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Qin Yuping from Heilongjiang Province Dies Seven Years after Her Son's Death as a Result of Persecution

May 12, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Qin Yuping was the mother of Mr. Pan Xingfu, who was tortured almost to death in 2005 in Mudanjiang Prison and then died at home. They were both Falun Gong practitioners. On April 7, 2012, Ms. Qin passed away seven years after the loss of her beloved son. She was 72 years old.

Ms. Qin's youngest son, Pan Xingfu, worked at the post office in Shangyashan City. He was the assistant dean for the Exchange Center of the Telecommunication Bureau and the deputy director of the Telecommunication Bureau of Youyi County. He was recognized as a model employee for the Shuangyashan postal system and a cross-century talent in Heilongjiang Province.

In 2002, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities illegally sentenced him to five years in prison because he wouldn't give up practicing Falun Dafa. After two years of persecution in Mudanjiang Prison he developed tuberculous pleurisy and atelectasis. He was sent home and passed away in January 2005.

Pan Xingfu

Pan Xingfu was persecuted almost to death in Mudanjiang Prison and then sent home

Bitter life

Ms. Qin was a resident of Shangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province. She began practicing Falun Gong in 1994. Her husband worked in a coal mine and had an accident, followed by traumatic psychosis. He later passed away due to an accident, leaving her with four children, the eldest, 17, and the youngest, seven.

Ms. Qin endured countless difficulties. For ten years she supported her four children through school, and three of them went to college. Her only daughter worked at a medical plant after college and unfortunately died of chlorine poisoning.

The succession of disasters and stress finally caused Ms. Qin to break down. She developed hepatitis, stomach problems, rheumatism, headaches, facial paralysis, and other health problems. She took lots of medicine, but nothing helped.

Luckily Encountered Dafa

In 1994, Ms. Qin's youngest son, Pan Xingfu, who went to Wuhan University of Technology, attended the classes taught by Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi. He brought his mother the Falun Gong cassettes.

After practicing Falun Gong for one month, Ms. Qin Yuping became physically healthy again. Her mental condition also changed. She had no illnesses from that point on. Her entire family was very happy. Her two other sons and daughters-in-law also began practicing Falun Gong. Her entire family began to live a good life.

Firm Belief in Dafa

However, in July 1999, the CCP began the persecution of Falun Gong. Ms. Qin suffered all kinds of difficulties, but she never gave up her belief and had no regrets. She walked on the road of validating Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in the human world.

Ms. Qin firmly believed in Falun Dafa. Once several people broke into and ransacked her home. Ms. Qin stood in front of Master Li Hongzhi's portrait and said solemnly, “You will have to take my life before you can take my teacher's portrait. Falun Gong gave me my life.” They left since they could not do anything to change her. Another time, she, who rarely took a trip, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. In Tiananmen Square, although police fists rained down on her head, she kept repeating out loud, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!”

Another time she was arrested and sent to a detention center. She was given nothing to eat or drink for seven days and nights. She later began hunger strike and eventually got her freedom.

Great Kindness and Huge Tolerance

Ms. Qin Yuping's great kindness was demonstrated when she still took care of others despite her difficult life. When some Dafa practitioners were detained, their families and friends would keep a distance from them. If that happened, Ms. Qin would send them coats. Some practitioners' families and children suffered financial difficulties, and she would pay their heating bills, letting them feel warmth and compassion when it was bitter cold. On holidays when friends sent her goodies, Ms. Qin would send those goodies to an older lady who was no worse off than herself.

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Yueqing was sentenced to 12 years in prison. After being mistreated in Mudanjiang Prison, he developed severe tuberculous. To avoid taking responsibility, the prison sent him home. Mr. Wu's older sister, who was taking care of him, was then arrested by the CCP. Mother Wu did not have the energy to take care of her son. His younger sister took care of him for only one week and then she went off to work, so Ms. Qin took Wu Yueqing to her own home and took good care of him. After Mr. Wu passed away, Ms. Qin helped to handle the events following his death. When Mr. Wu's older brother heard about what Ms. Qin had done for his younger brother, he publicly knelt down before her, because she had done what his family would not do.

Ms. Qin demonstrated great forbearance when she encountered hardship. She lost her parents when she was 19 years old, lost her husband when she was 40, lost her daughter when she was 50, and lost her youngest son when she was 60. If she had not practiced Falun Gong, she would have collapsed. During those days, her daughter-in-law was also sentenced to a nine-year prison term and detained at the Harbin City Women's Prison. Ms. Qin and her grandson lived on 180 yuan per month. She took great pains in caring for her grandson for nine years. In the meantime, she often had to go to Harbin to visit her daughter-in-law. Other elderly people would take sleeper seats, but, in order to save money, Ms. Qin and her grandson took the hard seats.

For a while, Ms. Qin's second son and daughter-in-law were also detained. She had to take care of her granddaughter and grandson and had to visit her detained children and endure the misunderstanding and disapproval of relatives and friends. Sometimes the residential committee and police went to her home to threaten her, but she never complained. Winter days in the northeast are bleak. People often saw an old lady carrying her 4-year-old grandson in one arm and holding her granddaughter's hand with her other hand, walking with difficulty on the way to school. When a Falun Gong practitioner once went to her home at mealtime, she looked at what was cooking in the pot and saw that it was only potato and cabbage again. That practitioner hid her tears.

For the past 12 years of the CCP persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Qin Yuping endured countless hardships, suffered difficulties, and had no regrets. She tried to validate Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She was a great mother and a steadfast Falun Dafa practitioner. Before she passed away, she remembered Falun Gong Master Li Hongzhi's mighty mercy. Her death saddened every person who had had contact with her.