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Taiwan Corporate President: "Shen Yun Is Remarkable!" (Photos)

April 06, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Amidst thunderous applause, the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts took the stage in the Tainan Municipal Cultural Center in Tainan, Taiwan, on April 3 and 4, 2010.

President of Tongyi International Ltd. Wu Haiyang and his wife.

Wu Haiyang, president of Tongyi International Ltd. and a traditional Chinese painting master, attended the show with his wife, who teaches a Chinese experimental music class.

When asked what he thought of the show, he exclaimed, "Of course, it is very good!"

Mr. Wu was full of praise for the stage design and arrangement, including the costumes, music, and dance, saying, "The performers have put lots of work into it. The choreography and music are perfect, while the costumes and colors are quite outstanding and beautiful. The beautiful backdrops are very special!"

He felt that, through the show's promotion of ancient Chinese culture, "Shen Yun enables audiences to sense the beauty of Chinese culture through its music and dance."

Having come into contact with Falun Gong some 15 or 16 years ago, Mr. Wu said, "I identify with and support Falun Dafa. I also sponsored Shen Yun advertising this year. I think Shen Yun is remarkable!"

Mrs. Wu, who teaches the Chinese pipa and zither in her Chinese experimental music class, is a big fan of Shen Yun, having now seen the show three times.

"The live orchestral performance is terrific! Very effective! They combine Chinese and Western instruments. There is stringed music, wind music, and violins, in combination with suona horns, drums, cymbals, plus the Chinese pipa. The musical performance is very good! Very effective! It is very special to use Western instruments to play the main tune of Chinese music," adding, "The soprano sings very well! Terrific!"

She continued, "I am particularly fond of "Flowing Silk." The colors of the costumes in combination with the backdrop displays are very beautiful and terrific. The colors amazingly match. "Flowing Silk" is just very gentle!"

Mr. Wu Haiyang concluded by saying that next year, he and his wife will buy the best Shen Yun tickets available.

Entrepreneurs: "Shen Yun is the world's best!"

The Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company plays to a full house in Tainan, Taiwan.

Ms. Huang Hsiu-Mei, who owns a jewelry manufacturing company, was also in the audience.

"I've travelled around the world, and seen performances wherever I've been, but Shen Yun is the world's best! It was too good! Just incredible," she excitedly exclaimed.

She continued, "The dancers were all so young, and they played their parts so well. As they danced they were so light-footed. Every performance had its own special character, especially the Miao ethnic dance--that was just outstanding."

Ms. Huang Hsiu-Mei was struck by the way dancers' smiles lifted the mood of the entire audience, saying, "They smiled the whole way through each performance. Their faces were nothing but smiles. It was great.

"Out of all the Chinese dance companies, I think Shen Yun is the best," she said, adding, "I've seen a lot of foreign dances, and no matter whether it's the world's best performances in Paris or Russia, Shen Yun is different. It's just outstanding."

Another audience member who was very moved by the show was Liu Yangyi, president of Tong Yang Trading Co., Ltd, and manager of a number of trade and raw materials companies.

"The whole performance was extremely good," Mr. Liu, said, "It was so beautiful that I really can't think of words to describe it. I am speechless.

"Shen Yun is better than international performances, even better than performances in Paris. Chinese traditional dance is different. Throughout the whole show there was a feeling of strong kindness."

He commented on the orchestral accompaniment, saying, "It even has an on-site orchestra to accompany the show. The orchestra's music was deeply moving.

"When Shen Yun returns I will definitely introduce it to my good friends and relatives, so they can come with me and experience this great show."

Listed company president: Shen Yun is perfect

The audience at the third show of Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company in Tainan City on April 3.

Mr. Shen, president of a listed company, saw the Shen Yun show with is wife. "It is excellent. The show's perfection exceeds my imagination," he said, adding, "It is truly perfect!"

He praised the orchestra, saying, "The standard is very high!"

Mrs. Shen especially liked the costume designs. "The color coordination is really excellent," she said.

She felt that the costumes and headdresses of the dancers in "Mongolian Hospitality" were "Extraordinary! It is so beautiful and so splendid," she exclaimed.

She described her impression of the Tibetan dance, saying, "Swift and delightful. The dance inspired me."

Mr. Shen commented on how quickly the performers changed costumes between dance sets. "They can do it so well. The management must be very outstanding. Otherwise, they could not be so well-knit or flawless like they are."

He concluded, "Illustrating that 'Good and evil will always be rewarded' through dance, that is truly a unique, thought-provoking performance. It will be beneficial to purify the social atmosphere"



