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New Practitioners Extend Chinese New Year Greetings to Revered Master (Photos)

February 14, 2010 |  


New Practitioners from Yushu City, Jilin Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master Happy Chinese New Year!

A Practitioner's Family of Five in Cangzhou, Hebei Province Extend Chinese New Year Greetings to Master! We Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!


Practitioners (Mother and Two Daughters) from Jiujiang County, Jiangxi Province Who Began Practicing Falun Dafa Six Months Ago Respectfully Wish Revered Master Happy Chinese New Year!

A Young Practitioner Who Recently Began the Practice of Falun Dafa Wishes Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

New Practitioner from Zhaoyuan City Wishes Master a Happy Chinese New Year!


Our family of three wish revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year! In the New Year, I will seize the time to study the Fa more, and do the exercises more. I will strive forward diligently and live up to Master's expectations and return Master's grace!

A Dafa disciple in Zhaoyuan

February 4, 2010

Mother and Son Who Recently Began the Practice of Falun Dafa in Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Master, although my son and I began practicing Falun Dafa only several months ago, we firmly believe in Master and Dafa! We have obtained the best Fa in the world, and found the best Master. We are so delighted and sincerely thank Master for saving us. Master, please trust us. We will firmly cultivate Dafa all the way to the end, and follow Master return home.

A mother and son in Zhaoyuan

February 4, 2010

New Practitioners in Wafangdian Wish Master a Happy New Year!

We are grateful for your compassionate and arduous salvation, and we will do well what we are supposed to do.

Practitioners in a Fa-study Group in Qinhuangdao Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

I'm a new practitioner. I began practicing Falun Dafa three months ago. I have learned many Fa principles, and learned how to be a good person. I would like to thank Master for arduous salvation of sentient beings. Through practicing Falun Dafa, my health has improved daily. I will study the Fa well, and maintain righteous thoughts and actions.

I'm a veteran disciple. I will follow Master's Fa-rectification with righteous thoughts and actions, and offer salvation to sentient beings.

I'm also a veteran disciple. In the New Year, I will offer salvation to more sentient beings, study the Fa well and more, maintain righteous thoughts and actions, and live up to Master's compassionate and arduous salvation.

Heshi to compassionate and great Master!

New Practitioner Wishes Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Master, I miss you very much. I'm grateful for Master's compassionate and arduous salvation! I will live up to Master's expectations, firmly cultivate Dafa and follow Master to return home.

A new practitioner

February 9, 2010