, Friday, October 28, 2011

News and Events Around the World

Accounts of Persecution

Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences

People’s Hearts Determine Their Futures

News and Events Around the World 

Japan: Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Tokyo (Photos) 

( The Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Japan was successfully held in Tokyo on October 23, 2011. Eighteen practitioners gave speeches at the conference.

Conference hall

Experience sharing

Mr. Chai and Ms. Ma, who obtained the Fa in 2007 and 2008 respectively, told how they and their families have benefited from practicing Falun Gong. After seeing the positive changes in them their family members became supportive of Falun Gong.

Ms. Lei and Mr. Li from Tokyo shared their experiences of clarifying the truth to people from all walks of life in Japanese society. Ms. Lei has spent a lot of time talking to government officials. She has printed out materials and held press conferences. She, together with local practitioners, presented The Art of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance exhibition in Tokyo. Mr. Li often passes out materials on the street. He shared his experiences of improving his xinxing and eliminating attachments while clarifying the truth. He said, “Passing out materials on the street is probably the best way to clarify the truth to people, face to face. I often remind myself to save people with compassion and righteous thoughts, and let them see the beauty of Dafa through my behavior.”

Ms. Hasegawa from Hiroshima shared her experiences of promoting the Shen Yun Performing Arts performances. She said that she had fears at first when talking to people about Shen Yun. She described how she gradually realized the importance of Shen Yun, and eliminated her fear. When her attachment was gone, many people accepted what she had to say, and bought tickets. She felt that the sentient beings are waiting for it, and all we have to do is to follow Master's arrangements.

Ms. Quan from Tokyo also shared her experiences of promoting the Shen Yun performance to clubs and associations. She described how she makes friends with members of these associations, and how she told them about traditional Chinese culture and Shen Yun. She said, “I read the Fa and do exercises every day. Each time before I go somewhere to promote Shen Yun, I send forth righteous thoughts at home for 30 minutes. With strong righteous thoughts, things go smoothly. I have realized that every time I clarify the truth or promote Shen Yun, I need to overcome interference from the old forces and my own attachments and notions. Each time, I face a test of whether I believe in Master or not. When I follow Master's arrangement, the power of the Fa manifests.”

Ms. Yang from Osaka and Ms. Shen from Tochigi shared their experiences of making phone calls to China and convincing Chinese people to quit the communist party. Ms. Shen was jailed in China for two years due to the persecution of Falun Gong. She came to Japan in 2004, and started making phone calls to agents at the 610 Office and others who are involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. She said that the phone calls shock the evil people and help to rescue fellow practitioners.

Mizno, a young practitioner, read his experience sharing article in Chinese. He and his sister started practicing with their mother when they were very young. His mother teaches them by reading Hong Yin and Zhuan Falun in Chinese. They read the Fa and do exercises every day with their mother. They also help her to clarify the truth to their grandfather.

The conference successfully concluded at 5:00 p.m.

Malaysia: Practitioners Hold Activities to Raise Awareness about Falun Dafa (Photos) 

( On the afternoon of October 22, before the 2011 Malaysia Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference, Falun Dafa practitioners gathered on the large lawn of Taman Bayu Perdana to participate in forming Chinese characters.

The practitioners formed the two Chinese characters for “Fa-rectification,” which drew many local residents to stop and learn about Falun Gong.

Japan: March Held in Tokyo Calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos) 

( On the afternoon of October 22, 2011, Falun Dafa practitioners and supporters marched in Tokyo to raise awareness of the ongoing persecution in China and call for an end to the persecution.

Falun Gong march in Tokyo calling for the end to persecution in China

After a rainy morning, the weather turned bright around noon, leading more people and tourists to come out to the streets. The march started at Cedar Park in Shinjuku District and was led by the Divine Land Marching Band. A team of practitioners followed, demonstrating the Falun Dafa exercises. They were followed by an array of Falun Gong banners and signs calling for an end to the brutal persecution.

Many parade spectators asked for Falun Gong fliers. Some said they recognized Falun Gong because they had seen the group practicing the exercises in Ueno Park.

Many people who showed support expressed their concern for the safety of Chinese Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. Many encouraged the practitioners to continue their efforts, and condemned the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

People read fliers about Falun Gong and the persecution in China

When the march went through the Okubo area where many Chinese reside, some Chinese people stood along the street and watched the march quietly. As practitioners passed out fliers, they readily accepted them and began reading right away.

Practitioner Mr. Wu has participated in many Falun Gong events. He said the purpose of this march was to help more Japanese and Chinese people in Japan learn the truth and not be deceived by the CCP propaganda, so as to end the 12-year-long persecution of Falun Gong as soon as possible.

Taiwan: Falun Gong Receives Warm Welcome at Kaohsiung Street Festival (Photos) 

( On October 15-16, 2011, the Kaohsiung county and city governments hosted the Kaohsiung Street Festival for citizens of Xinxing District and Qiaotou District, and invited Falun Gong practitioners to demonstrate the exercises at the opening ceremony.

Falun Gong demonstration at the Kaohsiung Street Festival opening ceremony

Falun Gong practitioners from the exercise site at Qiaotou High School were invited to demonstrate the exercise on the main stage at the opening ceremony on the morning of October 15.

District Director Mr. Shu and other locals follow along as practitioners demonstrate the exercises on stage

Mr. Shu, the director of Qiaotou District said this was the first Kaohsiung Street Festival that was more than just entertainment. He said this event brings Xinxing District and Qiaotou District together to promote exchange so they can learn from each other and help each other.

Falun Gong waist drum team participated in the parade

In the afternoon, a parade proceeded through the old downtown streets of Qiaotou. The communities and temples of both districts participated. The last procession was the Falun Gong group with a waist drum troupe and an exercise demonstration team. The large crowd of spectators gave Falun Gong warm applause.

On the main stage, Falun Gong practitioners performed dancing, Tang Drums, and an exercise demonstration. District director Mr. Shu encouraged spectators to follow along and learn the exercises by taking the lead. Mr. Shu then picked up the microphone and said, “Health is the best (gift for everyone), many thanks to Falun Gong who brought us the beautiful performance and health improvement exercises.”

The practitioners also passed out Falun Dafa introduction fliers and handmade paper lotus flowers. The host announced the times and locations of the local Falun Gong exercise classes, which are open to the public and free of charge.

Accounts of Persecution 

Brutal Persecution Suffered by Female Falun Gong Practitioners in China – Part 4: Sexual Abuse and Rape 


(Continued from
Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 1: )

In this genocidal persecution, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has completely sunk to new lows, violating basic human dignity and all norms of human relations. Lawyer Gao Zhisheng wrote in his Third Open Letter to the current communist regime leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, “Almost everyone who has been persecuted, be it man or woman, was first stripped naked before any torture. Almost every woman’s genitals and breasts or every man’s genitals have been sexually assaulted in the persecution in a most vulgar fashion.” (Full story: Letter from Chinese Lawyer Gao Zhisheng: "We must immediately stop the brutality that suffocates our nation’s conscience and morality") A woman practitioner who survived the persecution in China said, “The evilness inside is unimaginable to the outside world.”

Part 4 – Sexual Abuse and Rape

Over the past more than ten years of persecution of Falun Gong, Jiang's regime has not only physically abused and tortured illegally detained female Falun Gong practitioners, but also brazenly instigated and condoned sexual abuse, rape, and forced abortions. The harm done to the women practitioners is horrifying.

1. Ms. Wei Xingyan, 28, Chongqing University graduate student

United Nations Special Rapporteur and United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women issued a joint appeal to the regime government on June 11, 2003. The report pointed out that 28-year-old graduate student Ms. Wei Xingyan from Chongqing University was arrested on May 11, 2003, along with a group of other students and teachers from Chongqing University and China Southwest University of Political Science and Law, for hanging banners and balloons commemorating May 13 “World Falun Dafa Day.” According to witnesses, several police officers took Ms. Wei to a cell at Baihelin Detention Center of the Shapingba District on the evening of May 13. There, the officers forced two female inmates to strip Ms. Wei, and one of the uniformed officers pushed her to the ground and raped her as the other inmates watched.

When Ms. Wei engaged in a hunger strike to protest the abuse, police botched a violent force-feeding attempt, seriously injuring both her trachea and esophagus, leaving her unable to speak and her life was in great danger. On May 22, Ms. Wei was transferred to the Southwest Hospital in Chongqing. In order to conceal their responsibility for the offense, Chongqing University went so far as to delete the specialty of "High-voltage Transmission Power" from its website and then claimed that there was no such student. The Shapingba District police not only refused to investigate the police officer who committed the crime, but instead investigated and arrested only those people with conscience who reported the crime. Due to an extremely tight restriction on information, little else is known about Ms. Wei Xingyan's current situation. (Also see: "Follow-up Report on the Rape of Chongqing University Female Graduate Student Wei Xingyan by Vicious Policemen")

2. Ms. Chang Xuexia, 38, assistant engineer at the Ya'an Pharmacy in Dalian City, Liaoning Province

Ms. Chang Xuexia was subjected to a two-year term in Dalian Forced Labor Camp between 2001 and 2003. She suffered gross abuse and mistreatment. Head guard Wan Yalin ordered criminal offenders to strip her and hang her up in the air, beat and kick her, pinch her nipples, pull her pubic hair, and violently assault her vagina with a shoe brush until the water in a basin underneath her turned red with her blood. She lost consciousness. (Related article: "Sexual Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners Perpetrated by Staff of China's 610 Office, Police and Guards")

3. Ms. Pan Dongmei, 20, from Dianbai, Guangdong Province

Ms. Pan Dongmei went to Beijing to appeal in 2001. She was arrested and held in the Changying Detention Center of the Chaoyang District on April 3, 2001. For three days (April 5-8) she was tied to a wooden rack in Room 612, where she was force-fed through her nose. A guard took off Ms. Pan's socks and stuffed one into her vagina and the other one into her anus. The guard also directed prisoners to seal Ms. Pan's mouth with tape. She was tortured so terribly that she lost consciousness. On April 11 at midday, interrogator Kang Jianjun forced a male practitioner to remove his pants and dragged him to Ms. Pan and forced her to look at him. Ms. Pan refused to look. Then, the interrogator ordered her to take her clothes off, too. Again, she refused. The cruel interrogator then took out a lighter and burned Ms. Pan and the male practitioner's faces until they were burned black and covered with blisters. In spite of their pain, the interrogator used a piece of filthy cardboard to wipe the soot from their faces.

