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My Wife's Cancer Symptoms Disappeared after She Began Cultivating

April 10, 2012 |   By a man who benefited from Falun Dafa in Yunnan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I didn't know anything about the magical and subtle power of Falun Dafa and its principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance until my wife's serious illness was cured. We have since firmly believed that Falun Dafa and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good.

It all began with my wife getting very sick. In April 2011, I took her to our county hospital since she wasn't feeling well. The test results revealed a general gynecological disease for which she was given injections and other medication. However, after over three weeks of injections, she only got worse. We later went to a specialty hospital to have her thoroughly examined. When we were informed of the terrible diagnosis—cervical cancer—I was terrified and she mentally collapsed.

We went immediately to the provincial hospital, which specialized in the treatment of tumors. They came up with the same diagnosis—cervical cancer. What a disaster! How could heaven do such an injustice to good people like us? We had to face the facts, however, and had no choice but to follow the doctor's treatment program. We decided to take one step at a time and let our fate run its course.

We proceeded based on the doctor's prescribed program. The first step was chemotherapy; the second was surgery; the third, chemotherapy; the fourth, radiation; and the fifth, sixth, etc. There was no end to it. We had no idea about what kind of situation she could be in. She was the backbone of our family, and I would do anything to save her. I wouldn't be able to live alone without her, so we decided to stick with the treatments. When we returned home after the third chemotherapy treatment, it was clear that she was dying.

At this time of desperation, a distant relative of ours came to tell my wife the truth about Falun Dafa and brought the Dafa book Zhuan Falun. My wife began reading Zhuan Falun every day, which led to an amazingly rapid recovery. She didn't want to go through a fourth chemotherapy treatment, but, persuaded by her friends and relatives, she reluctantly underwent chemotherapy for 43 days. She nonetheless insisted on studying the Fa along with practicing the five Falun Gong exercises, even though the chemotherapy was taking its toll physically. At this time, her health not only improved daily, but she didn't even get sick when our next-door neighbor exposed her to the flu. She hasn't taken any injections or medicine for over four months now. I'm so happy!

Although I spent everything necessary to save her, I've realized that the hospital treatments didn't save her. Falun Dafa saved her, gave her a second life, and saved our entire family. I want to shout to the world, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Teacher Li Hongzhi is good!”