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Sentient Beings Are Longing to Be Saved

February 21, 2011 |   By a practitioner in Dalian city, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I am an elderly female practitioner. With the advancement of the Fa-rectification, more and more people are getting to know the truth. They are longing to be saved. As a result, it becomes more urgent for practitioners to save sentient beings. I would like to share with you some of the experiences that I have had going out on the street and talking to people.

One day I was waiting for a bus when an old gentleman asked me the time. As soon as I told him, the bus arrived. I was always the last one to get on the bus. When I got on, the only seat available was right behind this man, so I sat down there. He turned around and looked at me several times as if he wanted to say something. So I asked him how old he was and went on to chat with him. Our conversation naturally led me to ask him if he was a Communist Party member. I offered to help him withdraw his membership. He nodded right away. I asked him why he did not ask that question? He said, “I have read all of your materials.” At that point, it was my stop. I waved goodbye to him and he smiled at me as I got off the bus.

On another day, I was walking down an alley when I saw someone selling apples. I greeted him and eventually asked if he had read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. He hadn't, so I gave him a copy and asked if he had quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. He said that he had never been part of it. At that point, an elderly man came out to ask if we were discussing Falun Gong. The vendor answered yes, and the older man said, “Falun Gong is great.” I said to him, “You are very smart because you can tell right from wrong. If everyone were like you, it would be great.” Then he said to the the young man, “When you are done with this book, don't give it to anybody else but me. I want to read it.” I asked if he had quit the CCP. He hadn't, so I took down his name.

That same day, I was going to purchase a lamp. A middle-aged salesman assisted me and picked one out for me. When I paid for the lamp, I asked him if he had quit the CCP. I told him that I followed the Great Law and that it saves people. He immediately got up from his seat and asked me to sit down to tell him more. He said that he knew elderly ladies like me would not be doing something political, just like the students involved in the Tiananmen Massacre were not rioting. He asked me many questions which I did my best to answer. In the end, he said, “I am quitting the communist youth league.” When I took my leave, he invited me to come back when I had time and said that he really enjoyed our chat.

Another day, I was passing by a bus stop where many people were waiting. One woman on the edge of the crowd grabbed me and asked if I was so and so. It turned out that she was a former acquaintance that I had not seen for decades. She was waiting for the bus, and obviously we did not have a lot of time. I just told her that I was cultivating the Great Law and trying to save people. I asked if she had joined the Young Pioneers or the CCP Youth League. She said that she did join the Young Pioneers. I said that I would help her quit so she could have a better future. She happily agreed and, at that point, the bus arrived.

One day, I saw a man strolling in a public square, so I gave him a pamphlet. He said that he would give it to his father. I suggested that he read it, too, because whoever read it would benefit. He told me that he was illiterate, which was puzzling. As we were walking the same way, I talked to him as we walked. I told him many aspects of the truth. Then he showed me his employee's ID and told me that that was his name. He worked for a public security bureau in another province. He agreed to let me take his name to quit the CCP. When we parted, he said that he hoped to see me again. I could see that he was very happy.

Fellow practitioners, we do not have much time left. Those who have not stepped forward, please do so. As soon as you do, you will realize how sacred it is to save people. It's also very enjoyable. Our teacher has given us opportunities to improve ourselves. How can we not cherish them? Everything is being done by Teacher, in fact. Cultivation depends on one’s own efforts, while the transformation of gong is done by one’s master.