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Some Sharing About My Realization that I Should Help By Opening My Own Materials Production Site

March 19, 2010 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Looking back at my cultivation path, I realize that I have been hindered in my Fa-validation activities because of my fear. For example, I was hiding my Dafa books and materials in the most secret places in my home.

One day, a fellow practitioner visited me. I went to get my Dafa books and he was surprised that I had hidden them away. He mentioned that his Dafa books and materials were placed in the most appropriate places in his house. He believed that in his own house, he was in charge and he never even thought about what the evil beings could do. After this conversation, I realized that we are Dafa disciples, eliminating the evil elements in the universe and saving sentient beings. Teacher has given us supernormal capabilities and every object is a Fa implement. How could the evil get close to us? Whenever I thought about that, I felt huge with light radiating from my space and the evil disappearing. From then on, I no longer had any fear.

In my area, many practitioners have computers at home, but didn't realize that they should go to the Internet. I noticed that we were lacking in the production of truth-clarification materials and wished that I could do more myself. Once, a local coordinator came to my place and installed an operating system for me. I didn't know what it was for and she didn't know too much about it either. We only knew that it was good for us. When I actually visited some of the websites, I was afraid. Then, after I saw the coordinator being so busy and barely having time to eat, and even putting 50 kg of materials onto her bike to transport them somewhere, I felt responsible. With Teacher's strengthening and the encouragement of fellow practitioners, I set up a materials production site in my place.

Many of my attachments were exposed while I was making these materials. They were all connected to my xinxing. For example, sometimes the printout was not that clear, other times, I had paper jams, or missing pages. Although I tried to look inward, the problem still persisted. I was then impatient and started to complain, and all kinds of human thoughts emerged. Then I found the reason for the interference: I was expecting something from Dafa in return. Isn't this a terrible thought? After I dug out the root cause, everything became smooth.

Once after Fa study, a practitioner pointed at me and said that she could not put up with everything about me, including the way I walked and spoke. I realized that it was time for me to eliminate some of my attachments. Although I didn't talk back, I couldn't stop thinking about this practitioner and her bad behavior. For a period of time, I could not put her out of my mind and had it not been for cultivation, I did not want to have anything to do with her. Then I realized, if we only think about what others fail to do, isn't this what the old forces want? That's how they separate us, so we are trapped and fail to do the three things well.

Teacher taught us in "Fa Teaching at the 2009 Washington DC International Fa Conference",

"When this compassionate goodness emerges, its strength is without equal, and it will disintegrate any bad factors. The greater the compassion, the greater the power."

I came to understand that we should be tolerant of fellow practitioners and treat them with righteous thoughts and at the same time, look inward to see if we have the same attachments. It may not have been the intention of fellow practitioners, but if we don't treat them with righteous thoughts, it will reinforce their attachments. So I reminded myself: fellow practitioners are good and the bad thoughts do not belong to them, but are controlled by dark hands and rotten minions. I apologized to this fellow practitioner. And now we don't have any grudges against each other.

Practitioners, at this final moment of Fa-rectification, we should be more strict with each other and save more sentient beings and walk our path clearly and reasonably and fulfill our prehistoric vows.

March 8, 2010