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My Understanding on Fa-Study

May 13, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Teacher has always stressed "study the Fa well and abundantly--and do so frequently" (“To the First Fa Conference in India”) Many practitioners know the importance of more Fa study. They have organized Fa-study groups among themselves. Some recite the Fa, while others have copied the books. During this process, many practitioners have gone through great transformations, and some have experienced limited transformations, but others have not had any transforming experiences at all.

In response to the state I was in, I increased the time I studied the Fa and intensified my Fa-study; however, the outcome was not as optimal as I expected. Why? The other day when I was studying the Fa, I suddenly came to enlighten to a principle, which was that reading the book does not equate to Fa-study, as it is just a format. Only if one truly comes to understand the inner meaning of the Fa and follows it, can it be counted as having truly studied the Fa. Because only by holding oneself to the standards of the Fa can one achieve solid cultivation. Teacher said,

"So when you study the Fa, don't just go through the motions. You have to calm your mind when you read it, and truly study it." ("Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.")

Many practitioners have been studying the Fa, doing the exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth. However, those are not what cultivation is all about, as cultivation is a very broad concept. For example, some of us only like to hear compliments and praise. Others do not want to listen to any criticism or sarcasm. Doesn't it mean that we are not holding themselves to the standards of the Fa?

"I've told you to study the Fa a lot, to study the Fa, study the Fa, study the Fa... When you don't give weight to Fa-study, those things are bound to be indulged.

Think about it, everyone, isn't it ordinary people who, living in the ordinary world, care about enjoying those pleasing things and who enjoy hearing pleasing words? You're a cultivator, so do you want those ordinary things? Let me tell you, since you're cultivators and you're among ordinary people, you just have to listen to those displeasing words, and you have to be able to listen to those displeasing words. (Applause) Otherwise, when you haven't even resolved this most basic cultivation issue, how could you call yourself a Dafa disciple?" (“Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference”)

Another example is when one does not care about benefitting the one-body. Rather, they want to do things on their own impulse. If they are in a good mood today, they are willing to take care of the affairs of the one-body. If they are not in a good mood, they won't care about that. They'd rather go ahead and do what they want to do. If they put themselves first in everything they do, won't they lag behind in their cultivation and end up bringing the cunningness of a human being to their cultivation? By doing this, are they following the Fa? Teacher said, "That's why I tell you that you need to study the Fa a lot and use the Fa as your standard." (“Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students”) When we study the Fa, we not only study the Fa principles. We also have to follow the requirements of the Fa and look within, all the time, to truly cultivate.