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Becoming Mature on the Path of Saving Sentient Beings

March 26, 2010 |   By a practitioner in China


1. Attaining the Fa

I was a teacher when I attained Dafa during Chinese New Year's Eve in 1996. At that time, I was suffering from rheumatoid arthritis with all ten of my fingers swollen like sausages. There were no medical treatments available for my condition. I heard that there was a special treatment that may be able to treat my problem, which was to drink rice wine soaked with ants. I drank so much of this concoction that it caused my mouth and my eye sockets to turn very dark. However, there was no change at all. In the end, I had no energy to work on the students' school assignments and I had to stop teaching. When I was going through this despair, my uncle, a Dafa practitioner, sent me the book Zhuan Falun and said to me affirmatively, "It can save you!"

With uncertainty, I started to read the book. However, I felt my heart beating faster and my blood boiling with excitement when I read the first section of Lunyu. It was so incisive and moving. My hands couldn't help but slightly quiver. I never heard such a theory and statement in my life. I turned to the previous page which contained Master's photo and wondered where he came from with such wisdom. I continued reading and finished the first four lectures without stopping. I didn't know how I managed to turn the pages with my swollen fingers. I was completely convinced with such seemingly simple but profound principles. Although I didn't completely understand all that I read, I was so fond of it that I couldn't help but continue reading. Nine days later, I saw Master's lecture video played by a fellow practitioner who was carefully listening to the lecture. Since then, I stopped taking all my medications. I joined a Fa study group and began to learn and practice the exercises. Three months later, a miracle happened. My fingers stopped swelling and were completely recovered. So I was able to resume my teaching. Witnessing the miracle, my family members also started to practice Dafa one after another.

2. Safeguarding Dafa Firmly with Righteous Thoughts

When the CCP started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, I went with fellow practitioners to the municipal government building to appeal for Falun Gong. Many fellow practitioners gathered outside the wall around the government building. We held our hands together and formed layers to prevent the police from dragging us away. The police would try to drag young people out and beat them viciously. Later, we were detained at a school. I questioned them, "The constitution allows freedom of belief. What law have we broken to allow you to arrest and beat us? Why do you violate the law while you are supposed to execute the law? It is a violation of human rights to detain us here. Let us go!" We were released after being detained for more than seven hours. However, at the end of October that year, I was arrested by the police at a train station again.

After I was retired in the year 2000, I began to validate Dafa with all my efforts, distributing truth-clarifying materials and hanging banners. Since I didn't study the Fa enough and had a strong attachment to competitiveness in doing Dafa work, I was arrested again and was sent to a detention center on January 23, 2001. On the second day, I was detained there and CCTV was playing the video on the Self-Immolation incident at Tiananmen Square which shocked the entire world. The inmates all talked about it. Some were deeply poisoned by it, some were not quite certain and questioned whether it was true. I told them peacefully that it was a lie and it was to frame Falun Gong. "Falun Gong teaches against any form of killing, including suicide. People practice Falun Gong in order to gain health. Why would they want to burn themselves? Moreover, these people are not from the same place. Why did they come to the same place at the same time to burn themselves with the same method? Why did the police carry fire extinguishers and blankets when they patrolled Tiananmen Square?" Some inmates agreed with me and said that Falun Gong practitioners were good people. When I was interrogated, the head of the detention center kept asking me this question for two days, "Do you believe the Self-Immolation was true?" I calmly stated my opinion with reason as they recorded it. When I was interrogated on the third day, I was even more prepared since we were forced to watch the video every day. At last, the head of the detention center said, "I will not ask you this question anymore." I believe he had already realized the truth.

One month later, I was subjected to two years of forced labor. In the forced labor camp, fellow practitioners were sent there every day and our numbers increased dramatically. On March 19, 2001, forced brainwashing began in the labor camp. More than 500 practitioners were gathered in the hall and the hallways. Many guards viciously held rubber sticks and electric rods. Some people with white masks on their faces stood outside and beside stretchers. Police cars and the ambulances with flashing lights were seen everywhere. The brutal tortures began. The screaming of fellow practitioners and the sharp snapping sounds from the electric rods echoed through the air, while the speakers in the labor camp were playing the propaganda slandering Dafa loudly. Terror filled in the air and the calamity in the human world was presented on stage... This is the crime conducted by the evil CCP.

