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Reading the Minghui Website Helped Me to Upgrade My Character and Cultivate Diligently

March 19, 2010 |   By Qinglian, a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) In this Dharma-ending period and chaotic human world, there is a pure garden--minghui.ca, the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net. This website has served as the home of the world's Falun Dafa practitioners, and the sacred palace for saving sentient beings, although it is not well known by non-practitioners.

I started practicing Falun Gong in 2005, and used to read the Minghui Weekly printed by a fellow practitioner. I couldn't understand the meaning of those articles for a long time, and even felt fear due to reading about those exposing the evil persecution. I had not done anything to validate the Fa out of fear, which pressured me like a big rock on my heart.

As I studied the Fa more, an idea occurred to me that I should visit the minghui.ca website. Due to my heavy fears, my main interest was to focus on online safety, learning those security manipulations, skills, etc. and I rarely read the experience sharing articles. Much worse, I even spent a lot of time searching for ordinary news outside the website.

During the summer of 2008, I returned my hometown to visit my 76 year-old mother who was also a practitioner, and found that she was in poor spirits and physical condition. This startled me, so I asked her to do the five sets of exercises and study the Fa with me. Soon, my mother got much better, which made me more confident. My mother's vision was not good, and she read only a few articles from Minghui Weekly, so I decided to read some of the Minghui experience sharing articles to her. Before this, I would read these articles very quickly and thought that there was no big difference between them; they didn't inspire me much. However, when I read them for my mother, I had to read each sentence carefully, and word by word. At first, I felt tired and bored, and wanted to give up.

A few days later after I finished reading a fellow practitioner's article, a sudden feeling came to my mind. My original impulsive heart became very mild and peaceful. I realized immediately that when I visited minghui.ca and read those articles, I was staying in the great cultivation field of all fellow practitioners from the whole world, and all of us were cultivating together.

In the past when I read those fellow practitioners' articles carelessly, my main spirit couldn't melt into this field. I felt myself being cleansed by this pure field only when I concentrated my attention on reading those articles. This is the reason why Teacher asked us to study the Fa collectively, and that studying the Fa should not become a mere formality. Cultivation is a fantastic and serious matter!

From that moment on, visiting Minghui and carefully reading all the sharing articles from fellow practitioners has become an essential part of my day. When I happen to miss a day, I always make it up later.

Through reading Minghui's articles, I eliminated my attachment to sentimentality, which has bothered me for quite a long time. When indulging in the desires of ordinary people or becoming slack, I would study the Fa and read Minghui's articles. Those diligent fellow practitioners from Minghui always appeal to and promote upgrading xinxing, helping me to cultivate much more diligently.

Sometimes, I think that if I had visited Minghui and read those articles carefully every day, I would have reduced a lot of wrongdoings, and saved many more sentient beings! I sincerely thank Teacher for establishing this sacred palace for us, and all those fellow practitioners who have been offering their great efforts to support Minghui.