4. Ms. Wang Yunjie, 40, from Dalian City, Liaoning Province

Ms. Wang Yunjie was arrested and taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp on June 4, 2002. Division head Wang Xiaofeng and guards locked her in the washroom, then later a storage room and basement for a total of four months. During this torture, Ms. Wang was tied to hard objects, forced to squat, was forced into unnatural and extremely uncomfortable positions, and had to stand in the "army corps" posture. Guards Guo Tieying and others used two high voltage electric batons to shock her breasts for several hours, burning her breasts and causing them to fester. The next day, the guards forced Ms. Wang to double-cross her legs and used a cloth strip to tie her legs and head together to make a ball shape. They handcuffed her behind her back and hung her up in the air by the handcuffs for seven hours. From then on, she could no longer sit or walk normally. She was released in November 2003. Her wounds ulcerated and became more and more serious. She passed away in July 2006. (Also see: "Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Wang Yunjie Died as a Result of Torture Suffered at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp")

5. Ms. Liu Jizhi, 51, and Ms. Han Yuzhi, 42, from Xituan Village, Dongchengfang Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province

In the evening on November 25, 2005, officer He Xuejian, in his 20s, from Dongchengfang Town Police Station, raped Ms. Liu Jizhi and Ms. Han Yuzhi, two practitioners in Xituan Village, Dongchengfang Town, during a so-called "official investigation." It was during this time that a group of rapporteurs from the United Nations were investigating torture in China.

The police beat Ms. Liu with stun batons and rubber clubs. Officer He Xujian even groped her body in a lewd manner. Later He Xujian pressed Ms. Liu against one bed and started groping her breasts. Then he lifted her shirt up and shocked her breasts with a stun baton. While watching the sparks from the stun baton, He Xujian repeatedly commented, "This is fun! This is fun!" Despite Ms. Liu's protests and struggles, He Xuejian stripped off her shirt. During the struggle, Ms. Liu pleaded, "You are a policeman! You must not commit such a crime! This is totally wrong! You are a young man! I am an old woman. Please spare me." He Xuejian ignored her pleas. During the rape, he repeatedly slapped her face and squeezed her neck. The other officer, Wang Zengjun, simply looked on and did nothing to stop the outrage. Shortly afterwards, this same abuser raped 42-year-old Ms. Han Yuzhi as well. (Related article: “Rape Victim Ms. Liu Jizhi: 'I Want to Expose the Evil Persecution' )

6. Ms. Hu Miaomiao, 25, kindergarten teacher from Chaigoubao Town, Huai’an County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

Ms. Hu Miaomiao before the persecution

Without following any legal procedures or informing her family, Huai'an County police subjected Ms. Hu Miaomiao to a one-year forced labor term and transferred her to the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shijiazhuang City on June 26, 2010.

As soon as Ms. Hu arrived, a group of inmates dragged her to a storage room where they tightly handcuffed her to a metal bed. They then grabbed her long hair, which she had been wearing in this style for many years, and cut it in an extremely ugly way. They taped her mouth shut to prevent her from making any sound. She struggled hard, and they slapped her repeatedly in the face and mouth. When the inmates' hands hurt from the beatings, they used slippers to hit Ms. Hu with. In no time her face swelled up. Her mouth was so swollen that even the tape around it broke.

For several days, many people heard Ms. Hu's piercing screams while she was being abused. During that period, prisoner Zong Dongrong attacked Ms. Hu in her genital area repeatedly with her knees and also used broom handles and fingers to assault Ms. Hu's genital area. Ms. Hu bled profusely and she couldn’t stand up straight or walk. The injuries made it very likely that she couldn’t have children in the future...

Even after three months her wounds still had not healed, her genital area kept bleeding, and she still could not stand straight to walk. The labor camp officials refused to release her until July 11, 2011, after her term was extended by 11 days. Local 610 Office agents kept harassing her at home. (Related article: “Kindhearted Young Woman Trapped in an Evil Den)

7. Ms. Qin Hongqin, a resident from Dougou Village, Puwang Town, Yinan County, Shandong Province

Ms. Qin Hongqin went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in December 1999. She was intercepted at the railway station and taken to the Dawangzhuang Township to be held the evening of December 29. On January 4, 2000, Ms. Qin was held in the township's Comprehensive Management Office where Wang Xianyong, Li Yongbao, and Bo Cunqi tortured her. They handcuffed her arms behind her back and forced her to sit on the ground with legs stretched straight. Then they kicked her bottom and thighs with leather shoes. Li Yongbao stood on her legs and kicked her legs downwards. She was forced to lay on her side and was in severe pain. Wang continued to beat her while saying, "Tonight we will pull out your tendons and peel your skin."

They beat her until she couldn't move. They finally took off her handcuffs and pulled her upright. Wang then stood behind Ms. Qin with his hands clutching her breasts. Later, Wang stripped her upper body again. Li and Bo held each of her arms while Wang bashed her breasts so that they swung. This torture continued for some time, and then Wang pushed her onto the sofa and burned her nipples with cigarettes while the other two agents held her arms. Then Wang stripped Ms. Qin's lower body, so that she became completely naked, and inserted an electric baton into her vagina. (Full story: "Chinese Communist Regime's Malicious Infringement of Female Falun Gong Practitioners' Rights")

8. Ms. Ju Honglian and Ms. He Jingfan from Fuyu County, Jilin Province

Ms. Ju Honglian was arrested and sent to a brainwashing center in Fuyu County. On August 27, Ms. Ju was taken to the Hotel of Education Department, Room 306, by a female officer after 8:00 p.m. There were two female officers in the room along with Fuyu County Police Department deputy head Du Jizeng. Du was drunk and stared at Ms. Ju. Du ordered her to sit down beside him, then he grabbed her hand, squeezed it forcefully, and said, "You're so young, what's the use of practicing that?" Then he said some other dirty words. He seized her by the throat and she almost fell down; she had to struggle away from his hands and ran back to her room.

She had just gone back to her room when Du entered the room, too. When he saw another female practitioner lying in bed, he asked, "Are you female? Or male? [filthy words omitted]" When he saw Ms. Ju, he suddenly sprang toward her and grabbed her hand again. He clasped her hand very hard and started to touch her body while staring at her. Ms. Ju tried to get away from him. He suddenly went over to Ms. He Jingfan and grabbed her hand so hard that she was in intense pain. Because of the pain in her hand as well as the fear and terror, symptoms of her previous heart disease returned. Her face turned from purple to white and she went into shock. Only after the people around her called her name for a long time did she regain consciousness. Her heart beat very fast, her arms and legs were very cold, and she was very weak. Other practitioners cried when they saw that Due had been attacked her. They asked the police to release Ms. He so that she could be treated. Ms. Ju and Ms. He were not released until the end of the brainwashing session. (Full story: "Jilin Province: Vice Director of Police Station Sexually Harasses Female Falun Dafa Practitioners in Brainwashing Class")

9. Zhu Xia, 32, from Liaoning Province

Ms. Zhu Xia, was repeatedly raped by police officers in the brainwashing center in late 2004, as a result of which she suffered long-term mental instability.

Ms. Huang Xin from Shenyang City, who was detained in Liaoning Province Women's Prison, was stripped naked and put into a male cell, where death-row inmates gang-raped her in late 2005. Eight other practitioners experienced the same nightmare.

(To be continued)

The Persecution of Qu Lianxi and His Family Over the Past Twelve Years 

( Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qu Lianxi from the Zhongshan District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, was illegally imprisoned and brutally persecuted for 10 years, after being arrested on August 29, 2001. He was released on August 28, 2011, but his previously happy family had already been torn apart due to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP's) persecution of Falun Gong.

During Qu Lianxi’s imprisonment, his wife Shi Guifen was arrested and detained five times, and also sent to a forced labor camp. His second oldest sister Qu Ping was arrested and detained six times, and sadly, in 2008, Qu Ping died due to the long term persecution. In early August, 2001, Qu Lianxi's father passed away in grief and anger. At that time, Qu Lianxi was forced to become homeless and destitute. His wife, Shi Guifen, had also been detained. Qu Xiulan and Qu Ping had been imprisoned. Qu Lianxi's father could not see his children before he passed away. Mr. Qu's mother, who was over 80 years old and unwell and weak, had to take on the responsibility of supporting her broken family. In addition, Qu's sister, Shi Guixiang, had also been sentenced to two years forced labor because she practiced Falun Gong. Qu Lianxi’s family situation reflected that of tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China who have endured similar grave circumstances.

Qu Lianxi Imprisoned for Ten Years and Experienced Brutal Persecution

Mr. Qu Lianxi, 51, went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong with his wife Shi Guifen on October 3, 1999. They lived in Tongzhou County, Beijing, together with many other practitioners from all over the country. Later, all the practitioners who lived there were arrested by police from Dalian City Police Department and the Domestic Security Division. Qu Lianxi and his wife were detained at the Dalian Development District Detention Center. During the detention, Qu Lianxi was handcuffed to an iron chair by police from Two Seven Square and was beaten with electric batons and wooden sticks to get him to give up his practice of Falun Gong.