I went astray because of my attachments and left a stain on my cultivation path which brought negative influence. Two years later, I realized that I must stand up and compensate for the damages that I made and doubled my effort. I published a solemn statement to announce all that I had written or said to the media is null and void. Trying to cleanse my stain, I seriously tried to do my best in doing the three things Master requires of us.

The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party published in 2004, started a wave of Quitting the Chinese Communist Party and its associated organizations. The environment became more relaxed with more people getting rid of the influence of the evil party. Because I didn't encounter much difficulties in doing the three things, I became more relaxed and lowered my guard against the evil thus resulting in me being framed and arrested for the third time in 2007. Three days later, I was released. Later, I found out that my family was forced to pay 13,000 yuan to get me out which reflected the CCP's policy on Falun Gong practitioners, "Destroy them physically, defame their reputation and bankrupt them financially."

3. Reading the Minghui Web Site and Closely Following the Fa-rectification Progress

Just like many other fellow practitioners, not depending on others, I purchased a computer and printer and started to learn how to go online to access the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net). With the wisdom endowed by Dafa, I was able to visit the Minghui website and to download and print Dafa materials, which also helped other fellow practitioners. When I first read the articles on the Minghui website, I was so excited. There was so much material with such rich contents. I felt so close to other fellow practitioners worldwide. Through reading the articles on the web, I resolved many questions I encountered. The sharing of fellow practitioners' experiences helped me to quickly advance. When I held the Minghui Weekly that I printed out and read the familiar words in the title, it seemed Master was standing in front of me. After reading Master's lecture of "Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website's Founding", I realized how important the role Minghui played in clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings. I hope those who haven't come out yet will not hesitate to do so any more. The earlier you get online to the Minghui website, the faster you will mature.

4. Saving Sentient Beings with Compassion

To start something is always difficult. It was difficult for me to start clarifying the truth because I have a strong attachment of fear. I am afraid of being reported to the police, afraid of people refusing to listen to me and afraid of being unable to speak well. In fact, there was a big mentality of selfishness behind everything. Master asked us to become righteous enlightened beings of selflessness and altruism. How can I qualify and meet the standards of a practitioner with such mentality? There is no shortcut in cultivation. I must cultivate myself solidly and make a breakthrough through in solid cultivation.

I have been clarifying the truth alone and do it everywhere I go. I can become familiar with anyone I meet. On a raining day, a young man rushed by with a newspaper over his head. I caught up and shared my umbrella with him. He didn't say anything when he noticed that I was an old lady. While walking, I asked him, "Have you heard that you will be safe and well if you quit the CCP?" He nodded his head. I asked again, "Have you quit yet?" He shook his head. I started to clarify the truth of Falun Gong. "Falun Gong practitioners follow the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They don't drink alcohol or smoke. They don't cheat or steal. However, the CCP defames the practice and persecutes practitioners. There are the unjustified deaths of 80 million during the 60 years of the CCP regime which is more than the total death number during the two world wars. Now the CCP's live organ-harvesting on Falun Gong practitioners has been exposed. The outbreak of the H1N1 in the world indicates there are injustices in the world." He said, "What can we do?" I replied, "Quit the CCP! Uphold justice for Falun Gong. I can see that you are fair minded, knowledgeable and sharp individual. How about you quit the CCP with the name 'In Rain.'" Enthusiastically, he agreed.

Once, a young man handed me a flier in promoting a medicine and started to introduce the product. I said to him, "You are doing a good thing to relieve people of pain. However, if a natural disaster happens, the medicine will have no effect. Many people heard the story about Monk Jigong. Monk Jigong tried to tell people in a village that there would be a disaster but no one believed him. At that time, there was a wedding going on in the village. Jigong suddenly had an idea. He carried the bride on his back and ran away which made the entire village people chase after him leaving the village. Suddenly, the mountain near the village had a landslip submerging the entire village. The people realized what happened and suddenly understood Monk Jigong. Quitting the CCP will make you safe and well. It is a kind reminder to good people. Have you quit the CCP yet? Just do it and it will be a secret, only you, me, heaven and earth will know." I helped him to quit the CCP using the name 'Junjian'.

