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Accounts of Persecution at Guangzhou's Armed Police Hospital

May 05, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Guangdong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Police agents recently took a newly-arrested practitioner to the Guangzhou Armed Police Hospital for a physical examination. The first four floors of this building are open to the public, but starting at the sixth floor, all entrances are guarded. The security is very tight, and even the police need to swipe their badges to get in. In one room on the sixth floor, this practitioner saw a group of people squatting down on the floor in a row and handcuffed. Behind them was a row of armed police guards dressed in camouflage clothing, wearing surgical masks and holding electric batons.

This hospital is located in the downtown area of Guangzhou City. Many arrested practitioners have been sent there for further abuse, yet very little information has thus far been exposed about it. Below are several cases of practitioners who were abused there.

Mr. Zhu Jianpeng is a former employee of the Yongda Corporation in Panyu District of Guangzhou. Police agents illegally arrested him in July 2008 for distributing truth-clarification materials and sent him to a detention center. Due to mistreatment in the detention center, he developed symptoms of tuberculosis. Nonetheless, the agents still sent him to the Guangzhou Third Forced Labor Camp. Because of his severe illness, he was later transferred to the Guangzhou Armed Police Hospital, where he was injected with unknown drugs. As a result, he suffered from dizziness and had a fever for a long time. He also could no longer think clearly or stand still. In the end, Mr. Zhu developed hematuria and kidney failure. The police released him in order to avoid being held responsible for their acts. After several years of being mistreated, Mr. Zhu passed away. (Reference: http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2010/6/4/117628.html)

Agents from the 610 Office arrested practitioner Ms. Zeng Libo from Guangzhou on August 26, 2010, at her home. These agents took her to the Chatou Forced Labor Camp and later transferred her to the Integrated Division of the Guangzhou Armed Police Hospital. It has been reported that this division specializes in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

Ms. Wu Zhengping is a practitioner from Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province. Police officers arrested her at her apartment in Tianhetang of Guangzhou in September 2007. Because Ms. Wu held a hunger strike to protest her mistreatment at the Tianhe Detention Center, she was put in solitary confinement. She was also forcibly injected with drugs through an IV and later transferred to the Guangzhou Armed Police Hospital. By then, she weighed only about 40 kilograms (88 lb.). Despite her poor physical condition, guards pulled her into a patient room, tied her to a bed, and force-fed her. The guards did not remove the nasal tube afterward, which caused her to have difficulty breathing. Officials arrested and detained her four times.

Ms. Lu Xianming, a practitioner from Guangzhou, was detained in the Guangzhou Armed Police Hospital in 2006. She went on a hunger strike to protest, and as a result guards chained her to a bed day and night. She was also force-fed every day through a thick, stiff nasal tube.

Contact information for the Guangdong Provincial Armed Police Hospital:
268 Yanling Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong 510507
Operator: 86-20-61627499
Telephone: 86-20-61627183, 61627267, 61627242, 61627185
Liao Xianping, hospital head
Wang Yanbin, deputy hospital head