Later, the couple was transferred to the Yaojia Detention Center. Just after Shi Guifen was released, Qu Lianxi was transferred again to the Dalian City Forced Labor Camp and imprisoned there for a year. After his release, he was frequently harassed by the police. He was also forced to report to the police and was asked if he still practiced Falun Gong. The police also forced him to write a guarantee statement saying that he would give up Falun Gong. In January, 2001, he was forced to become destitute and homeless.

On August 29, 2001, Qu Lianxi was arrested by the police from Shahekou District Police Department in Dalian City. The police extorted 1,700 yuan from him, took mp3 players, two copiers, a set of printing tools, dozens of paper packs, and two bank ATM cards totaling over 10,000 yuan. In the detention center, Qu Lianxi went on a hunger strike to protest his persecution and he was forcibly fed a high concentration salt solution.

Thirteen months later, Qu Lianxi was sentenced by the local court and imprisoned at Wafangdian Prison. He refused to do forced labor and was forced to sit on a small bench about 25cm long, 5cm wide and 20cm high for a long time. The police also sent a prisoner to watch him. He was then transferred to the Huazi Prison in Liaoyang.

Force-feeding (demonstration)

Qu Lianxi continued his hunger strike after he was transferred to Huazi prison. The guards dragged him to the clinic and forced-fed him. They handcuffed his hands and shackled his feet onto two sides of the bed and tied a rope to both sides of the bed to restrain him. He was forced-fed two to three times a day, and two prisoners were sent to watch him. He could only sleep for two to three hours a day. He was not allowed to go to the restroom to urinate and had to use a container. Only when he needed to have a bowel movement was he allowed to go to the restroom. He became extremely thin. This lasted for about three months. During this time, he developed scabies that spread all over his body and were painful and itchy, but he could not move as he was restrained.

Later, the guards tried to force him to do hard labor but he refused. They incited the prisoners to lift and drag him out while beating and kicking him. He also refused to call his assigned prison number. The guard gave the order to beat him so badly that he could not walk. Because of this brutal treatment, he went on another hunger strike to protest. The guards incited prisoners to make him do very dirty work in a very bad environment to punish him. They also put an iron plate on top of hot cinders and dragged him to stand on it, which caused large blisters on his feet.

After five years, Qu Lianxi was transferred to Panjin Prison. He once saw the guards search a practitioner and take away his printed copies of Master Li's articles. He insisted that they be returned. The guards refused and he protested by going on a hunger strike. He was dragged to the basketball court where he was left to freeze for six to seven hours a day. It was a very cold winter in Panjin. The wind would have been like a knife cutting his face. His whole body trembled profusely.

In order to stop the persecution, he went on a hunger strike many times. The guards would drag him to the prison hospital and forcibly administer drugs and force-feed him. They added a large amount of salt to the solution. Qu Lianxi was imprisoned at Panjin Prison for over four years and was released on August 28, 2011.

Since October 1999, Qu Lianxi's salary had continued to be paid to his employer. During his imprisonment, his employer sent people to the prison to terminate the labor contract with him but he did not agree and did not sign the paperwork. Twelve years later, his employer would not give him a single penny of his salary.

Wife Shi Guifen Arrested Five Times and Sent to Forced Labor Camp

Qu Lianxi's wife, Shi Guifen, 50, started to cultivate Falun Gong in October 1996. In October 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong. She was arrested in Tong County, Beijing, and taken back to Dalian City. At Kunming Street Police Station her hands were handcuffed behind her back. The police officers shouted at her, and scolded, punched and kicked her and tried to beat her down to the ground. But she stood still and did not fall down. The police then slapped her face repeatedly. Her mouth bled and her teeth were damaged. The skin inside her mouth peeled off and she subsequently had to swallow it. The police also used an electric baton to shock her, and threatened her by putting the electric baton on her temple. She was not provided with food or water and not allowed to go to the restroom. She was beaten repeatedly for a whole night. On the second day when the police removed the handcuffs, they found her eyes were so swollen that you could barely see them and her face was disfigured. She was further detained at the Developing District Detention Center and Yaojia Detention Center for over a month before she was released.

In March 2001, Shi Guifen went out to buy some vegetables and was taken away in a police vehicle by plainclothes police officers who had been monitoring her. She was handcuffed and sent to the Heishijiao Police Station for interrogation where she was kept for 24 hours. The police found no evidence against her and had to release her. But shortly afterwards, police broke into her house saying she needed to come back to the police station for further investigation. However, the police took her directly to the Yaojia Detention Center and detained her for a month.

Torture re-enactment: Handcuffed to an iron ring fixed on the ground

On the evening of May 22, 2001, Shi Guifen was posting truth-clarifying materials in an area where the police were hiding. She was taken to the police station where the police interrogated her violently. The next day, she was sent to the Yaojia Detention Center and was again detained for over a month. In the detention center, she refused to wear a prison uniform, comply with the prison rules, or follow orders. The police beat her repeatedly and handcuffed her to an iron ring fixed on the ground for the next month. Later she was sentenced to a one-year term of forced labor.

At 3:00 a.m. one morning, she was dragged to a police vehicle and taken to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Because she could not stand or walk due to the prolonged persecution, the forced labor camp refused to accept her. However, the local police bribed the labor camp and she was finally accepted. The police handling her case ordered her to sign a paper for the return of 5,700 yuan that they had taken from her while ransacking her home. After she signed, the police only gave her 4,000 yuan. She questioned the police as to why it was 1,700 yuan less. The police said, “The transportation and food costs were all deducted from the amount.” She said, “You are robbers. You persecute me and also take my money.” The four police officers on the scene did not answer. One of them is called Liang Meng.

One morning in October 2002, Shi Guifen was returning home after grocery shopping. Police officers were waiting to again arrest her. She was kicked and dragged from the second floor to the police vehicle and taken to the Jieshan Police Station. The police fabricated lies and detained her at the Yaojia Detention Center for a month. During the detention, Shi Guifen went on a hunger strike for a week and was subsequently force-fed. A few male prisoners held her down on the bed, pried her mouth open and used the bottom of their shoes to slap her face. Later she was detained in the forced labor room and handcuffed to the iron ring fixed on the ground for two weeks. Later, she was sentenced to two years of forced labor and was transferred to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. In the forced labor camp, the guards incited collaborators to prick her fingers with pens and did not allow her to sleep, which resulted in her experiencing myocardial ischemia and heart failure. She could not climb the stairs for four months. Police officer Wang Xueqiu and captain Lu Yueqin incited others in the forced labor camp to beat her, drag her by the hair, kick her legs and not allow her to go to the restroom during her menstrual period.

In September 2008, when Ms. Shi went to another Falun Gong practitioner's home, she was arrested and taken to the Hutan Police Station. As she was very weak from the years of persecution, she suddenly fainted and lost consciousness. Nevertheless, the police took her to the Yaojia Detention Center in the middle of the night and detained her for a month. Later, she was again transferred to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp and held for two years. Shi Guifen did not cooperate with the forced labor camp for the so-called “performance assessment,” and as a consequence, guards Sun Bin and Guan Lin beat and kicked her and forcibly grabbed her hand to sign the assessment paper.

On September 9, 2010, Shi Guifen was due to be released after serving her two year term. However, the Zhongshan District 610 Office did not allow her family to pick her up. Instead, she was taken directly to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center in Fushun City and was not released until she had been detained and persecuted for 20 more days.

After Shi Guifen was arrested and sent to the forced labor camp in 2008, her 82-year-old mother-in-law had to do all the housework and take care of her grandsons. Her mother-in-law would go to the Hutan Police Station and request Shi Guifen’s release. Due to the immense pressure of the responsibility and missing her daughter-in-law, Shi Guifen's mother-in-law could not take the hardships any more. She walked hunched over and her body became weaker and weaker.

Third Eldest Sister Qu Ping Persecuted to Death

Qu Lianxi's third eldest sister, Qu Ping, born on August 11, 1955, was from Liangjiadian, Jinzhou District in Dalian City. She was the clerk of the Liangjiadian Post Office in Jinzhou District. She started to cultivate Falun Gong in 1997. After the CCP launched its persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Qu Ping was arrested six times. She was persecuted to death on May 22, 2006 at age 51. Below is the information regarding her arrests and subsequent death.

In October 1999, Qu Ping went to Beijing to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong and was detained. A month later, her employer fired her.

In July 2000, Qu Ping was sentenced to two years forced labor and imprisoned at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. She was released in May 2001 and later was forced to become homeless and destitute.

In August 2001, Qu Ping went to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp to visit her sister-in-law Shi Guifen who was imprisoned there. She was reported to the authorities by the taxi driver for offering him informational materials, and arrested by the local police in Masanjia. Qu Ping went on a hunger strike to protest her arrest. A few days later, she was transferred to the Jinzhou District Detention Center where she continued her hunger strike for over two months. When she was finally released she went back home, but in order to avoid harassment from the local police she again had to become homeless.

In May 2003 at around 10:00 p.m., police from the Liangjiadian Police Station broke into Qu Ping's home to arrest her. As she was not there, they arrested her husband. Qu Ping could not find a stable place to eat and sleep and it was very difficult for her. Sometimes she did not eat the whole day. Once she went to her 80-year-old mother's home in Kuiying Street in Dalian City; however,over ten police officers, including police officers Sun, Wang and Huang, who had hidden nearby, forcibly broke into the room. Qu Ping jumped out the second floor window to escape and injured her vertebra. Even though she was in critical condition, the police still put her into a police vehicle and took her to the police station. During the night, they realized that her life was in danger, so they drove to the building where her mother lived and threw Qu Ping out of the vehicle. Fortunately a neighbor found her. Qu Lianxi's mother and son carried her into the home. Qu Ping’s mind was still clear but she couldn’t straighten her back and had to walk with her back hunched over for a very long time.

