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Thoughts After Seeing the Call for Papers on “Divine Occurrences in the Human World”

January 13, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the U.S.

(Clearwisdom.net) I want to share with fellow practitioners my understanding after seeing the announcement calling for papers on “Divine Occurrences in the Human World.” Dafa disciples far exceed ordinary cultivators, but over the past years many have confused their thoughts and abilities with those of everyday people on many issues. They felt powerless when doing things. Failing to be enlightened to the Fa principles at high levels is one of the two reasons for a cultivator to be unable to increase gong even if they do cultivation exercises. If practitioners become confused in their understanding and evaluate certain issues as though they were everyday people, then they will fail to cultivate themselves on these issues for a long time, and remain in the state of being everyday people in this regard. Everyday people do not have the Fa to guide them and will certainly feel puzzled and helpless when they are faced with cultivators' tasks.

Some fellow practitioners respectfully selected Master's related teachings as follows: (Master's Fa teachings on this matter are not limited to these quotes; this is just a few of them offered for fellow practitioners to consider) we hope more practitioners will review and attach importance to them, truly calm down to study the Fa well, be quick to awaken to our divine nature, and strengthen our powerful righteous thoughts in the Fa, so that Dafa disciples as a whole will give full play to our mighty power:

“If every Dafa disciple can think and act righteously as he goes about things and can look at things with righteous thoughts under any circumstance, none of you will become afraid when facing persecution. If that is how you are, who would dare to persecute you! If a person is completely in the Fa no one can touch him. Isn't that having the ability to protect yourself? As a matter of fact, with regard to the veteran students [that started] prior to the persecution, I raised all of you to your positions. As long as you can go about things with righteous thoughts and righteous actions you can protect yourselves perfectly well, and that applies as well for new students that joined later. It's just that some students simply don't have righteous thoughts. They have all the things in place, and yet when experiencing persecution they still look at things with a human mindset and still have a big pile of attachments. What is Master to do? Should I completely take over everything that you're supposed to do in validating the Fa? Then would it be you that's cultivating or would it be Master doing it? ”

(“Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005”)

“Under the tests that the human mind is put to, a state will come about in a cultivator when understandings born of both divine and human thoughts are present and collide. When human thinking gains the upper hand, that person heads toward humanness; when divine thinking and a person's righteous thoughts gain the upper hand, he heads toward godhood.”

(“Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005”)

“In order to truly enable you to ascend through cultivation, I have utilized a method, namely, taking what I can give to you and what I can help you with, and compressing all of it into the book of Fa. The only thing left is to see if you want to obtain it.”

(“Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference in Australia, 1999”)

“I’ve often said that I have incorporated into this Fa everything that can allow you to cultivate and advance, and everything that you can attain through cultivation. Although you are in different realms, none of you can truly understand the weight of my words.”

(“Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Switzerland, 1998”)

“I’ve written into this book everything that I can give you and everything that can enable you to improve and transform yourselves—all these are compressed into this work of Fa.”

(“Teaching the Fa at the Conference in Europe, 1998”)

“...all that exists today exists for the sake of my Dafa disciples validating the Fa. Remember: you are the stars of today's world, you are the lives that sentient beings are watching the most intently, and you are beings who are determining the future of every person in the human world! ”

(“Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Canada Fa Conference”)

“Everything in the world was established and created for the Fa-rectification, and Dafa disciples are the great figures of our time. Since ancient times the beings in all realms have waited in anticipation. Gather up and rescue the beings that you are to save! Have righteous thoughts and righteous actions, dissolve all hindrances, and spread the facts widely. Divine beings are among men.”

(“To the European Fa Conference in Stockholm”)