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Clarifying the Truth with a Fellow Practitioner

March 20, 2010 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Harbin City

(Clearwisdom.net) I became a practitioner in 2005 and my fellow practitioner, Xiaoli, started in May of 2008. Although we both only obtained the Fa recently, we have never regarded ourselves as new practitioners. Every day, we do the three things that Master requires of us. To us, time is extremely precious. We use our time wisely every day to study the Fa, practice the exercises, and send forth righteous thoughts, and use all available time to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. We are extremely proud of the fact that we are Dafa disciples in the Fa-Rectification period. We always say, "If we had not obtained this Fa, we wouldn't even know how to live our lives well!"

On January 17, 2010, Xiaoli and I reviewed our list of people who had already declared their withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party. Over 50 sentient beings had turned their backs on the communist regime, and we were very grateful. Both of us know that, as long as we have a sincere heart to save sentient beings, Master will bring predestined people to us. We are only moving our hands and legs; everything is done by the Master. Just like "Cultivation depends on one's own efforts while the transformation of gong is done by the master." (Zhuan Falun)

After our Fa study every Sunday morning, we all go out to clarify the truth. We have two or three practitioners in a group, one to clarify the facts and one to send forth righteous thoughts. If someone refuses to talk to us or does not believe what is being said, another practitioner will quickly add, "Sis, she's doing it for your sake! She's not asking you for a single penny, she just wants you to withdraw from the communist regime so you can have good future. When the communist regime falls it will be too late then if you want to withdraw from it! Falun Gong teaches everyone to be good. Being a good person will bring you good rewards and a good future. Why not withdraw from the evil Party!" Once they hear that they usually say, "Sure, it's for my own good. All right, I'll do it!" Often they are very thankful and we are truly glad that they can understand the truth and choose a bright future.

I divorced in 2002 and had to bring up my kids by myself. After my company went broke, I did not have any income and lost confidence in life. In 2005, I was very fortunate to have a friend tell me about Falun Dafa and give me the book Zhuan Falun to read. After six months, I finally had a chance to read it and have not stopped reading it since. From that point on, I have been living under Master's compassion. I have been doing the three things that Master asks us to do.

Xiaoli obtained the Fa in May 2008. Every day, she also studies the Fa diligently, cultivates her xinxing, and does the three things. When she sees other practitioners in the area that don't dare to clarify the facts, she says, "Let's go out together. You can see how I explain the facts. In time you'll be able to do it. Moreover, we have Master and the Fa to guide us. As long as you have a pure heart to save sentient beings, Master will bring predestined people to you."

Over the past year, a number of practitioners have followed Xiaoli's lead and can go out to clarify the facts now. We always say that we should write down our truth-clarification experiences and share them with everyone. We hope everyone can come out to clarify the truth. Once everyone does that and is able to cooperate well with each other, it will become a solid routine. Then it will seem strange if we stop even for a day--we will feel that we aren't walking our cultivation paths or fulfilling our responsibilities as Dafa practitioners.

Currently, I am memorizing the Fa and copying the Fa every day. I strive to study the Fa diligently with a calm state of mind. Xiaoli has compassionately pointed out that my problem is that I get angry very easily when someone tells me about my flaws. I used to have a really bad temper. Since studying the Fa, this problem of mine has improved. I will continue to study the Fa diligently and eliminate this character flaw completely. We all know that only by truly studying the Fa well can we display compassion and develop abilities to save more sentient beings.