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Attendees from Taiwan Arts Community Praise Shen Yun: "Illustrates the 5,000-year-old Chinese Civilization Vividly and Wonderfully!" (Photos)

March 26, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) One of four famous painting experts belonging to the second generation from Lingnan School of Painting in China, 83-year-old Mr. Huang Leisheng, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in Taipei on March 21, 2010.

Mr. Huang had hurried back to see Shen Yun's world-renowned pageantry of Chinese classical dance, music, and song shortly after returning from his overseas painting exhibition.

"I have never seen such a spectacular performance in the past. It is very refreshing to see the show, indeed!" Mr. Huang said.

Lingnan School painting expert Huang Leisheng: "I was touched from the very beginning."

He was a bit tired before going to the show, but after watching the performance, he said he felt surprisingly refreshed.

As soon as the curtain opened, he said he was moved by the piece, "The Emperor Ushers in a Glorious Age," in which the Lord Buddha invites various gods to descend to earth to reawaken China's 5,000-year-old, divinely-inspired civilization.

"I was touched from the very beginning," Mr. Huang said.

Impressed by the dances performed by the exquisitely costumed dancers, a delighted Mr. Huang said, "The Shen Yun show was indeed superb!"

In order to paint the scenery of famous mountains, he has traveled across China, and was thus excited to see the magnificent Chinese landscapes depicted on the spacious backdrops.

"They [the landscapes on the backdrops] seemed to be the scenery of various famous places in China, such as Zhangjiajie, Huangshan, Northeast China, Southern China, Qinghai, Xinjiang, the Snow Mountains in Tibet, and the like. All these are places Chinese painting artists like the most," he said.

He felt the content that the Shen Yun show was rich and abundant. "With the exquisite choreography and superb performance, Shen Yun illustrated the 5,000-year Chinese civilization and famous legendary stories so vividly and wonderfully. It is indeed unprecedented," Mr. Huang said.

Former Arts Council Minister: "Everything Was Perfect!"

Former Minister of the Council for Cultural Affairs and famous vocalist, Ms. Shen Xueyong, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's sixth show in Taipei on the evening of March 22, 2010. After seeing the show, she exclaimed, "Everything was perfect. The dances were very pleasant to the audience's eyes. So, (Shen Yun) is popular wherever it performs. It is highly welcomed by the general public."

Ms. Shen Xueyong, former Minister of the Council for Cultural Affairs, and famous vocalist, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company's sixth show in Taipei

Despite being retired she still often attends various artistic performances. In addition to music, she is also concerned about artistic development in the areas of drama, dance, and movies, etc. "I have heard and seen much about (arts), ... But they (Shen Yun) are very unique, and their performance demonstrated they are a group of high-quality."

Though it was the third time she had seen Shen Yun, she felt that this year's show was different. "With the live orchestra, it became quite different. It is a high-class orchestra with an excellent conductor," she added.

As Chinese civilization has a history of five thousand years, Shen Yun's first piece was "The Emperor Ushers in a Glorious Age," in which a great being invites a number of gods to descend with him to the earth to save all life and then creates a splendid traditional Chinese culture. Talking about the presentation of China's 5,000 year-old divinely-imparted culture, Ms. Shen said, "It (Shen Yun) is really very remarkable."

Ms. Shen said that having previously seen many minority ethnic dances, including the Mongolian dance, deepened her appreciation of the minority ethnic dances performed by Shen Yun. She thought they were superb. "Every Shen Yun dancer is so beautiful. I'm sure they underwent a rigorous selection and training process, so they are different and everything (in the show) is good to hear and see!" she exclaimed.

Ms. Shen Xueyong is a famous vocalist who studied opera in Italy. At the peak of her singing career overseas, she decided to return to Taiwan and devote herself to music education. She helped establish some music institutions in Taiwan and was conferred with a "Special Contribution Award" by the Taiwanese government and the "Music Master Award" in Hong Kong.


