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Awakened Non-Practitioners' Solemn Statements

March 29, 2010 |  


Solemn Declaration

In the past I did many things that were disrespectful of Falun Dafa. I threw away the truth clarification material that practitioners gave me and said a lot of things that were disrespectful of Dafa. Recently many unfortunate things have happened in my family. My child was diagnosed with leukemia and the hospital would not even admit him. He was unconscious for three days. Fortunately, practitioners reminded me to continuously recite, "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" to my child. After we recited the phrases for one day and one night, a miraculous thing happened. My child woke up. I truly thank Dafa's Teacher for saving my child's life and giving him a second chance to live. I sincerely repent and support Dafa. I would like to learn Falun Gong and no longer believe the Chinese Communist Party's false propaganda. I hope people of conscience will learn from my experience, support Dafa, and treat practitioners with kindness.

Zhang Xuecai

March 11, 2010

Chinese version available at:


Solemn Declaration

I am a public security police officer and have persecuted kind-hearted practitioners. My bad deeds affected my family; my wife had a heart attack and died. I was full of regret. After learning the truth about Falun Gong, I saw through the Chinese Communist Party's lies and recognized its brutal, inhumane nature. I hereby solemnly declare null and void everything I said and did before that was disrespectful to Dafa and Dafa practitioners. I will support Dafa, make up for the loss I caused Dafa, and walk toward a bright future.

Qi Changjiang

November 1, 2009

Chinese version available at:
