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My Experience and Understanding of Completely Denying the Persecution

June 12, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Guangdong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I used to think that some practitioners were persecuted for long periods of time and faced countless hardships because they didn't fully understand Dafa. Also, in certain areas, the persecution was particularly intense. I want to share my thoughts on this topic, so as to completely stop this persecution.

As I see it, the persecution targets each and every practitioner, as well as Dafa disciples as a whole, Dafa, and sentient beings. Thus, it damages Fa-rectification and Fa-validation, and prevents many sentient beings from being saved.

With regard to the persecution, I started to deal with it in a different way. In order to oppose and stop the persecution, I let go of the fear of death. However, I did not let go of the fear of death in order to stop the persecution, but rather to cultivate myself, eliminate the evil, oppose the persecution, and save sentient beings.

Even so, the evil continued to persecute Dafa practitioners for various reasons. My way of dealing with this was to stop trying to oppose or stop the persecution on the surface. In addition, I let go of the feeling that I had to suffer through the persecution and endure it, or worse yet, that I could no longer endure the persecution. I also let go of the fear of being persecuted and other related attachments. I simply eliminated the evil, validated Dafa, and compassionately saved sentient beings.

Evil elements in other dimensions are manipulating bad people to carry out the persecution, so by eliminating the evil and by targeting those evil elements and the old forces, the persecution can be stopped without targeting the people who actually carry out the persecution.

Having upgraded my understanding, I started to eliminate the evil and compassionately clarify the truth to the people directly involved in the persecution. Then I realized that I needed to deny the persecution completely and just do what I should do. Later, I realized that I had to jump out of my selfish way of thinking and just protect Dafa and save sentient beings.

With regard to the persecution, I neither accept nor acknowledge it. My cultivation and assisting Master in validating the Fa has nothing to do with the persecution at all. So I deny the persecution completely and do not acknowledge the existence of evil and its arrangements, or even the appearance of so-called tribulations.

For instance, when I try to convince people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, some say that Dafa disciples are opposing the CCP. I tell them, “We are not against anybody. We have no desire to oppose anyone. What we do is to save you.”

I remember being held at a detention center in China, where party members forced Dafa practitioners to explain their feelings about the staged Tiananmen self-immolation incident. When it was my turn, I said: "The Tiananmen immolation incident was staged. No one should think it is real!”

Then, the prisoner leader raised his palm over his head, ready to strike me. At that time, the enlightened side of me controlled my body. Facing the leader's immediate threat, I continued to point out how the Tiananmen immolation was indeed fake.

At that time, I felt that I had an obligation to clarify the truth, even if it meant facing persecution. All the people in the prison were shocked, including the prisoner leader. He lowered his palm and ordered me back to my bed. As I headed back to my bed, I continued to explain why the self-immolation incident was a staged event.

At that time, I realized that I still had a long way to go in my cultivation. Why? Because I did what the leader told me to do, out of fear. I acknowledged the existence of the evil and the tribulation. My human notions dominated my thinking, making it impossible for me to raise my level.

However, after the incident, the leaders among the prisoners really respected me.

If we are not afraid of anything, completely deny the old force arrangements, and do the three things well, then the evil will automatically be eliminated.

This is my personal understanding, please kindly consider it.