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Welcome Changes in My Family

March 30, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Because my grandfather was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the "Great Cultural Revolution," my father doesn't hold any good feelings about the CCP, even though he has been a member for many decades. After my father finished reading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, he happily quit the CCP. I originally told him that I wanted him to use a pseudonym name to quit, but he said he wanted to quit in a official way using his real name. I was very happy to hear this. In the end, for safety issues, I helped him quit using a pseudonym.

Last year, I gave my father a copy of Disintegrating the Party Culture. I didn't expect him to read it in such detail, but he read it several times. He told me, "Disintegrating the Party Culture was written in even greater detail and with richer content than Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party." During this time, I often explored various topics about the evil party with my father. Perhaps because he had first-hand experience with the CCP, and has read "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and Disintegrating the Party Culture in more detail than me, I often feel that my father's view on the CCP is clear, more thorough, and deeper than mine.

I was greatly surprised and happy to see the changes in my father during the days that followed. Whenever he had a conversation with someone, he naturally linked the topic to the analysis and essence of the CCP, and as far as I know, no one has won an argument with him on this topic. What he said was well-founded and convincing. As a non-practitioner, his clarifying the facts from the angle of a third party has had a better effect than mine. My father's health is good. He used to a bit thin but now has gained some weight. His mental state also seems very good. I think he must have been rewarded for his good deeds.

In the past, I have tried to tell a cousin about the wickedness of the evil party, but she had always been very indifferent. Some time ago when she had to take care of some household account matters, she hit a snag. When we later saw each other again, she naturally linked our conversation to the problems in the CCP's current system. When I told her about the evilness of the CCP, she was able to take in everything, and enjoyed listening. At last, she said, "The CCP is so vile." Of course she has already quit the CCP's Youth League organization. Like my father, she now uses every opportunity to tell people about the CCP's evilness. During the Chinese New Year, I went to visit my uncle at his home. When my cousin heard I would be visiting, she said, "Brother, I just can't convince my father to quit the CCP. Come here and give him a good talk." I was so glad to hear this.

I tried to clarify the truth to my uncle. At the beginning, he was not very receptive to the facts. I thought to myself, that instead of talking to him generally, maybe I should focus on one point in order to break through the barriers. I then started telling him the stories that my grandfather experienced during the "Great Cultural Revolution." I said, "If Grandpa's health was not so severely affected due to the Great Cultural Revolution, he might have lived to this date." After listening to my words, my uncle slowly began to change his notions. Perhaps my words had reminded him of the painful experience of his father's arrest when he was a young boy. Our views gradually got closer. Although my uncle has not quit the CCP yet, I still feel happy because his attitude has changed.

Some time ago my mother went to my sister's home. I have a lovely nephew who just turned four. My mother taught him to recite "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good," and to sing Dafa songs. He did a great job. His voice was loud and clear. One day as my mother was reading the Fa, she pointed at the picture of Master and said to my nephew, "Teacher." Unexpectedly, my little nephew said "Master," as he deliberately tried to correct my mother. My mother was very surprised, thinking that at such a young age, how could he learn to speak like that.

Over the many years that we have come through, I could feel the changes in the sentient beings in quantity and quality. In the past, I naively thought that some day the Buddhas and Taos would suddenly appear, and Fa-rectification would be over. But now, I have clearly come to understand that all changes in sentient beings are a result achieved through Dafa disciples' constant efforts and sacrifices. Let us work harder to bring more sentient beings back home.