners clarifying the truth face to face. Consequently, few everyday people knew the truth about Falun Gong, and most of them were our friends, relatives, or colleagues. Given this, several practitioners in our Fa study group wanted to distribute truth-clarification materials. The practitioner who had worked with me worked in another city. Once she was back in town, she said she would work with us, and last year, before the Chinese New Year Eve, we had the opportunity to work together. Some practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, while others distributed materials. That night we covered several streets and residential districts.

Once that practitioner had left, the heavy burden of distributing materials in our area fell on me. Although I was afraid, I believed in Master. I always sent forth righteous thoughts before I went out and asked Master to strengthen me. I also insisted on studying the Fa well, which was something that this practitioner always emphasized to me. Every time I finished distributing materials in one location, there would always be a bus waiting for me. In the winter of 2010, there was a thick layer of snow on the ground when I took more than 100 Shen Yun DVDs to another town. Soon my feet started to hurt because it was freezing cold. Ice water filled my shoes, but I ignored it and continued to distribute the DVDs to each booth. Many people took the DVDs that day. Within a short distance, I finished handing them all out. Then I went to the bus stop and there happened to be a bus ready to leave. As the bus left, a police car sped into town. I sent forth righteous thoughts and did not allow the evil to prevent sentient beings from being saved. With Master's protection, I arrived home safely again.

I am the only person in our Fa study group who does not work, so I have time to do these things. Even so, other practitioners did not lag behind. They always worked with me whenever they had time. At first, they did it at night. I just gave them a couple of DVDs and told them to take it easy, try their best, and send forth righteous thoughts more often. They distributed them one by one. There were some interesting incidents while we did this. I formed a group with two other practitioners. One practitioner distributed DVDs at the front, I gave out DVDs at the end, but the third practitioner in the middle did not distribute any. When she tried to hand-out the first DVD, the person did not accept it, so she got frustrated and decided to just send forth righteous thoughts while she was walking. After I finished handing out my DVDs, several children chased me, asking for more, but I had already run out. One child pointed to the practitioner in the middle and said, “She has them.” Although we were not together, the child insisted that she had DVDs. The children followed her, so she gave them each a DVD. The other practitioner and I smiled at each other; she also smiled.

After learning that I was distributing Shen Yun DVDs, Practitioner A from another Fa study group asked me to take her along. After she went out with us a couple of times, she quickly made a breakthrough. She also diligently cultivated herself. She changed many of her notions and benefitted from solidly cultivating herself. Once, we planned to visit a village. In the morning when I called her, she said another elderly practitioner also wanted to join us. I was a bit reluctant because this practitioner was 80 years old. As if she knew what I was thinking, Practitioner A asked me, “Do you have any problem with that?” I immediately rectified my thoughts and replied, “It is good that she wants to go. It is great that she wants to participate.” We then distributed the truth-clarification materials without a hitch. The elderly practitioner was very energetic, even going up and down slopes.

In the past two years, I've realized that our distribution of truth-clarification materials was all carefully arranged by Master. Practitioners just have to get up and do it. Several times, the weather turned out exactly as we wanted. Once, a big incident happened in our area and there were lots of police cars on the streets. I always went out at midnight. Once after Fa study, the coordinator said, “It would be nice if there was a heavy rain tonight. The bigger, the better.” To my surprise, indeed that night there was a lot of rain. Water flooded the ground, and right before I left home, the electricity went out. I quickly went out and distributed the truth-clarification materials. After I got back home, the rain stopped and the electricity came back on.

III. Study the Fa, look inward, and cultivate solidly

We encountered conflicts multiple times while working together. At first, I was able to remain calm and look within in a timely manner. One thing that impressed me was that when I went to the countryside with one practitioner, she said, “I feel so tired; I do not feel like working with you anymore.” I knew that she was tired as she had come to town in the morning and then we went to the countryside together. After distributing the materials, she then had to go to another city, which I could see was tiring for her. But I realized that she was not tired because of this. The reason was that she was burdened because I could not take my own path and improve my understanding of the Fa. Since then, I have tried my best to do what I need to do and work together with her well. For a period of time afterwards, we worked together really well. It was from then that I started to look inward seriously.

But later on, as I easily distributed Shen Yun DVDs and other materials, I started to feel proud of myself. I also saw attachments among other practitioners and did not feel like working with them anymore. Other practitioners discussed this with me many times, but I strongly rejected what they said, although I appeared to be calm and accepting. At that time there was more housework for me to do and I used this as my excuse. Then, one morning, I started to do the exercises after burning incense for Master. When I was doing the sitting meditation, the incense in the bowl started to burn. I did not move and thought that it would be fine, so I continued to meditate, at the same time looking within. Suddenly Master's Fa flashed into my mind: “If you do not help stop a murder or arson, what would you get involved with?” (Zhuan Falun).

I was shocked and immediately said: “Master, I was wrong.” Then I called the other practitioner, who fortunately had not yet left. I hurried to her place. On the way there, I found lots of human notions that I had: the attachment to work, validating myself, zealotry, fear, fame, profits. Recently, I worked hard to eliminate these human attachments. That day I told our coordinator, “I will not look for other practitioners' attachments anymore. I will focus on myself, and cultivate myself.”

After cultivating for more than ten years, I deeply realized that all the troubles and hardships came from my human notions. Only by calmly studying the Fa, really looking within and solidly cultivating oneself can the hardships and troubles stay away. I also realized that only by stepping forward and doing the three things can a principle be displayed in front of us. Only by deeply understanding the principle can the three things be done well, and we can take a righteous path and be genuine Dafa disciples assisting Master's Fa-rectification. Thank you again, Master,. Thank you, fellow practitioners.