In October 2004, Qu Ping was again arrested at a shop in town by the police from Liangjiadian Police Station. She was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp but she was rejected for failing the physical exam. She was finally sent home.

On May 22, 2006, Qu Ping died as a result of the long term harassment and persecution.

Ms. Wan Xiaohui's Account of Her Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp 

Name: Wan Xiaohui
Gender: Female
Age: 56
Address: Dalian City, Liaoning Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: March 21, 2010
Most Recent Place of Detention:
Masanjia Forced Labor Camp (马三家劳教所)
City: Shenyang
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, forced labor, brainwashing, brutal beatings, torture, denial of restroom use, force-feeding, injected with unknown drugs.

( I was distributing Shen Yun Performing Arts DVDs in front of the Liaoning Normal University main gate at around 1:00 p.m. on March 21, 2010, when I was arrested by two officers from Fumin Police Station. They took me to the police station, and dragged me out of the car. Four officers carried me into a room.

When I refused to divulge my name, two of them twisted my arms. One grabbed my hair and tried to take my photo, but I struggled and did not cooperate. My arm was severely bruised from my shoulder to my wrist. I was forcibly taken to a hospital that night for a health check, and was then transferred to Yaojia Detention Center.

Two male and two female officers took me to a hospital near Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for another health check at around 8:00 a.m. on April 28, 2010. We left in such a hurry that they didn't even allow me to put my shoes on.

After finishing at the hospital, I was taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, where guard Yu Xiaochuan stripped off all my clothes. I started getting cramps in my arms and legs and could not walk. Inmates were assigned to monitor me around the clock. My family was told to bring me food and clothes, but they refused to let my son see me. They told me that if I didn't give up my belief in Falun Dafa, they would not allow anyone to visit me. Zhang Lei, Zhou Xiaoguang, Zhang Zhuohui, and three other inmates tried to force me to sign a guarantee statement, promising to give up the practice, and forced my fingerprint onto a piece of paper. I tore up the paper immediately.

When my son tried to visit me, the guards refused to let us meet. My son was determined and insisted on seeing me. By noon time the guards agreed to let us meet. When my son saw that I needed assistance to walk, and then saw my injuries and bruises, he burst out crying. He shouted to me, “Mom, you have to survive!” My son suffered a huge trauma from this experience.

I was taken to the eastern sector of the labor camp every day in mid-May, 2010. They tried to brainwash me by filling my mind with propaganda and telling me lies about Falun Gong and Master. I was thrown into a cell and forced to listen to audio recordings defaming Master on an mp3 player. I threw the mp3 player onto the ground. Six guards then pinned me to the ground and cuffed my arms and legs to two beds. They stuffed an old, smelly shoe insole into my mouth and forcibly put the mp3 earphones into my ears. They then put tape around my mouth and ears. When I tried to shout, “Falun Dafa is good!” they placed a bucket over my head, as they were afraid that others would hear me. The bucket was so heavy that I couldn't lift up my head, and I couldn’t move my neck. I asked Master to strengthen me and help me get through this tribulation. My faith in the Fa continued. The pain was so excruciating that I can't describe it in words. Whenever I was sad, I thought of Master and recited the Fa, and the pain was be reduced, but my neck still hurt.

In late October 2010, the guards at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp began a new round of persecution. One morning in November, I was taken to the eastern sector, where they continued to bombard me with lies and propaganda. They used all sorts of ways to try to brainwash me. I was beaten, shouted at, forced to sit on a cold floor, and to kneel down for long periods of time. They also poured boiling water onto my neck.

Zhang Lei said bad words about Dafa to me, while Ye Ling beat my head and back with a wooden club with nails on it, causing my head to swell up in pain, and my back and shoulders to turn purple. When Zhang started saying bad words about Dafa again on another day, I tried to reason with her, but the male section chief with the surname of Li beat me with the club three times on my left cheek. The left part of my face instantly became swollen. He threatened me by saying, “I'm going to torture you more.”

To ensure that no one could hear what was going on in the room, they taped up all the windows and turned the volume of the TV as high as possible. I was not given any food and was not allowed to use the restroom. Whenever my eyelids closed, they poked me in the eyes. After being there for one day, my feet were in so much pain that I couldn't stand. My arms were so numb that I could no longer feel them. My hair also started to fall out. The next day, they inserted needles into my fingernails.

I started a hunger strike to protest my persecution. Three days later, Zhang Huan, Zhang Lei, Ye Ling, and two others began force-feeding me. I was beaten to the ground, my hands were cuffed to a bed, and my feet were tied to the bottom of the bed. I couldn't move. The guards used an implement to pry open my mouth and inserted it deep into my throat, which caused severe bleeding, and I had difficulty breathing. Even when they couldn't force any more food down my throat, they didn't stop. I thought they were trying to kill me. After every force-feeding, I was drenched in sweat. They continued to do this until night fall.

Implement used to pry open the mouth

On the second day of force-feeding, chief Shi Yu came in with four male section chiefs. Shi handcuffed me to the bed. A female doctor then tried to insert the implement down my throat, but failed. Then the guard with the last name of Li, who is about fifty years old, tried to force the implement down my throat, but could also not do it. They broke two of the implements in the process. Blood poured out of my mouth. The doctor then injected me with an unknown drug. When they finally took me off the bed, I could feel something wrong going on with my temples.

I was forced to stand on one end of the bed, and then had to bend down, as my hands were stretched forward and were handcuffed to the other end of the bed. They made me listen to recordings slandering Falun Gong on an mp3 player, and then forced my thumbprints onto a guarantee statement. I tried to resist, but to no avail.

The next day, Ye Ling, Zhang Zhuohui, and two other guards handcuffed me at two different heights on two beds. I couldn't kneel down or stand up straight. They then started pulling the railings of the beds in opposite directions.

Torture re-enactment: Stretched between two beds

The pain was excruciating. The handcuffs cut deeply into my flesh. When they opened the handcuffs at around 1:00 p.m., I couldn't even move my feet. My hands were so numb that I could not hold anything. I was tortured for seventeen days nonstop.

A few days before the Chinese New Year, attempts were made to force me to write guarantee statements again. Dai Xuemei took me to the eastern sector, where I was forced to stand for long periods of time. I was also forced to clean the toilets in the labor camp, because they said that my blanket failed to meet their required standards. They made me clean the toilets again in March 2011, because I didn't greet a guard.

About two weeks before I was released, Dai Xuemei stopped me as I was walking up the stairs and took me to the eastern sector again. Zhang Huan, Zhang Lei, Dai Xuemei, Wang Danfeng, and two others beat me. My hands were cuffed behind my back and they tried to force my fingerprints onto a piece of paper. Wang Danfeng slapped me in the face and asked if I would still do Dafa work when I was released. My elbows were so severely twisted that they still hurt more than two months later. I didn't give up my beliefs and told them that I didn't deserve to be imprisoned in a labor camp. I refused to recite the labor camp's regulations, refused to sign their guarantee statements, and refused to do whatever the guards ordered me to do. As a result, my sentence was increased by ten days.

I suffered many forms of brutal torture in the one year that I was at the labor camp. The above is a brief recollection of what I can remember.

Related article:
The Persecution I Suffered in Dalian Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Huang Duohong in Xiangtan City on a Hunger Strike for Nearly Two Months (Photo) 

Name: Huang Duohong (黄朵红)
Gender: Female
Age: 42
Address: Unknown
Occupation: Owner of stationery store
Date of Most Recent Arrest: August 19, 2011
Most Recent Place of Detention: Xiangtan City Detention Center (湘潭市看守所)
City: Xiangtan
Province: Hunan
Persecution Suffered: Illegal sentencing, forced injections, beatings, imprisonment, torture, force-feedings, physical restraint, detention in mental hospital, home ransacking, detention

( Hunan Province practitioner Ms. Huang Duohong has been on a hunger strike for nearly two months. She is emaciated and was at one point in a coma. Despite her poor health, 610 Office agents are still holding her at the Xiangtan City Detention Center.

Ms. Huang Duohong

City Police Department head Zhou, together with 610 Office agent Zhao Yuefeng and other officers, went to the detention center on September 30, 2011, and threatened Ms. Huang to stop her hunger strike. In early October she was taken to the Xiangtan City Mental Hospital and was injected with drugs.

Details of the Persecution

Ms. Huang visited her friend and fellow practitioner Mr. Li Zhigang on August 19, 2011. That afternoon, Chaoyangjie Police Station agents arrested Mr. Li and Ms. Huang, and also ransacked Mr. Li's home. The agents then took both of them to the “Hunan Law Enforcement Education Center,” a brainwashing facility. She was transferred to the Sanjiaoping Detention Center in Xiangtan City on August 26. She has been on a hunger strike for the past two months.

Ms. Huang, 42, once owned a stationery store in Yuhua District. She recovered from all her illnesses after she began practicing Falun Gong in 1996. She is very generous and has often helped students from poor families. She is always honest and would go out of her way to return something that wasn't hers to its rightful owner.

After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. Huang went to Beijing to appeal, and was beaten by authorities. She was then sent to the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City in 2001 for two years. Guards mistreated her in many ways at the labor camp, including stuffing her mouth with dirty rags, slapping her face, kicking her lower body, stomping on her toes, and so on. She had pus and sores all over her body, which caused her great pain.

Ms. Huang's home has been ransacked numerous times since the persecution began in July 1999, and many of her personal belongings were taken. Under pressure from Xiangtan City 610 Office and local police, her husband divorced her. In addition, without agreement from Ms. Huang, the court officials decided that all the money in the bank, the house, and all valuables belonged to her husband.

After these incidents, Ms. Huang has had to stay away from her home during the past six years to avoid further persecution.

