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Cultivation Increased My Compassion

June 27, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) While I often read articles on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, I never thought of writing something of my own because I felt I was doing poorly in cultivation practice. Recently, though, every time I went to the website, I saw the notice for submitting articles. I thought, “Perhaps it is time for me to write something.”

I'd like to share with you how I increased my compasion through cultivation practice. Though I have practiced cultivation for many years, I have not been diligent. I have some bad habits that keep me from strictly following Master's requirements. I can find many of my attachments, but I don't have the determination and perseverance to change myself and eliminate them.

Last summer I returned to my countryside hometown and often visited another practitioner. Every time I saw her, she and I would talk about my sister-in-law and worry about her cultivation practice, for she had so many shortcomings.

One day, I visited the practitioner again, and brought along my sister-in-law. I talked about my cultivation and intentionally talked about how I looked inside, implying that my sister-in-law should look up to me and learn to look inside. Many practitioners, including me, thought she tended to criticize others without looking inside. Her tone was harsh - like a commander, and hard for others to accept.

I kept talking and my sister-in-law didn't say a word, appearing irritated. All of a sudden she got up and left. I didn't expect this to happen. The other practitioner said, “See? No one can criticize her.” She told me a lot of stories about my sister-in-law, and concluded that except for her steadfast belief in Master and the Fa, and being very familiar with Master's early lectures, she doesn't behave like a practitioner. She was worried that my sister-in-law would end up on an evil path. We worried about her very much but didn't know what to do.

The next day I decided to give it another try by talking to my sister-in-law personally. I wanted to ask her if she had looked inside yesterday. If not, I thought I should give up helping her.

Her family of four lives on my brother's modest salary. They have a tight budget, but she spent money recklessly and often bought the best products, especially food. The family was unhappy, people talked about her behind her back, and even kids laughed at her. I felt bad every time I heard about it. This time I wanted to persuade her to be considerate toward others.

Her house was a mess except where she put Master's picture. I told her that I didn't think her personality was appropriate, and that she should follow Master's requirements, live within her means, and mind the details in life. She talked back bluntly, “Why should I make you like me?” I was speechless, and thought, “Right, why should she make herself likable to me? Why should she live up to my standards?”

I suddenly came to understand that while I have been telling her to look inside, I have been focusing on her shortcomings instead of looking inside myself. She then told me a lot about her life - many things I was unaware of. She had never told these things to anyone else before. I realized that her steadfast belief in Master and Fa cannot compare with many practitioners. My compassion suddenly increased. I understand her now, and realize that I didn't like her because my heart was too small.

I then sincerely told her about my problems in cultivation practice, and she shared her insights with me. Normally I wouldn't listen to her, but that day I found her words very inspiring. I often shared my experiences and problems with other practitioners, but after talking with them repeatedly and in circles, we never could find a solution. I now realized that we had failed to understand the cause of my problems and failed to overcome the human notions with Fa principles. In addition, other practitioners couldn't do what my sister-in-law did, in pointing out my attachments without worrying about hurting my feelings. She was far more familiar with Master's teachings than I. Every time I mentioned an attachment, she helped me realize my notions by quoting Master's original words. After sharing experiences with my sister-in-law I have come to understand the deeper importance of studying the Fa and memorizing the Fa, and I have improved a lot.

My insights have increased since that incident, and it seems that the separation between my sister-in-law and I has been removed. When I left and suggested she clean up the garbage in her yard she accepted my suggestion joyfully. This would have never happened before. I realized that since the separation between us was removed, my words no longer carried insinuations of my not liking her, so she could accept my suggestions. My attachments were the reason for her negative actions.

I was very happy that day because I not only found my shortcomings, but also discovered other practitioners' virtue. I am extremely happy while writing this article today. I thank Master for every opportunity, helping me to raise my xinxing.

I shared my understandings with the practitioner I mentioned earlier in this article. She realized her shortcomings too, and became aware that while it appeared she was looking inside she was actually looking outside. We had good intentions of helping others, and it was OK to bring others' problems to their attention, but being attached to others' not improving and to their not being in line with our ideas was a terrible, hidden fault!

We are human beings in the process of cultivation practice, and we all certainly have shortcomings. We should look at others' strengths, compare ourselves with them, and improve ourselves.