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Hawaii: Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong During APEC (Photos) Part II

December 02, 2011 |  


(Continued from Part 1 at http://www.clearwisdom.net/html/articles/2011/11/23/129659.html)

From November 12 to 13, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, the U.S.A. and Switzerland took this chance to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to public and government officials from all over the world. Starting on November 9, practitioners held banners in the busiest areas, outside of the conference hall and hotels, telling people: “Falun Dafa is good”, “Falun Gong teaches Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance”, and calling for an end to the 12-year long persecution in China.

Many local citizens expressed their supports for Falun Gong. Some people brought bottled water and suntan lotion to practitioners as a gesture of support.


People give practitioners bottled water.


A local store gave practitioners suntan lotion.

Cynthia, a practitioner from California, said that many people were shocked when they heard about the persecution, and some people want to learn the exercises. She said more than 100 practitioners from Japan, Korea, Switzerland and California got together and formed a unified body with local practitioners. “It is an unforgettable experience,” she said, “Many people encouraged us. Some people read about our activities in the newspaper, and they came to us to show their support.”

A practitioner from Japan said: “One day I was walking on the street in a Falun Gong T-shirt. A soldier saw me, and shouted 'Falun Dafa is good'. Some Westerners also encouraged me to keep up. A policeman asked me where he can learn Falun Gong.” “We've gained some much support in Hawaii,” she said, “it is really worth the long trip.”


Steve told practitioners that he had read about their activities on newspaper, and he supports Falun Gong.


Aaron read the truth-clarifying materials, and prayed for practitioners.

Cornelia, a practitioner from Switzerland, recalled that on November 11 a lady saw practitioners at the Hawaii Convention Center. She asked what happened. Cornelia told her about Falun Gong. This lady said that practitioners' peacefulness was very impressive, and she would go home to get a camera and come back to take a video of the peaceful resistance. One hour later, she really came back. She said that she had read the materials Cornelia gave her, and she supports Falun Gong.

A volunteer of APEC told Cornelia that he saw the Shen Yun show last year. The purity and beauty of the show was unforgettable. He knew about Falun Gong. He asked Cornelia for materials in different languages so that other volunteers from APEC would have a chance to learn about Falun Gong.


Stan and his wife cried when they heard about the persecution.


Andrew, who works on Waikiki Street, learned about Falun Gong. He joined practitioners, and shouted to the Chinese government officials “Falun Dafa is good,” and “Stop persecuting Falun Gong.”

On the night of November 12, practitioners held group exercises on Waikiki street. The peaceful scene attracted many people. They took videos and photos; some of them also learned the exercises.


Group exercises on Waikiki




Learning the exercises

(To be continued)