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Hebei First Provincial Forced Labor Camp Tortures Falun Gong Practitioner Han Xinlin (Photo)

February 23, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hebei Province, China

Name: Han Xinlin (韩新林)
Age: 36
Address: Hedong Community, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: June 25, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention: Tangshan City Forced Labor Camp (唐山劳教所)
City: Tangshan
Province: Hebei
Persecution Suffered: Electric shock, sleep deprivation, forced labor, beatings, torture, physical restraint, denied visitation

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 25, 2010, after being harassed by CCP agents, Qinhuangdao Falun Gong practitioner Han Xinlin was arrested and taken to the Tangshan Labor Camp. Han Xinlin's family and friends went to the relevant departments to appeal, but the Public Security Bureau didn't provide any official correspondence after more than one month. Instead of providing protection for the victim, the Pubic Security Bureau provided protection for the CCP agents and the police officers who had violated the law. Yan Hongli, captain of the Hebei First Labor Camp, tortured Han Xinlin for seven days. They tortured her with electric shocks, beatings, and sleep deprivation, and forced her to walk barefoot on the frozen ground.

Tangshan Kaiping Forced Labor Camp

On the morning of January 12, 2011, Han Xinlin and five other Falun Gong practitioners, Wang Jiuhua, Xu Aihua, Lao Pan, Peng Xiuming, and Cao Yachun, held in the Sixth Section of the labor camp, were sending forth righteous thoughts together. Camp guards Yan Hongli, Liu Liying, Jia Fengmei, Liu Jie, and Liu Shunying came in and ordered them to put their hands down to stop sending righteous thoughts. When Han Xinlin did not obey, the guards hit her hand. Then Zhang Fengxia, a guard on duty from the criminal section, busted in and grabbed Han Xinlin's clothes, and started to beat her. With the help of other guards, they dragged her out. When Xu Aihua held onto Han Xinlin to prevent them from dragging her away, Zhang Fengxia punched Xu Aihua in the stomach fiercely. When Xu Aihua shouted, “Falun Dafa is good,” Zhang covered her mouth and dragged her out also.

Guards continued to beat Han Xinlin after removing her from the cell. When they passed a corridor, she grabbed onto a railing. Guard Liu Shunying kicked her leg and the other guards joined in and beat her. They dragged her to the captain's room, handcuffed her to a heating pipe, and made her squat on the floor barefoot. Guard Yan Hongli would not stop torturing her and used an electric prod to shock her thigh, buttocks, and hands. They left her there handcuffed for three consecutive days, barefoot and deprived of any sleep.

Later, guards took her to a colder room, made her sit on a stool, and handcuffed her hands to the leg of a table and would not allow her to sleep. When personnel in charge saw that Han Xinlin was not wearing adequate clothing and got a quilt for her, one of the guards wouldn’t allow it. Han Xinlin was held in that position for seven days, barefoot. She lost consciousness from prolonged exposure to the freezing cold.

The Hebei First Labor Camp is located in Tangshan Kaiping District. Falun Gong practitioners held there are not allowed to take showers or wash their hair. If they refuse to wear prison clothes or recite their prison numbers during roll call, the camp will deny them the right to have family visitation and will not allow them to buy daily necessities.