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Korean Conductor Praises Shen Yun: "Show China's traditional culture to more people" (Photo)

February 19, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Kim Nam Yun is an influential conductor in South Korea. He is famous for being a great, charismatic maestro with the ability to "make music play flawlessly." On the evening of February 17, 2010, Kim Nam Yun and his wife Kim Young Ae enjoyed the first show of Shen Yun Performing Arts in Suwon, South Korea.

Renowned South Korean conductor Kim Nam Yun

Formerly a music director for the Chicago Academic Chamber Orchestra, Mr. Kim became the principal conductor and music director for the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and the Korea W Philharmonic Orchestra in 1998.

Appreciation of Shen Yun Performing Arts Orchestra

At intermission, Mr. Kim could not hold back a pressing question, "Is the Chinese regime really suppressing such a beautiful culture right now? Is this true?"

Mr. Kim's wife, Kim Young Ae expressed her appreciation for New York-based Shen Yun, saying, "Every program is so great, especially the one with long sleeves. It gives people joy of beauty at all times. The Miao dance has a great sense of rhythm and is very interesting. When I watch these programs, I can't help but dance with them."

After watching the entire show Mr. Kim said, "The performance seems to tell us that the greatest gift God has bestowed upon humans is to enjoy and create art. No one has the right to suppress this and it is impossible to suppress it."

Accustomed to seeing countless large-scale music performances, Mr. Kim highly praised the Shen Yun Orchestra's live performance that integrates Chinese and Western instruments, "The ensemble of Eastern and Western instruments gives people a very good impression, it is truly a new attempt."

Tribute to Shen Yun Performing Arts

Mr. Kim said that he was touched by the last program "The Buddha's Teachings Spread Far and Wide," "The final conclusion of the performance is really good, it fits perfectly with the conclusion that the greatest gift God has given human is art."

Mr. Kim expressed his heartfelt tribute to Shen Yun, saying, "In fact, [doing a] world tour is a very hard thing. It is hard for all the performers. It is indeed not easy to have so many performers to perform such rich programs."

"Moreover, there can be many unexpected things during a world tour. Nevertheless, I still hope Shen Yun Performing Arts will continuously make efforts to show China's traditional culture to more people, and let more people experience the Chinese culture."

"There is a sense of closeness between Chinese and Korean people," Mr. Kim added, "Through watching today's performance, I feel our similarities and differences. I hope more Koreans come to see this show to learn the virtue of different cultures."