I met a person who believes in Jesus who told me he was the child of God and is not concerned about quitting the CCP. I said to him thoughtfully, "It is good to have faith. Faith can restrain people to not doing bad things. Just a few days ago, there was an article in Dalian Daily with the title of 'Religious belief must serve for social stability'. This party wants to be above the god you believe in, doesn't it?" He was speechless. I said to him, "You cannot step on two boats at the same time. Serving your own god and at the same time the demon. How can your god protect you?" He said, "You are right. I didn't join the communist party or the youth league but had been a communist young pioneer when I was young. Help me quit."

Those who have witnessed the miracle of Dafa will not hesitate to quit the CCP. In July this year, my grandson in the first grade had an accident in school. His head bumped against a concrete pillar accidentally int front of a crowd just coming out of a class. He fractured his scalp and he lay on the floor with his eyes closed, weak and limp. His mother and I quickly arrived at the school after receiving the call from his teacher. We called the taxi and went to the hospital. The doctor there asked us to immediately go to the children's hospital. We called another taxi. At that time, although my grandson was still weak with his eyes closes and his face yellowish, I did not panic. I went close to his ears and said to him, "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." His mother followed me to repeat these words. We spoke louder and louder. At that time, the windows in the taxi were wide open but we weren't worried at all. When we were approaching the hospital, my grandson started to whisper slowly and faintly, "Falun Dafa is good. Master help me!" He woke up! Witnessing the miracle, the driver didn't hesitate when I asked him to quit the CCP. He said, "Other people have advised me the same before, but I refused. Now I'm really convinced. I will quit now!" My grandson was checked by a doctor and nothing was found wrong. The doctor just advised him to rest at home for the next couple of days.

Of course, while clarifying the truth, I have encountered some people who didn't want to listen, didn't want to quit or even scolded me. It's alright as long as we have done what we should do out of our compassion and our responsibility.

In fact, those who have been clarifying the truth from the beginning, all have had such experiences. At that time, ordinary people were very scared of hearing the word Falun Gong and tried to avoid us. Although many of them had good impressions of Falun Gong, they were just afraid of the CCP's despotic power. Of course, it is a serious matter to clarify the truth. One must know what to say and how to say it. First we must let people know the truth of Falun Gong, the truth of the Self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square, the truth of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and the secret of "Heaven's Destruction of the Chinese Communist Party." We have to talk based on ordinary people's thinking and their attachments. What do ordinary people think? They had been poor for a long time and now in recent times they finally don't need to worry about the basic living necessities. They are afraid there will be disasters and the good times will not last. They hate the corruption and collaboration of the government officials, the businessmen, the police and the gangsters. They have no alternative but have to eat, drink or even breathe "poisoned" items. At last, we should advise people of the causes behind all of this is the degeneration of human beings and the chief culprit is the CCP. To be safe, one must acknowledge "Falun Dafa is good" and quit the CCP to wipe off its stain. Of course, it is the mighty power of the Fa and divine wisdom that take effect when clarifying the truth. We just simply do it and it is Master who decides who can be saved. Through clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings, we can improve our realm.

The evil factors have lessened and the environment has been more relaxed in recent years. Now it is not difficult to clarify the truth. I have such an experience, when I am calm with strong righteous thoughts when clarifying the truth, people I talk to will be more relaxed. They will fell like they are chatting with a friend, a neighbor or a person they know well. The effect will be very good. Otherwise, if I am afraid, glance left and right and overcautious, the other will feel it and it will be hard to communicate further. Master said,

"Dafa disciples' cultivation is not merely for individual Consummation. Saving sentient beings is the responsibility of Dafa disciples, a responsibility that those cultivators who bear the title "Dafa Disciple" must fulfill." ("To the European Fa Conference" 2007)

I keep these words firmly in my mind and revolve my entire being around aiming to save sentient beings. I will go out for two or three hours every day to meet those who have a predestined relationship while walking or doing things, and advise them to quit the CCP.

I am a senior practitioner and have been assisting Master in Fa-rectification for over ten years. Although I hadn't performed any glorious feats, I never stop doing the three things. Master published four lectures and two articles in the summer of 2009. I feel Master is advancing the Fa-rectification more vigorously with the boundless mighty power of the Fa. Apparently, our current state is far behind the requirement of Fa-rectification. Everyone knows a Dafa disciple's responsibility is to clarify the truth and to save sentient beings. It is totally different from any practices in history. Why are there still some practitioners who are unable to step forward and don't pay much attention to saving sentient beings? It is because they are still in the maze.