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Mengyin County 610 Office in Shandong Province Withholds Falun Gong Practitioners' Salaries and Pensions

February 01, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Shandong Province, China


1. Mr. Gong Weisen's Pension of 230,000 Yuan Withheld

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Gong Weisen, 72, is a retiree of the Mengyin Land and Resources Bureau. In 2000, the Mengyin 610 Office staff and policemen ransacked his home. They found a Falun Dafa book and fined him 5,000 yuan. Shortly after, the 610 Office took away his pension from the Mengyin Pension Insurance Bureau starting in January 2001, leaving Mr. Gong with no money at all for the past ten years. The total amount taken away from Mr. Gong is 230,000 yuan. Mr. Gong has had to live on support from his children and relatives.

2. Mr. Lv Dianyi's Pension of 150,000 Yuan Withheld

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Lv Dianyi, 70, is a retiree of Tianma Forestry, Mengyin County. He was illegally imprisoned at the Mengyin Detention Center for six months by the 610 Office in 2002. He has been deprived of his pension from the Pension Insurance Bureau by the 610 Office since September 2002, a total of 150,000 yuan.

3. Withholding Practitioners' Salaries and Pensions by Sentencing Them to Long-Term Forced Labor

Practitioner Mr. Gong Pijian, a retiree of Mengyin Food and Oil Company, has been sentenced to a forced labor camp three times since 2000. While he was in the labor camp, his salary was taken away by the 610 Office. He was sentenced to three and a half years in 2004. After he was released, the 610 Office continued withholding his money and told him to report to the 610 Office every month to pick up his pension. But each month, the 610 Office staff used all kinds of excuses to give him only part of his pension. In October 2010, Mr. Gong was sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor again. His pension was again taken away by the 610 Office.

Mengyin is one of the counties in China where Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted the most. Incomplete statistics show that there have been about 200 occasions on which Falun Gong practitioners have been sentenced to prisons or forced labor camps. Most of the practitioners' salaries and pensions were taken away by the 610 Office and their employers while the practitioners were in prison or forced labor. The following are some details regarding sentenced practitioners:

Mr. Liu Nailun, employee of Mengyin Production Material Company, was sentenced to seven years in prison;
Mr. Wang Yong, employee of the Mengyin Transit Authority, was sentenced to forced labor twice for a total of six years;
Mr. Liu Yuanjie, cadre of the Mengyin Retired Senior Official Bureau, was sentenced to forced labor twice for a total of six years. The 610 Office continued withholding his salary after he was released from the forced labor camp the second time, and told him to pick it up from the 610 Office every month;
Ms. Yang Zhenfang, retired cadre from the Mengyin Construction Bureau, was sentenced to forced labor twice for a total of five years;
Mr. Gong Huadong, retiree of Hengchang Company, was sentenced to forced labor twice for three and a half years;
Mr. Li Dabo, employee of Caozhang Mine, was sentenced to three years of forced labor;
Ms. Yin Shuling, teacher at Mengyin Experimental Middle School, was sentenced to three years of forced labor;
Ms. Wang Hong, official of the Changlu Town government, was sentenced to three years of forced labor;
Mr. Fu Weizhong, teacher at Jiepai Town Middle School, was sentenced to three years of forced labor;
Mr. Li Zuowu, employee of the Mengyin Beer Factory, was sentenced to three years of forced labor;
Mr. Wang Huaning, employee of the Daming Stone Factory, was sentenced to three years of forced labor;
Mr. Ji Yongxian, teacher at Taoxu Town Elementary School, was sentenced to three years of forced labor;
Mr. Li Wei, teacher at Jiazhang Middle School, was sentenced to two years of forced labor;
Ms. Liu Wen'ai, employee of Hengchang Company, was sentenced to two years of forced labor;
Ms. Gao Fenglan, employee of Hengchang Company, was sentenced to two years of forced labor;
Ms. Wang Xiangying, employee of Hengchang Company, was sentenced to two years of forced labor;
Ms. Zhang Rongqiu, employee of Mengyin Credit Union, was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor.

4. Rejecting Falun Gong Practitioners' Right to Work and Continuing to Withhold Their Salaries

Ms. Yin Shuling, a teacher at Mengyin Experimental Middle School, was sentenced to a forced labor camp for three years in September 2002. After she was released, the 610 Office and her school used all kinds of excuses not to allow her to go back to work. In this way, the 610 Office and the Experimental Middle School have withheld over eight years of her salary.

Ms. Yang Junhui, a teacher at Jiuzhai Township Middle School, was severely beaten at the Jiuzhai Brainwashing Center in 2000. She escaped and went into hiding. Afterward, the 610 Office and the Jiuzhai Township government didn't allow her to go back to work. She has been unable to collect her salary for the past ten years.

Ms. Yin Xifang, a teacher at Daigu Town Middle School, went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong during the New Year of 2001. She was detained for six months. In June 2001, she was sentenced to two years of forced labor. Since then, the 610 Office and her school have refused to let her go back to work, and continue to keep her salary from her.

Mr. Gong Maocheng, an employee of the Mengyin Electricity Supply Bureau, was arrested by 610 Office staff in September 2006. He was brutally beaten and imprisoned for more than a month. Later the 610 Office and his work unit took away his right to return to work. Four years of his salary has been taken away.

People participating in the persecution include:

Li Baoyuan, current head of the Mengyin 610 Office
Lei Yancheng, director of Menglianggu Regions, Mengyin, former head of the Mengyin 610 Office
Cui Huadong, employee of the Linyi City Water Resources Bureau, Shandong Province, former head of the Mengyin 610 Office