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Master Saved My Siblings, My Brother-in-law, and Me

April 09, 2012 |  


Master Saved the Four of Us: My Siblings, My Brother-in-law, and Myself

I started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. On February 25, 2012, my younger sister's husband drove my sister, brother, and me to the suburbs. The roads were covered with ice and snow. My brother-in-law drove quickly, over 60 kilometers an hour, because he was anxious. The car suddenly went out of control as we sped around a curve on the slippery road. We were headed straight for a ditch on the side of the road. There was a small piece of flat ground on the side of the ditch, but there was a big tree in front of it that we were about to hit. At that critical moment I said, “Quickly shout, 'Falun Dafa is good.'” I hurriedly yelled again, “Falun Dafa is good.” We then heard a loud sound as the car crashed into the tree.

My brother-in-law, brother, and I got out of the car after we recuperated for a moment. The front of the car was smashed to smithereens and looked as if it had disappeared. The hood was scrunched up to one-third of a meter. The windshield was smashed to pieces. My brother-in-law and brother, who was sitting in the passenger seat, weren't wearing seat belts and had crashed into the windshield. My brother had a blood clot on his face and he had twisted his neck. My brother-in-law had a hematoma in his eye. My sister had a bump on her head and her neck hurt. I wasn't hurt in the least. I took them to a big hospital to be examined. They took photographs and did a CAT scan, but they didn't have any fractures. The doctor gave my sister some ointment to relieve her pain. They all went home.

We knew it was the Master of Dafa that saved the four of us. My brother said, “Under normal conditions, even if we didn't lose our lives, we would have had fractures of some kind after such a severe collision.” They all knew that Falun Dafa is good and had withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. They were very fortunate even though they suffered such an accident. It was an auspicious sign!

We're very thankful for the great benevolence of Master Li Hongzhi. We are grateful for Master's constant blessings and his protection of Dafa disciples. He safeguards our whole family wherever we go. I have practiced Falun Dafa for 15 years and have benefited mentally and physically. I have witnessed countless miracles that Dafa disciples have experienced. I sincerely want to tell the world's people, “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa offers salvation to sentient beings. Whatever you do, don't believe the lies that the CCP is spreading to deceive the world's people. Quickly learn the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. Withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Avoid the great misfortunes that await mankind and choose a glorious future for your family and yourself.”

Practicing Falun Dafa Cured My Leukemia and Gave Me a New Life

Prior to practicing Falun Dafa I had been diagnosed with four serious illnesses, including automatic nervous system disorder, heart disease and high blood pressure, kidney failure and uremia, and leukemia. When I was told I had leukemia, in particular, felt like I had been given a death sentence. I had practiced many forms of qigong, but they were ineffective in curing my illnesses. On the contrary my condition continued to worsen. I took ten to twenty different medications and ingested more of them than any food I ate. I was no longer able to work and retired 12 years earlier than the norm.

My family circumstances were very unfortunate. My mother hit me and swore at me. As a child, I had to do more tiring work than an adult. She found me a husband when I grew up, and I was elated to leave this sea of woes. I couldn't imagine that my situation could get worse. It was like jumping into a fiery pit. My husband was very selfish, irritable, imperious, and overbearing. He showed no concern about me or my illnesses. I felt as if I didn't exist. I tried to commit suicide three times.

I began practicing Falun Dafa in the Spring of 1996. I understood many questions that I had pondered and the purpose of my life. I experienced the Lord Buddha's magnanimous benevolence and the mighty power of Dafa. My illnesses disappeared without a trace in less than three months. Within a year I began menstruating again after an absence of menstruation for six years. I was healthy, and my body felt light. I looked more beautiful and youthful. At over 50 years old, I experienced for the first time in my life what “good health is a blessing” means. Master gave me a new life. I know that I need to use this new extension of life to repay Master's great kindness. I need to courageously and energetically help Master rectify the Fa.

Master Protected My Feet from Being Scalded and Injured

On the evening of February 23, 2012 I was carrying a large thermos of boiling water, weighing about 5.5 pounds, when the glass liner of the thermos came out. I was scared stiff. I watched helplessly as the liner fell. It felt like someone had bumped into the thermos. The liner moved forward one meter, fell on the ground, and exploded with a loud sound. At the time I was in a daze and didn't think about how this could have happened. There was boiling water and sparkling fragments of glass everywhere in front of me. I then came out of my stupor and gazed at my feet. It was a miracle that not one drop of the boiling water splashed on my feet. My shoes, though, were covered with splinters of glass.

My husband came over and passed me a clean pair of shoes. My feet were covered with shards of glass. I used my hands to wipe off my feet. There were glass splinters all over my hands. I then used a cloth to wipe up the splinters and water off the floor. I was busy cleaning up and didn't notice until I had finished that not a single piece of glass had stuck my hands or feet. My feet had not been scalded either.

Today my feet would have been scalded badly had Master not endured this for me and protected me. The outcome would have been too dreadful to contemplate. This increased my already 100 percent faith in Master and Dafa. I must be even more courageous and energetic and do well the three things that Master has required of us. I would like to tell everyone, “Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa. Every word in the teachings of Falun Dafa is true. Don't let yourself be deceived by the lies of the CCP. Learn the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. Read Zhuan Falun and you will be able to understand all the mysteries in life that you couldn't fathom before.”