Ms. Huang was arrested and detained again in August 2011. Because she held a hunger strike to protest the mistreatment, she was force-fed for one month. Five or six people pushed her to the floor to force-feed her, making it very difficult for her to breathe, and she almost suffocated. She is emaciated due to the torture. Detention center officials took her to the Xiangtan City Mental Hospital on September 23 and force-fed her with milk. Because of Ms. Huang's failing health, detention center head Liu requested that Xiangtan 610 Office officials release Ms. Huang, but the request was denied. She was taken back to the Xiangtan Detention Center on September 27.

Ms. Huang is currently continuing her hunger strike to resist the persecution.

Contact information for responsible individuals:
Zhao Yuefeng, agent from Xiangtan City Police Department: +86-13507329152
Liu Gui, agent from Xiangtan City Police Department: +86-13873228348
Xu Fumin, Xiangtan City 610 Office head: +86-731-58583196 (Office), +86-731-58217696 (Home), +86-13907320779
Zeng Wei, Xiangtan State Security Bureau head: +86-731-52345980, +86-13607311591
Yuhu District Domestic Security Division: +86-731-58392578, +86-731-8399389
Song Shanwu, Yuhu Political and Judicial Committee head: +86-731-58205769 (Office), +86-731-52314333 (Home), +86-13507324313
(More perpetrators' contact information is available in the original Chinese article)

Mr. Tong Dingqing from Loudi in Hunan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution 

Name: Tong Dingqing (童顶庆 )
Gender: Male
Age: In his 50's
Address: Quanhe Village, Yangshi Town, Lianyuan City, Loudi City, Hunan Province
Occupation: Chaling County official
Date of Death: September 2011
Date of Most Recent Arrest: June 11, 2005
Most Recent Place of Detention: Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp (长沙新开铺劳教所 )
City: Lianyuan
Province: Hunan
Persecution Suffered: Forced labor, forced injections, dismissal from workplace, home ransacked

( Mr. Tong Dingqing was a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official in Chaling County until he was dismissed from his job for practicing Falun Gong. On the morning of June 2, 2005, six officers from Lianyuan City Domestic Security Division broke into his home and ransacked it. They confiscated his Falun Gong books and two copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Mr. Tong was not at home at the time, and the officers told his family members that he must go to the police station when he returns.

Tong Yongsheng, the party secretary of Quanhe Village, assisted officers from the Domestic Security Division in arresting Mr. Tong Dingqing at his home on June 11, 2005. He was then taken to Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp in Changsha to serve a ten-month term, where he was tortured and injected with unknown drugs. He was released only when he was in critical condition and his blood pressure was very high.

Mr. Tong started practicing Falun Gong again at home, and gradually his health improved. When he went to work in Changsha City in 2008, Tong Yongsheng led Liu Fangshan, the head of Lianyuan 610 Office, and six others to Changsha to try to arrest him. However, Mr. Tong managed to escape. He was forced to quit his job and flee the city.

Officers from Loudi Domestic Security Division broke into the homes of more than a dozen local practitioners in Loudi late on the evening of July 15, 2009, and arrested them. They then traveled to Lianyuan and arrested Mr. Tong Dingqing. However, they found no Falun Gong books or other related materials, so they had no choice but to release him.

The repeated arrests and harassment from authorities took a severe toll on Mr. Tong and family. He became completely paralyzed in 2009, and his wife Wan Dong'e died of bone marrow cancer in September 2010. Mr Tong remained bedridden until he passed away in September 2011, when he was in his fifties.

Ms. Sun Yan from Panshi City, Jilin Province Tortured and Disabled 

Name: Sun Yan (孙岩)
Gender: Female
Age: 60
Address: Panshi City, Jilin Province
Occupation: Unknown
Date of Most Recent Arrest: June 22, 2005
Most recent place of detention: Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp (黑嘴子女子劳教所)
City: Changchun
Province: Jilin
Persecution Suffered: Home ransacked, interrogation, handcuffed behind the back, brutal beatings, detention, torture, forced labor, extortion, wages withheld.

( Practitioner Ms. Sun Yan was arrested on June 22, 2005 by several police officers from the Domestic Security Division and local police stations in Panshi City, Jilin Province. Because she refused to provide the source of her Falun Dafa books, the police beat her, causing severe injury to her ribs and right kidney. The police not only refused to provide her with medical treatment, but instead, they took her, in a severely injured state, to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Changchun, and continued to persecute her for 18 months.

Ms. Sun Yan's body is now severely deformed due to the injuries sustained during the beatings. The officer who tortured and interrogated her is Gao Xuanri from the Domestic Security Division in Panshi City, Jilin Province.

Ms. Sun started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, and has benefited greatly from the practice, both physically and mentally. Facing the brutal persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), she visited Beijing several times to appeal for Falun Dafa and clarify the truth of Falun Dafa to people. Because of this, she was arrested and detained multiple times.

At around 6:00 p.m. on June 22, 2005, seven to eight police officers from the Domestic Security Division and the Hongqiling Police Station in Panshi City, Jilin Province broke into Sun Yan's home. They held Ms. Sun down on the heater in the living room and didn't allow her to move. Several officers then started to ransack her bedroom. Her home was turned into a mess. The police confiscated her Falun Dafa books, a picture of the founder of Falun Gong, the key to her home, her cell phone, as well as several meditation mats.

Ms. Sun was taken to the Hongqiling Police Station. Gao Xuanri from the Domestic Security Division asked her who gave her the Falun Dafa books. She refused to answer him. Gao Xuanri said, "If you don't tell us, we will kill you. No one will know it, leaving you only to be bereaved by your family!" Gao Xuanri, who was very tall and strong, handcuffed Ms. Sun's hands behind her back. He then dragged her with his hand under her right ribs. He knocked her body against a wall several times. That same night, Sun Yan experienced symptoms of frequent urination. She requested multiple times to use the bathroom. The staff member on duty said, "Go to bathroom? No way!" On the second morning, the Panshi City Police Department transferred Sun Yan to the Panshi Detention Station.

She was forced to sit on a bench in the detention center. Her back was so painful that she couldn't sit straight. The police yelled at her, "What back pain? Sit straight!" Other inmates also pleaded for her, but the officers still didn't allow her to rest. Then she started to cough continuously. Once she started coughing, she felt tremendous pain in her back and chest. She wanted to hold her chest to relieve the pain, but when she touched the right side of her chest, she suddenly felt that her ribs on that side had collapsed. She immediately realized that the policeman Gao Xuanri not only injured her kidney (the frequent urination was due to the kidney injury), but also broke her ribs (the collapse of the right side of her chest and continuous coughing was because the broken ribs were irritating her lungs.)

Even though her back pain and coughing continued, the detention center personnel not only refused to allow her a checkup and treatment, but also, after one and a half months, she was taken to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Changchun to serve an eighteen month term.

Sun Yan's right abdominal side gradually became deformed and protruding, starting in 2007. When she slept on her back, it felt like a stone was pressing on her back. She constantly felt back pain and her eyelids were swollen.

After Sun Yan was released from the labor camp, she was constantly harassed by local government personnel and the retirement office. Wherever she traveled, the harassment followed her. Because of this, Sun Yan could not return home. She ended up going to other cities to stay with her relatives.

Ms. Sun was persecuted multiple times. During the detention in the labor camp, her salary should have been collected by no one except her. However, Zhou Fangheng (director) and Zhang Jun from the local police department took Sun Yan's salary from Cao Wancheng (who was the CCP secretary of the retirement office). Then Li Shiku, from the Political and Judiciary Committee of Panshi City, took Sun Yan's salary from Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun was specifically in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong in the police department, and gave only two receipts to Sun Yan, which recorded a total of 13,000 yuan (at that time, her salary was only 400-500 yuan per month). The receipt only proved that Li Shiku took away her salary. When Ms. Sun Yan went to ask Li Shiku, he said he was no longer in charge of this, and he knew nothing about it.

Every time Sun Yan went to Beijing, several thousand yuan was extorted from her. The money was taken directly from the retirement office and spent on food, lodging, and gas for people in the local government's Liaison Office in Beijing, in Sun Yan's workplace, and by other people who arrested her. Some of them provided receipts, some only wrote the amount on a piece of paper, and some followed no legal procedure when they took the money. During the past several years, they took away about 20,000 yuan.

Additional Persecution News from China – October 13, 2011 (22 Reports) 

( Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 19 cities or counties in 11 provinces. According to this report, 23 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 11 practitioners were illegally arrested.


  1. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Seven Practitioners Arrested
  2. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Luo Youfu Held in Suining Brainwashing Center
  3. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Jiang Xiujuan Arrested
  4. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Mr. Zhao Xianghai and Ms. Huang Duohong Abused in Mental Hospital
  5. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Sun Arrested
  6. [Shahe City, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Lin Arrested at Home on October 11
  7. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] More Information about the Detention of Ms. Yang Yazhi and Several Other Practitioners
  8. [Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province] More Information on the Arrests of Mr. Zhou Shiqing and Two Other Practitioners
  9. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhang Peiyun Arrested at Home and Her Home Ransacked on October 12
  10. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Qingfang Arrested
  11. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Yongjin Abused in Tai'an Prison
  12. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Pan Hongfeng Held at No. 3 Detention Center
  13. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Additional Information on the Arrests of Mr. Wang Anquan and Several Other Practitioners
  14. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Mingxun Missing
  15. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Lifang Taken to Brainwashing Center
  16. [Beijing] Ms. Zhang Limin Sent to Hohhot Forced Labor Camp
  17. [Shanghai] Mr. Feng Xingji Held at the Pudong Detention Center
  18. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Guozhen Taken to Xinjin Brainwashing Center
  19. [Taibus, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Yang Jingli Arrested
  20. [Chongqing] Ms. Ren Xingqiong Sent to Forced Labor Camp
  21. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhao Guihua Returned Home
  22. [Qian'an County, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Jingzhong Died from Abuse

1. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Seven Practitioners Arrested

Seven practitioners were arrested on the evening of October 7, 2011. Mr. Song Guozhong was taken to Yimian Police Station, Ms. Wang Jinfeng was taken to Hanbei Police Station, Mr. Li was taken to Hanzhuang Town Police Station, Ms. Qi Shuying was taken to Wusi Road Detention Center, and Ms. Liu Lifang was taken to Xianfeng Street Police Station. No further information is available regarding Mr. Liu Hui or Mr. Zhang Xin.

2. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Luo Youfu Held in Suining Brainwashing Center

Mr. Luo Youfu, about 70, lives in the No. 2 Village, Jinqiao Town, Pengxi County, Suining City. He was taken to Suining Brainwashing Center on September 18, 2011, and has been held there ever since.

Xie Wenping, director of No. 2 Village in Jinqiao Town: +86-13550793793 (Cell)
Liang Zili, director of No. 3 Village in Jinqiao Town: +86-13982546419 (Cell)

3. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Jiang Xiujuan Arrested

On October 12, 2011, about a dozen officers from Yongqing County Police Department and Beiguzhuang Town Police Station broke into Ms. Jiang Xiujuan's home in Yu Village, Beiguzhuang Town, Yongqing County, Langfang City, and took her away. The police confiscated her Falun Dafa books.

4. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] Mr. Zhao Xianghai and Ms. Huang Duohong Abused in Mental Hospital

Mr. Zhao Xianghai has been held in the Xiangtan Psychiatric Hospital for four years and is still there. He is not allowed any family visits.

Ms. Huang Duohong was held in that hospital before. She is currently being held in Xiangtan Detention Center.

Zhao Yuefeng, head of Xiangtan 610 Office: +86-13507329152 (Cell)
Liu Gui, head of Xiangtan 610 Office: +86-13873228348 (Cell)
Xie Peng, on medical staff of Xiangtan Psychiatric Hospital: +86-18673260120 (Cell)
Hu Min, on medical staff of Xiangtan Psychiatric Hospital: +86-13762202038 (Cell)
Qin Pingsheng, on medical staff of Xiangtan Psychiatric Hospital: +86-13786279080 (Cell)

5. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Sun Arrested

Ms. Sun, about 60, from the Dadong District, went to the Huishan Police Station to try to get a fellow practitioner released and was arrested herself.

6. [Shahe City, Hebei Province] Mr. Liu Lin Arrested at Home on October 11

7. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] More Information about the Detention of Ms. Yang Yazhi and Several Other Practitioners

Ms. Yang Yazhi, Ms. Guo Fengxue, Ms. Sun Shuxia, and Ms. Xu Lihua have been held at the Yushu Detention Center for more than five months. They are not allowed family visits. Ms. Zhang Chunli and Ms. Zhu Ruibin are being held in the same detention center and Ms. Zhang is on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

Liu Hongshuang, director of Yushu Police Department: +86-431-83618101, +86-431-82353456, +86-13904394478 (Cell)
Liang Zhanbin, deputy director of Yushu Police Department: +86-431-83616558, +86-431-83615888, +86-13904390156 (Cell)
Fan Hongkai, officer of Domestic Security Team: +86-431-83618238, +86-15904409088 (Cell)
Yan Chongjie, officer of Domestic Security Team: +86-13364511552 (Cell)

8. [Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province] More Information on the Arrests of Mr. Zhou Shiqing and Two Other Practitioners

Mr. Zhou Shiqing, about 60, lives in Longgang Town in the Yandu District of Yancheng City. He was taken to a brainwashing facility at the Kangda Hotel in September 2011. He was released on September 29, 2011.

Another female practitioner, in her 60s, from Jianhu County, was also taken to a brainwashing facility in September and was released on September 29, 2011.

Ms. Chen, about 40, from Sheyang County was taken to the brainwashing facility in late September and is still being held there.

9. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhang Peiyun Arrested at Home and Her Home Ransacked on October 12

10. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xu Qingfang Arrested

Ms. Xu Qingfang, 45, was arrested by officers from Hualong Town Police Station on the morning of October 9, 2011.

11. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Yongjin Abused in Tai'an Prison

Mr. Liu Yongjin from Baisha town, Lanshan District, Linyi City, was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2008. He was taken to Tian'an Prison on June 18, 2008.

Tai'an Prison personnel:

Qi Fuxiang, deputy warden: +86-538-8432043, +86-13305382006 (Cell), +86-538-8288346
Zhu Xuhu, chief of No. 1 Ward: +86-538-8432149, +86-13011787877 (Cell)
Lu Wenfeng, instructor in No. 1 Ward: +86-538-8489677, +86-13053873167 (Cell)
Liu Xinrong, head of Education Section of No. 1 Ward: +86-13370621779 (Cell)

12. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Pan Hongfeng Held at No. 3 Detention Center

Ms. Pan Hongfeng from the Nangang District was arrested while distributing Falun Gong informational materials on the afternoon of October 10, 2011. She is being held in the No. 3 Detention Center.

13. [Tianshui City, Gansu Province] Additional Information on the Arrests of Mr. Wang Anquan and Several Other Practitioners

Mr. Wang Anquan, Mr. Zhao Weijun, Ms. Liu Tianfeng, Ms. Wang Huizhen, and Mr. Li Jianjiang were arrested between the evening of September 19 and the morning of September 20. Mr. Wang has been released. Ms. Liu and Ms. Wang were transferred to Tianshui Prison. Mr. Zhao and Mr. Li were taken to a detention center.

Cai Guoquan, director of Zhangjiachuan Police Department: +86-13993826189 (Cell), +86-938-7574502
Ma Xibin, deputy director of Zhangjiachuan Police Department: +86-13993885080 (Cell)
Tianye, deputy director of Zhangjiachuan Police Department: +86-13893869393 (Cell)
Ma Xiaowu, chief of Domestic Security Division: +86-13893836598 (Cell)

14. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Wang Mingxun Missing

Ms. Wang Mingxun went missing around August 26, 2011. Her whereabouts are unknown.

15. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Lifang Taken to Brainwashing Center

Ms. Liu Lifang was taken to a brainwashing center by officers from Xianfeng Street Police Station. Her daughter is now at home with no one to take care of her.

Xianfeng Street Police Station: +86-312-3036939

16. [Beijing] Ms. Zhang Limin Sent to Hohhot Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Zhang Limin was arrested by officers from Wanshousi Police Station in Chedaogou Market on July 1, 2011. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor and taken to Hohhot Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia. About 30 practitioners are being held in that forced labor camp.

17. [Shanghai] Mr. Feng Xingji Held at the Pudong Detention Center

Mr. Feng Xingji, 29, is an analyst at the No. 31 Heavy Industrial Material Research Institute. On June 29, 2011, he was arrested by Lu Xiaojun and other officers from Chuansha Police Station in the Pudong District for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. He is currently being held in the Pudong Detention Center.

18. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Chen Guozhen Taken to Xinjin Brainwashing Center

On October 10, 2011, officers from Qinglong Street 610 Office and Bailian Community Neighborhood Committee went to Ms. Chen Guozhen's home and forcibly took her to Xinjin Brainwashing Center.

19. [Taibus, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Yang Jingli Arrested

On October 10, 2011, Ms. Yang Jingli from Baochang Town, Taibus, was arrested at her home by about seven officers from the local 610 Office and the Domestic Security Division. It is believed that she is being held in a brainwashing facility.

Zhang Jianguo, head of Taibus 610 Office: +86-479-5238020, +86-13904795026 (Cell)
Wang Ruijun, officer of Taibus Domestic Security Division: +86-13947915338 (Cell)

20. [Chongqing] Ms. Ren Xingqiong Sent to Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Ren Xingqiong, 70, from Hanfeng Town, Kai County, Chongqing, was reported for speaking with people about Falun Gong on July 28, 2011. She was detained for ten days. In late August, the police deceived her into going to the police department, and then arrested her. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor and sent to Chongqing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

21. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhao Guihua Returned Home

Ms. Zhao Guihua from Zhonggezhuang Village, Malianzhuang Town, Laixi City, was reported for posting Falun Dafa informational stickers. On the afternoon of July 12, 2011, officers from Malianzhuang Police Station broke into her home and ransacked it. The police confiscated her Dafa books, Shen Yun DVDs, photos of Master Li Hongzhi, and other personal belongings. Ms. Zhao was taken to the Malianzhuang Police Station. Her husband and daughter took her home at around 1:00 a.m. the next day.

Dai Shaozheng, secretary of Zhonggezhuang village: +86-13792859077 (Cell)
Wang Yonggong, secretary of Zhonggezhuang Village Committee: +86-13255551717 (Cell)
Pang Xuewu, director of Malianzhuang Police Station: +86-13969606299 (Cell)
Zheng Lirong, deputy director of Malianzhuang Police Station: +86-13553069166 (Cell)

22. [Qian'an County, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Jingzhong Died from Abuse

Mr. Zhang Jingzhong is from Qianzijing, Qian'an County, Songyuan City. He was arrested by police while working on a farm on a mountain in the summer of 2009, and sentenced to ten years in prison. On June 16, 2009, he was sent to Jilin Prison. He was sent to the prison hospital on October 10, 2010, and transferred to the Changchun Police Hospital on October 12, 2010. On January 16, 2011, Mr. Zhang passed away at the age of 53 as a result of persecution.

