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Ms. Zhao Guirong and Other Practitioners Abused at Shaanxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp

April 29, 2012 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shaanxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Guirong from Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province, is in critical condition due to being tortured in the Shaanxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp. More than 10 other practitioners are being abused in the labor camp at this time.

To protest the persecution, Ms. Zhao went on a hunger strike several times, and as a result, became very weak. Her legs were also badly injured from severe beatings by Liu Cuolao, head of the Xianyang Domestic Security Division, resulting in difficulty walking.

Ms. Zhao, 60, is from the residential area of the Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine in Xianyang City. On the morning of January 5, 2012, Gou Wenbin, head of the Weicheng District Drug Rehabilitation Center, led six police officers and four security officers from the hospital to the residential area. They broke into Ms. Zhao’s home and forcibly took her into the police vehicle, even though she was not dressed. She was not even allowed to put on her shoes. They also ransacked her home and took away Falun Gong books, an image of Master Li Hongzhi and many of her other personal belongings, including computers and MP5 players. Gou Wenbin also threatened Ms. Zhao’s husband, who is in his 80s, “If I see Falun Gong materials in your room, I will arrest you.”

Ms. Zhao Guirong and Ms. Gou Zhengxia tortured in detention

Prior to this most recent arrest, Ms. Zhao had been illegally arrested along with 56-year-old practitioner Ms. Gou Zhengxia by officers from the Weicheng District Domestic Security Division while distributing truth-clarifying materials in Weicheng District, Xianyang City, on the morning of July 4, 2011. Domestic Security Division head Liu Cuolao severely beat and slapped the two practitioners and interrogated them late into the night. The police also broke into Ms. Zhao’s home that evening and confiscated her Falun Gong books, CDs and many other personal belongings.

The two practitioners were then transferred to the Weicheng District Drug Rehabilitation Center, which is being used as a detention facility. They were subjected to various tortures, which induced hypertension. Ms. Zhao and Ms. Gou went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. As a form of torture, the guards then brutally force-fed them. They handcuffed their hands behind their backs, held their arms and legs, and blocked their noses, causing them to have to keep their mouths open to breathe. As soon as they opened their mouths to breathe, the guards inserted tools that prevented them from closing their mouths again. The guards then force-fed them, causing them to nearly choke. Gou Wenbin also participated in the torture.

Due to the torture, Ms. Zhao appeared to be disabled in her lower body. Attempting to shirk their responsibility for her injuries, the rehabilitation center released her on September 19, 2011. They also extorted money from her family.

Over 10 practitioners abused in Shaanxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp

More than 10 practitioners are being detained and tortured at the Shaanxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp at this time.

Practitioners detained in Ward No. 1 include Ms. Yu Hui and Ms. Ren Yubing from Xian City, Ms. Li Yinge from Xianyang City, and Ms. Xu Guifang from Qishan County, Baoji City.

Practitioners detained in Ward No. 2 include Ms. He Qiuling from Xian City, Ms. Zhao Guirong from Xianyang City and Ms. Xue Yingying.

Practitioners detained in Ward No. 3 include Ms. Gou Zhengxia, Ms. Liu Xiaomei and Ms. Zhang Xiaomei.

Practitioners detained in Ward No. 5 include Ms. Li Xiaoli.

Ms. Yu Hui, 57, was arrested by officers from the Majiawan Town Police Station in Xian City on the morning of May 24, 2011, when she told people the facts about Falun Gong. She was detained at the Gaoling County Detention Center for 29 days and then transferred to the Shaanxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp on June 21, 2011, without any legal procedures.

Ms. Xue Yingying, 59, was arrested by officers from the Jingwei Police Station on the morning of June 16, 2011. She was detained at the Gaoling Detention Center for 20 days and then sentenced to one year at the Shaanxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp. Agents from the Gaoling County 610 Office participated in the persecution of Ms. Xue.

Ms. Xu Guifang, 66, was arrested by officers Zhang Wei and He Dan from the Yintai District Police Department in Tongchuan City on the afternoon of February 3, 2012, when she spoke to people about Falun Gong. The police later ransacked her home and confiscated Falun Gong books and many other personal belongings. Ms. Xu was sentenced to two years of forced labor and sent to the Shaanxi Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp on February 16, 2012.