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Solemn Declarations from Two Dafa Practitioners

June 01, 2011 |  


Solemn Declaration

Prior to July 20, 1997, I didn't follow Master's requirements to truly and solidly cultivate myself. Neither could I recognize the issue from the perspective of the Fa teachings. Thus I made some mistakes after the persecution against Falun Gong began. I voluntarily handed over Falun Dafa books and burned my copy of Zhuan Falun, Falun Gong Vol. 2 and some Falun Dafa informational materials. I also signed a guarantee statement attesting that I would not practice Falun Gong. Because of my attachments to selfishness and fear, I had placed my self-interest above Dafa. I had been irresponsible to my cultivation and to Master's compassion. I feel shameful to face Master and Dafa. I am extremely regretful for what I did. I solemnly declare: “All I that have done that was not in compliance with Dafa is null and void. I'll firmly believe in Master and Dafa, steadfastly do the three things well and righteously walk the cultivation path.”

By Wu Jiping, May 06,2011

Chinese version available at : http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/5/17/138人声明从新开始修炼-240808.html

Solemn Declaration

Being brainwashed by the Chinese Communist party (CCP) in April 2001, I betrayed Master and Dafa by writing the so-called “Disassociation Statement” and “Repentance Statement.” Being muddleheaded, I let police take away Dafa books from my home and allowed my family to pay them 5,000 Yuan for my release from detention. I betrayed Master and Dafa again in 2002 when I was illegally arrested and detained. I wrote a “Repentance Statement” while under unbearably wicked persecution during my detention. I solemnly declare: “Everything I have done that is against the requirements of Master and Dafa is null and void. I completely negate the wicked arrangement by the old forces. To be worthy of Master's salvation, I'll closely follow Master on the Fa-rectification path and do my very best to make up for the damage I caused.”

By Gang Yalin, May 13, 2011Chinese Version available at : http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2011/5/20/182人声明从新开始修炼-241034.html

Note: Disassociation Statement—a statement to declare a severing of all ties with Falun Gong and a promise not to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.