Additional Persecution News from China – October 19, 2011 (6 Reports) 

( Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in six cities or counties in four provinces. According to this report, four Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least four practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Yongqing County, Hebei Province] Mr. He Chunsheng Transferred to Langfang Brainwashing Center
  2. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Additional Information on the Persecution of Three Practitioners, Including Mr. Tao Lahuai
  3. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhang Arrested and Taken to Changning District Detention Center
  4. [Chongqing] Information Regarding the Persecution of Ms. Liu Rongming
  5. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Guizhi Was Arrested at Her Home and Taken to Shahezi Brainwashing Center on the Morning of October 17, 2011
  6. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Han Rui Arrested

1. [Yongqing County, Hebei Province] Mr. He Chunsheng Transferred to Langfang Brainwashing Center

Mr. He Chunsheng from Sanshengkou Township was arrested and taken to the Yongqing Detention Center on September 20, 2011 by Shi Huanjin from the Yongqing County 610 Office, and Yu Lianxing from the Domestic Security Division. He was then transferred to Langfang Brainwashing Center on October 17.

2. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Additional Information on the Persecution of Three Practitioners, Including Mr. Tao Lahuai

Mr. Tao Lahuai, Mr. Liu Jiqing, and Mr. Wu Shuangxi, who were arrested in Macheng City on the evening of October 13, 2011, were transferred to the Hubei Province “Legal Education Center” on the morning of October 18.

3. [Shanghai] Ms. Zhang Arrested and Taken to Changning District Detention Center

Ms. Zhang from Yangguanghuayuan Community, Xuhui District was arrested and taken to the Changning District Detention Center when she was distributing Falun Gong materials on October 16, 2011.

4. [Chongqing] Information Regarding the Persecution of Ms. Liu Rongming

Guobei Village Party branch secretary Yang Jingcheng, from Luohuang Town, Jiangjin District, went to Ms. Liu Rongming’s home and harassed her on the afternoon of August 17, 2011. Later that day Ms. Liu was arrested and taken to a brainwashing center.

5. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Guizhi Was Arrested at Her Home and Taken to Shahezi Brainwashing Center on the Morning of October 17, 2011

6. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Han Rui Arrested

Ms. Han Rui from Zhangqiu City was arrested at her home by police from Shengjing Police Station on October 13, 2011. She is currently being detained at Zhangqiu Detention Center.

67 People Declare their Intention to Resume Practicing Falun Gong 

( A "Solemn Declaration" is a person's public statement to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. These statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wish to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Now, they hereby declare their intention to resume practicing Falun Dafa.

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations.

Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences 

Sharing – Why No Action Was Taken Under Cosmic Changes 

( Regarding the earlier "setting off firecrackers to eliminate evil head Jiang" and the later “Jiang re-appearing,” some practitioners in China had differing views. Some held a negative attitude toward “setting off firecrackers,” or thought it had nothing to do with cultivators. They all had their own reasons on the surface, and felt their views were reasonable.

I feel that practitioners need to think carefully, with a clear head. We Dafa disciples validate the Fa in the human world, and we are also in the maze. We can't see the cause and effect of many things based on our own ways of understanding, so what should we rely on?

Not long ago, Master published the article “Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa” where Master mentioned that overseas practitioners were “...doing sales in Chinatown by shouting out at passersby to get their attention...” and those who were “...stealthily tossing a flyer here and a flyer there...” in the nice communities while distributing Shen Yun flyers. Are there any similarities between the attitudes of overseas practitioners and the thoughts and attitudes that some of the Mainland practitioners hold toward “setting off firecrackers?” It isn't that those overseas practitioners didn't want to help Master in Fa-rectification. It is only that they let many of their own thoughts and notions obstruct them and get in the way, so they couldn't accept Master's arrangements. Then, why can we Dafa practitioners in China not learn some lessons from overseas practitioners on similar matters?

Our cultivation depends on our faith in Master and in the Fa. Master told us, “On important matters, practitioners must pay attention to the attitude of Minghui Net.” (Minghui Editors: “A Second Authentic New Article of Master Li Since July 22, 1999 Will Be Published in a Few Days”) Minghui Net is a trustworthy website established by Dafa disciples. Practitioners in China know this and have always regarded Minghui Net as a trustworthy website in directing our cultivation.

A few months ago Minghui Net published a featured article about “setting off firecrackers,” followed by a series of activity reports and sharing articles. This was absolutely not accidental. Clearly, it required Dafa disciples in China to cooperate on “important matters,” not only in terms of speed, but also in terms of quick reaction in our states of mind. But at that critical moment, many practitioners again were full of doubts and personal ideas. In that cosmic climate, even at that critical moment, we still failed to grasp the opportunity to do things well.

Time and time again, after such things happened, we failed to learn positive lessons. Instead, we questioned why something like that was reported in the first place. It has already become a “natural” habit for us to look outward. With such a state of mind, on this matter and when other important matters surface which require our cooperation, are we going to react in the same way? Aren’t we holding back the progress of Fa-rectification?

We need to reflect upon ourselves and truly look inward. Are our own thoughts that important that we can't let them go? In the face of conflicts, have we truly thought about them according to Master’s teachings in a rational manner and without any ego-involvement? Master said,

“Many Dafa disciples speak about “helping Master rectify the Fa,” or “whatever Master wants, that’s what we will do.” And it is said with conviction. But as soon as Master actually has you go and do something that doesn’t agree with your thinking, or when things are a bit challenging, you completely lose track of that righteous thought about helping Master. With resentment mixed into your thinking, the thoughts that you emit get in the way.” (“Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa - Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 Washington DC Metro Area Fa Conference”)

We must have faith in Master and the Fa. On important matters, we should also have faith in Minghui Net.

Being Diligent on the Path of Cultivation in the Fa-rectification Period 

( Throughout the thirteen years of cultivation, I have encountered many difficulties and felt that cultivation is not easy, as I did not know if I would be able to continue on my cultivation path. However, after realizing my historical mission, I joined the current of cultivation in the Fa-rectification period. I would like to share with everyone my cultivation experience. Please point out anything inappropriate.

Establishing a truth-clarification material production station

In 2007, I set up a materials production site. Initially, I was not familiar with computers or printers, but with the help of fellow practitioners, I logged onto the Minghui website and the learned basic skills needed. My wife assisted me in running this site, but sometimes we could not cooperate with each other well. By looking inward, we both came to realize our individual problems and reconciled our differences. I have a busy schedule and we supported each other to run the production site well. Moreover, I helped other fellow practitioners to establish new production sites.

Doing the three things well

I studied the Fa during lunch break and again with my wife at night. We studied two to three chapters a day and sent forth righteous thoughts four times. During the wedding of one of my relatives, I told the villagers about the facts of Falun Gong and over a dozen people agreed to quit the Party's organizations in addition to several of my colleagues.

I often went out to distribute truth-clarification materials, which had built a solid foundation for people to be saved by other fellow practitioners. We must have a pure heart and mind when we are distributing truth-clarification materials. Normally, I always send forth righteous thoughts before I go out. Sometimes I would go with a fellow practitioner who would help send forth righteous thoughts and eliminate the evil factors. If my mind was not pure and righteous, I would encounter trouble. One day, I had my pocket full of Shen Yun DVDs because I wanted to give out more DVDs. Usually, my wife and I went out together and she sent forth righteous thoughts, but this time, she went back to her hometown and I did it by myself. I did not send forth righteous thoughts before I went out. I went into a dorm building and went upstairs as I saw a man coming down. After I left one DVD there, I did not find any other proper place to put them, so I went downstairs and saw that man again. He looked ferocious and shouted, “What are you doing here?” I became very nervous and hurriedly left. All kinds of bad thoughts popped up in my head and I was so scared that he would run after me. I returned home quickly and looked inward. I realized that my heart was not pure and I was too attached to the amount of DVDs I could deliver. Afterward, I went back to the same dorm to distribute truth-clarification materials a few times. I kept my mind in a righteous state and nothing happened.

Improving Xinxing

Upgrading one's Xinxing is the prerequisite to making progress in cultivation. Only by doing so, can one eliminate the evil and save more people. Master said, “...the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments.” (“Lecture One” in Zhuan Falun)

I have many attachments, such as the attachment of lust, jealousy and fear, which are initially hard for me to get rid of. Before cultivation, I was very attached to lust. When the attachment came, I recited Master's Fa, “Desires, lust, and things of these sorts are all human attachments, and all of them should be given up.”(“Lecture Six” in Zhuan Falun) Gradually, I got rid of the attachment to lust.

There is a fellow practitioner in our area who is very capable and good at editing truth-clarification materials. However, I was often not satisfied with his materials and sometimes I did not want to use his materials. I realized that I was very jealous, so I tried to get rid of the bad thoughts and forced myself to use his materials. However, sometimes, out of jealousy, we could not cooperate well, which gave the evil an opportunity to take advantage of our loopholes. These are lessons for me as I should be more diligent in getting rid of jealousy so that we can become one body and save more sentient beings.

Fear is also a bad attachment. Out of fear, I was too afraid to tell people about Falun Gong and sometimes I would pick and choose people to approach. I was persecuted by my workplace so I was afraid that I would be persecuted again. That thought is not righteous. I should get rid of all the bad thoughts and openly talk to people about Falun Gong and the persecution.

Master chose us as Dafa disciples and we should fulfill our vows. I should cultivate myself diligently, cooperate with other fellow practitioners and save more sentient beings. I will try to become a diligent Dafa practitioner.

Genuinely Cultivating and Experiencing the Beauty of Falun Dafa 

( I obtained the Fa in 1996, and it was four years ago that I first learned how to truly cultivate myself and be a true practitioner. I was really happy that I learned how to truly cultivate. I paid attention to every thought and tried to correct them according to the principles of Dafa. I constantly changed my human notions and cooperated with fellow practitioners to save sentient beings. I would like to share some of my experiences with fellow practitioners.

