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Solemn Declarations by Two Dafa Practitioners

June 17, 2011 |  


Solemn Declaration

I began practicing Falun Gong in July 1997. In October 1999, I went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. I was arrested and detained in the detention center in my county for two months. The police also extorted 1,200 yuan from me. In 2001, I was sentenced to 8 months of forced labor and was sent to a brainwashing center by the prison authorities. In 2008, I was arrested for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and was held in a detention center for 11 days. I had to pay 18,000 yuan for my release. Several days after I was released the police went to my home and forced me to sign a statement renouncing Falun Gong. Under the pressure, I signed the statement. I am very remorseful for having let Teacher and Dafa down. I hereby declare to everyone that what I did and said against Dafa is null and void. From now on I will double my efforts to compensate for the losses I caused Dafa. I will remain steadfast in my cultivation in Dafa, do the three things well and return to my true home with Teacher.

Han Jinhuan, May 25, 2011


Solemn Declaration

Because of my human attachment of fear, I was persecuted many times. On the evening of July 20, 2002, I was arrested by CCP agents when I was at my daughter's home and was sent to a brainwashing center in my city. During my detention I was coerced and intimidated by officers from the 610 Office and former practitioners who had renounced Falun Gong under pressure. In their interrogation of me they seemed to know everything about me, creating an illusion that all fellow practitioners had betrayed me. Desperate to get out, I wrote and signed a statement to renounce Falun Gong under the pressure of the former practitioners. In addition, I watched the videos that slandered Dafa and Teacher and wrote some articles against Teacher and Dafa based on those videos as required by the CCP officers. Even worse, when some officers from the local 610 Office interrogated me I betrayed my fellow practitioners by telling officers the details about them. After I was released I read Teacher's new articles and was very ashamed for the damage that I had done to Dafa. Yet, out of my fear that the authorities may come to search my daughter's home, I handed all my Falun Gong materials to the authorities, including more than 30 Falun Gong books, a Falun Dafa poster, a videotape of the Falun Gong exercises, a set of audiotapes of Teacher's Fa lectures in Jinan City, Shandong Province and some Falun Dafa pins. When my daughter went to see me in the brainwashing center I told her to burn all the Dafa articles that I left at her home, either transcribed or printed. By doing so, I involved my daughter in my crimes against Dafa. I feel very remorseful whenever I think of these things. Recently I read an article “On the Solemn Statement Again” from Clearwisdom Weekly and I realized that Teacher was giving me one more opportunity to compensate for what I did before. I should seize this opportunity to expose my human attachments as my apology to Teacher. I hereby declare that all that I did and said against Teacher and Dafa when my mind was not clear is null and void. From now on I will firmly believe in Teacher and Dafa, keep cultivating myself in Dafa, compensate for the losses that I have caused to Dafa, assist Teacher in Fa rectification and return to my true home with Teacher.

Liu Yongru, May 22, 2011
