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We Should Do Our Utmost to Save Sentient Beings

February 07, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) In "Fa Teaching Given at the Fa Conference Marking the Tenth Anniversary of the Minghui Website's Founding," Master told us,

"Disciple: Master previously mentioned that at a minimum over fifty percent of the sentient beings in the mainland should be saved. How does the situation look right now? If we could continue to be diligent and have righteous thoughts, would there be a hope of exceeding that goal? Could we reach sixty to seventy percent?

Master: When the gods at each level saw the state of things in this world they made certain arrangements, with the result being that at every level the arrangement was that but one out of ten people on the earth would remain. Based on how much you have done so far, the number is not enough. It's not that I want to keep some specific amount. Rather, we should save as many as possible, and at a minimum half should be able to remain; or ideally, it could be seventy or eighty percent. So that's why I have asked you to do your utmost to save them. I know that the majority of the people in this world came from above, which is a scenario different from what the gods saw when they made those arrangements back at the beginning. Had they realized what kind of human beings would be here today, that they would come from higher planes, they would not have dared to set the figure at one out of ten people back then. But as it stands, the evil has arranged things to such an extent, and they are things that no one can retract. So, faced with this kind of evil-wrought impediment, we cannot let up in our efforts to clarify the truth."

The above-quoted passage infused enormous confidence in me. I believe that the future outcome will be magnificent as expected, for Dafa has this power, and Master has this power.

Many of my fellow practitioners however, became despondent over reading this passage. Some were counting the numbers of the saved beings in their own area, and some shook their heads in dismay, feeling intimidated by the desired goal of "seventy or eighty percent." Unbeknownst to them, negative sentiments crawled in, "Half would be good enough!" "I think that even half would be a tall order!" Such notions have already deviated from the Fa; that is what the evil forces want. We need to be alert to rectify and warn each other when such notions arise, in order to strengthen our righteous thoughts and cleanse ourselves of these negative ideas.

Confidence plays an important role in getting things done, which has a direct impact on the probability of success. Master mentioned the power of a strike by a fist of five fingers held tightly together. Shen Yun's "Chopstick Zest" dance touched upon the subject of being in unison. If every practitioner confidently puts their minds together, I believe that we have the power to save the seventy or even eighty percent of sentient beings. What a great outcome that would be! With Dafa and Master's benevolent gong supporting us, what is it that we are still afraid or suspicious of?

My fellow practitioners, let's work in unison and encourage each other with the Fa. Let's do our utmost in saving sentient beings and not leave any regrets for the future. The confidence of each Dafa disciple can be translated into an unstoppable force that eradicates all evil and accomplishes what Master wants. Dafa can change everything in a way unimaginable by ordinary people. What lies ahead is magnificent!

October 10, 2009