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Hailin City Court Illegally and Covertly Sentences Ms. Zhou Huifang

February 01, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Yuan Ye and other police officers from the Hailin City First Police Station arrested Ms. Zhou Huifang in August 2009. They ransacked her home and held her at the Hailin City Detention Center. Hailin City officials framed Ms. Zhou and scheduled to sentence her on January 19, 2010.

Ms. Zhou Huifang owned a gym. She explained the facts about Falun Gong and handed out some information to two high school students on August 17, 2009, one whose name is Shen Wenbo. The two students reported her to the police. Yuan Ye and other police officers went to the gym at noon that same day and illegally arrested Ms. Zhou. They confiscated a printer, computer and other personal belongings. The police then incarcerated Ms. Zhou at the Hailin City Detention Center.

Ms. Zhou's husband Mr. Huo Jiuxia went to the police station that afternoon and requested his wife's release. The police demanded that Huo Jiuxian's son and daughter-in-law take him home.

The next day, Huo Jiuxian went to the police station again, wearing a vest bearing the words "Down with the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] bandits. Long live freedom!" The police videotaped him and forcibly ordered his son to take him home again. Without a place to appeal, Huo Jiuxian wrote, "Falun Dafa is good" and "Down with the CCP" at the entrance of his home.

The CCP had persecuted Huo Jiuxian severely during the Cultural Revolution, and now the police have arrested his wife. He was very angry and wrote, "My wife's arrest proves the viciousness of the police."

Hailin City government officials framed Ms. Zhou and planned to sentence her at the Hailin City Juvenile Court on January 19, 2010. When her family members arrived in the morning of January 19, however, no one showed up. After asking around, they found out that Ms. Zhou had already been covertly sentenced on January 18, 2010.

Chief Judge Bi Xu from the Hailin City Court has held trials for 20 Falun Gong practitioners over the past 10 years and handed down sentences of up to 10 years. Among those, Meng Xianwei, Ba Lijiang and Jia Sumin are still being subjected to gross abuse in prison.

Ba Lijiang, 42 years old, is from Hulin City. She was force-fed and subjected to the "airplane flying" torture (bending down with both legs apart, both hands stretched backward for several hours) while at the Hailin Detention Center, which led to her having a heart attack. The guards handcuffed and shackled her for doing the Falun Gong exercises. Following the sentencing, officials transported Ms. Ba to Division 11 in Heilongjiang Women's Prison on September 2003. She was eventually transferred to Division 7 (formerly Division 4) and severely abused there. Now she is in Division 10.

Jia Sumin, in her 20s, is from Fangniu Village, Chaihe Town, Hailin City. Hailin City Domestic Security Division personnel tortured her with "Tying the Ropes" (one type of brutal torture, refers to putting a thin nylon rope around the back of a person's neck, and then wrapping it around both shoulders down to each arm loop by loop, and then over each hand. The rope is tightened to its limit and cuts into the flesh. Both arms are forced behind the back and raised to the extreme, and then both thumbs are tied with a rope and secured to the rope that goes around the back of the neck.) Guards tied the rope eight times and slapped Ms. Jia in the face. She lost feeling in her shoulders for more than half a year as a result of the torture.

Both Ba Lijiang and Jia Shumin were wrongfully sentenced to nine years. So far they have been grossly abused for seven years at the notorious Harbin Women's Prison.

Mr. Meng Xianwei was tortured for six days at the Hailin City Domestic Security Division. The Hailin Court sentenced him to 10 years of imprisonment.

Related phone numbers in Heilongjiang Province:

Bi Xu, Chief Judge of the Hailin City Court: 86-13054346886 (Cell)

Hailin City First Police Station Head, Wen Haibo: 86-13384531777, 86-13945336777

Yuan Ye, police officer: 86-13091815559