Master Saved My Life

In 2001 my husband and I were on our way home from work, when some thieves robbed us. They took our motorcycle and stabbed my husband three times and me twice. I remembered Master's Fa, “Not everyone will encounter these kinds of things, but some individuals will run into them. Whether you come across them or not, I can assure you that you will not be in any danger—I can guarantee this.” (“Lecture Three” in Zhuan Falun) So I was not afraid and could only feel that the cut was bleeding, but not painful. Later, it stopped bleeding. After 90 minutes, we were taken to the hospital, and our family members worried about us very much. I felt relaxed and thought that maybe I owed them from my past life and that I had given them back something. The next day, we left the hospital, but our family members were still afraid.

When I thought of that incident again, I had a different understanding. I realized that it was my attachments that had put me in trouble. In 2009 my 13-year-old son was hit by a car. His skin was scraped, but nothing serious happened. Master was protecting him. Thank you, Master.

Look Inward and Cultivate Myself Diligently

Master said, “For a cultivator, looking within is a magical tool.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference”) and “The above are the two reasons for not being able to increase gong. Without knowing the Fa at high levels, one cannot practice cultivation. Without cultivating one’s inner self and one’s xinxing, one cannot increase gong. These are the two reasons.” (“Lecture One” in Zhuan Falun)

As I recited Master's Fa, I understood the importance of upgrading xinxing. In the secular world, a cultivator should not have his/her heart moved by anything. If one's heart is moved, one must have some attachments.

One day I met practitioner A on the street. She said, “You do not have to work because your family members work. However, my daughter (practitioner B) has to work; so please do not ask her to do any coordination work anymore.” I said to myself, “How can she say that to me?” My facial expression was not nice, either. Later, I went to visit practitioner B and her mother (practitioner A) came back home shortly afterward. Practitioner A repeated to me the same thing she said earlier. I warned myself, “I did not pass that test. Now she gives me another opportunity to pass it.” I tried to keep calm in my mind and listened to her. Then the mother and daughter started to argue with each other. I said, “Both of you are right.” The mother smiled and went to have her lunch. I talked to practitioner B and discovered that it was the issue of cultivation of speech that generated the conflicts. Over a dozen practitioners had been illegally arrested at that time, and I often shared some information with the daughter when the mother was present, so the mother worried about her daughter's safety. I realized that I should cultivate my speech well.

Taking the Initiative to Be the Coordinator and Changing Human Notions

Master said,

“'The Buddha Fa' is most profound; among all the theories in the world, it is the most intricate and extraordinary science. In order to explore this domain, humankind must fundamentally change its conventional thinking. Otherwise, the truth of the universe will forever remain a mystery to humankind, and everyday people will forever crawl within the boundary delimited by their own ignorance.” (“Lunyu”, Zhuan Falun)

I often think, over and over, about what “conventional thinking” is. A person's thinking is the guidance for their behavior. I should pay attention to every thought and figure out whether it is righteous or not. If the thought is nor righteous according to Dafa, I should eliminate it because my mind should be righteous according to the characteristic of the universe, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

I decided to organize some materials to expose the persecution by local evildoers. However, I did not know all the techniques to create such materials. Master gave me a hint that I could download materials from other areas and modify them for local use. Then a thought popped into my head, “These are for other areas. You cannot copy them.” I said to myself, “Is that my own thought? Materials on the Minghui website are for all practitioners. I should be able to use it. Where does it say that I cannot use it? It must be the old forces, who do not want to be exposed, that are interfering with me.” Then I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them. My first booklet to expose the evil was produced with Master's help and hints.

In 2009 over a dozen practitioners were illegally arrested, and most of them were coordinators. I felt a lot of pressure and did not know what to do. I was in that state for four months.

I asked myself, “Why do you feel that you can do nothing? Do you really believe that after fellow practitioners were arrested, you can do nothing to get them out except to wait for the date when they can be released? Am I agreeing with the old forces? I should get rid of that thought.”

I talked with other coordinators and went to visit the detained fellow practitioners' families. We also sent forth righteous thoughts and distributed materials to expose the evil. We became one body again.

Clarifying the Truth in Different Places

My husband (a practitioner) and I run a clinic, and we took every opportunity to tell our patients the information about Falun Gong. We have developed very good relationships with patients. More and more people have asked us about Falun Gong. Every time I went to buy medications, I talked to the salesperson about Falun Gong, and many people know that I practice Falun Gong. One day, when my husband and I went there to buy some medications for our patients, they wanted us to tell them more about Falun Gong.

Later on, we moved to town and opened a massage store where we could meet people from all walks of life. Many people knew that our store was very nice and our skills were advanced. Moreover, they knew that the owners were Falun Gong practitioners. People who came to our store all wanted to hear about Falun Gong.

One day, two police officers came to our store to get a massage. They were not polite. After we talked to them, they often came to our store and talked with us about Falun Gong. I told them not to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and I helped them to quit the Party's organizations.

I thank Master for saving me, and I will be more diligent in doing the three things.

People’s Hearts Determine Their Futures 

Those Who Do Bad Deeds Will Harm Their Families 

( Editors’ Note: In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely “following orders,” the universal law requires that they too be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.

Why do Falun Gong practitioners clarify the facts to people? Why do they urge people to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations and not persecute Falun Gong? The reason is to save them. Those who don't listen will be condemned by heaven, and their actions will also affect those close to them. It may look incidental, but in reality it is predestined.

On April 13, 2004, Ren Changxia, then the chief of police in Dengfeng City, Henan Province, who was awarded as a “national model” by the CCP for persecuting Falun Gong, was killed in a car accident. Everyone else in the car was unhurt, while she was killed sitting in a safer rear seat. Her eyes were open for three days after her death. Many local people believed that she was punished for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

The punishment did not stop there however. Four years after her death, her husband, Wei Chunxiao, died suddenly of a stroke at the age of 45. Senior Deputy Director Nie Chunshen of the TV series “Ren Changxia” also died suddenly on January 12. Early in 2004, Xiao Lin, the deputy director of the Wuhan City First Prison, who was hailed as “The Ren Changxia next to us,” died of a strange illness at the age of 32. Her husband Ren Zhichao is also seriously ill because he participated in persecuting Falun Gong. From these cases it can be seen that just being associated with Ren Changxia’s name is harmful.

There are numerous people like Ren Changxia who persecuted Falun Gong and received retribution later. Their poisonous lies are like a plague that contaminates their surroundings, with their relatives being the first affected.

Cheng Kangyan, former deputy secretary of the City Directory and the political and judicial secretary of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and caused over 30 practitioners in Wuhan area to be killed, as well as dozens of practitioners arrested, jailed, put in brainwashing centers, and having their homes ransacked. Some practitioners were forced to divorce and had their families broken up. In the winter of 2005, Cheng Kangyan’s parents were both killed by a gas leak at home.

Cao Chaoqun, the 610 Office leader in Guangshui City, Hubei Province, persecuted practitioners by threatening, abducting, firing, brainwashing, and putting the practitioners in forced labor camps. Some were persecuted to death. His father died of uremia in 2006, his wife died in 2008 after being bedridden from illness for years, his brother died in 2001 of stomach cancer, his mother is suffering from breast cancer, and he himself is suffering from an unknown illness.

Wang Lixin, director of the Minghua Neighborhood Administration Office in Hudian City, Jilin Province, went with 610 Office agents to practitioners’ homes to threaten, harass, and arrest practitioners and put them in brainwashing centers. This led to practitioner Wang Xiuyun’s death, and forced many practitioners to become homeless. Wang Lixin was elected as an outstanding performer by the political and judicial system. On February 3, 2007, he and his father, a late-stage-cancer-sufferer, along with his brother and sister, drove to Jilin in a car and were involved in a head-on collision with a truck. All four were killed, with Wang himself being decapitated.

In 2009, CCTV reporter Luo Jing developed lymph-node cancer after he spread lies for the CCP. When he died, his mouth was rotting, which was perhaps punishment for misuse of his mouth.

Former party secretary Ji Henzhi, of the Cultural Bureau in Zaoqiang County, Hebei Province, slandered Falun Gong on TV and persecuted practitioners in his organization. After he developed cancer, he developed another unknown illness and underwent throat surgery. As a result, he could no longer speak. On their way to visit him, his daughter and son-in-law were hit and sandwiched by two cars on the road. She was killed on the spot and he was seriously injured, leading to a leg amputation.

Jiao Xiangmin, the principle of Xihu District Fourth High School in Wuhan City, cooperated with the 610 Office to take practitioners to a brainwashing center, and withhold practitioners’ salaries. In late April 2004, the car he was driving hit a guardrail, killing his wife and seriously injuring himself.

There are also many incidents of police officers being punished for their direct involvement in the persecution of practitioners. Some are listed below.

Officer Yang Jijun worked as a trainer in the Yangyuan Brainwashing Center in Wuchang City. He often beat practitioners after he'd had a few drinks. Because of his involvement in persecuting practitioners, the 610 Office rewarded him with a one thousand yuan bonus. Afterwards he received all sorts of retribution. In 2002, his wife and son were hit by a bus while crossing the street. His wife died instantly and his son was badly injured. His father had a stroke which led to dementia. Three years later, at the age of 42, he himself had a stroke and was operated on twice.

Xu Bing, deputy chief of the Yaqueling Police Station in Yinling District of Yichang City, Hubei Province, actively participated in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. As a result, his entire family experienced misfortune. In mid-May 2008, the car he was driving burst into flames after it hit a bank and then a tree. Both he and his wife were seriously injured and his twelve-year-old son died at the scene.

Officer Li Shaohua of the Pufang Police Department in Chibi City, Hubei Province illegally seized practitioners’ books and arrested them. His family members subsequently experienced misfortune. His father died of an illness, his wife got cancer, and his brother suddenly died.

There is an old saying: “Those who do bad deeds will harm their families.” The above stories truly reflect its truth.