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Practitioner Ms. He Guihong from Jiayu County Sent to Brainwashing Center in Hubei Province

July 24, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Hubei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. He Guihong is a Falun Gong practitioner in Paizhouwan Town, Jiayu County, Hubei Province. She was arrested by agents from the Jiayu County 610 Office and Domestic Security Division on July 2, 2010, and sent to the Tangxunhu Brainwashing Center in Wuhan City (also known as Hubei Province Law Education Center).

This persecution was a collaboration between the Xianning City Police Department and Paizhouwan Police Station. The responsible parties involved in the arrest are the Xianning City 610 Office, along with Zhou Yu and others from the Domestic Security Division of the Xianning Police Department. It was said that these individuals went to Ms. He's workplace before the arrest to obtain more information.

When Ms. He was at her workplace, a chain store located at Xian'an District, on July 1, several Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials who had been waiting there approached and arrested her. When they tried to take her away, Ms. He resisted the arrest, and yelled out loud, "I'm innocent! Help! Help!" Three people shoved her down to the floor and handcuffed her, and one even viciously strangled Ms. He's neck. She was finally forced into the police van and taken away.

After Ms. He was arrested, 610 Office personnel and the police intercepted the information. With help from people who heard of the incident, Ms. He's family came to know that she had been taken away by Xianning City Police Department. They went to the Xianning City Domestic Security Division on July 8 to request her release, but CCP officials refused to reveal where Ms. He was being detained and even threatened that she could be sentenced to jail.

According to the staff working at Paizhouwan Neighborhood Administration Office, Ms. He is now holding a hunger strike at the brainwashing center to protest the persecution. Her family is worried about her condition.

The following agencies were known to be involved in arresting and persecuting Ms. He: Xianning City 610 Office, Xianning City Domestic Security Division, Jiayu County 610 Office, Jiayu County Domestic Security Division, Paizhouwan Town Police Station, Paizhouwan Town Financial Office, and the Neighborhood Administration Office.

The following people have been involved in persecuting Ms. He: Zhou Yu (Xianning City Domestic Security Division), Nong Jixue (head of Paizhouwan Town Police Station), Wang Shougui (retired former Head of Paizhouwan Town Financial Office), Lu Yinhuan 86-13707247910 (Cell) (monitoring Falun Gong practitioners at the Brainwashing Center)