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Studying the Fa Well Assures Proper Fa-Validation

February 06, 2011 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, some fellow practitioners have been circulating or listening to stories of Milarepa and Jesus. Having come this far, Dafa disciples should be more mature and ought to take the Fa as the teacher. Let me share some personal understandings at my current level.

The Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom) is a forum for Dafa disciples to exchange understandings and share experiences. In addition to providing a platform to expose the persecution in China and directly clarify the truth, the site also publishes many articles by practitioners on cultivation, Fa-validation and saving sentient beings. However, many of us who read cultivation articles on Minghui Weekly only remember the specific practices and understandings in them, forgetting how the author enlightened to certain paragraphs of the Fa and then did what was expected of him or her by upgrading xinxing. In our discussions and sharing, we all say that Minghui Weekly said such and such, rather than looking at the specific references of the Fa that the author understood, which led to his actions. I think that when this happens, it is a sign that we are not cultivating within the Fa, we are unable to take the Fa as the teacher and we are forgetting that Dafa cultivation requires “directly targeting the mind.”

I see that some practitioners have been circulating and spending a lot of time listening to stories of Milarepa and Jesus. Some love to talk about how Milarepa went through suffering and hardships, and yet speak nothing of what Master says in the Fa. Furthermore, they feel sleepy or doze off as soon as they start reading the Fa. This is an indication that they do not know how to cultivate and that they are being interfered with.

Be it Milarepa or Jesus, they invariably followed the cultivation methods of the past and only served to lay a foundation for the culture of cultivation. Master told us that the cultivation methods of the past have been all about self-extrication and the cultivation of the Assistant Spirit. Dafa disciples are here to assist Master in Fa-rectification and to save sentient beings, thus realizing our grand vows from prehistoric times. To learn how to cultivate in the Fa and upgrade oneself, one must study the Fa frequently and study the Fa well; to understand how to “take the Fa as the teacher,” one must study the Fa frequently and study the Fa well; to send forth righteous thoughts well, one must again study the Fa frequently and study the Fa well. Therefore, we must spend most of our time doing the three things well to properly complete the remaining journey of saving sentient beings and validating the Fa.

The above are personal understandings at my current level. Please point out anything inappropriate.