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My Reflections on “Who Is Our Closest Relative?”

December 27, 2010 |   By a Dafa disciple from mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) After I read the sharing article “Who Is Our Closest Relative?” I remembered the old days in 2000 when the persecution of Falun Dafa began. At that time, evil beings filled all the dimensions and controlled sentient beings to do evil things.

In my hometown I was well known for my filial piety. I took great care of my mother and my siblings. I bought many nice things for my mother, such as beautiful clothes and jewelry. However, when Jiang's regime started to persecute Dafa, my mother slapped my face and shouted at me, “I don't allow you to practice Falun Gong!”

At that time, I still had deep sentimentality for my family members. I got angry and argued with my mother with a competitive mentality. “I treat you so nicely; why are you helping Jiang by beating me? Jiang doesn't give you any money or take care of you, and now he is persecuting your daughter. Why can't you tell right from wrong?” My husband, who used to treat me very well, helped my mother and also blamed me. All of a sudden, I experienced such a feeling of desolation and loneliness that I had never had before. I knew I was a practitioner and I shouldn't feel that way, but I just couldn't pass the test at that time. Instead of having compassion for them, I developed hatred toward my family members.

Later on, I understood from the Fa that the old forces were taking advantage of my sentimentality towards my family, and they were using it to destroy me. Master told us:

“Those who are attached to affection for family will definitely be burned, entangled, and tormented by it. Pulled by the threads of affection and plagued by them throughout their lives, they will find it too late to regret at the end of their lives.” (“Cultivators’ Avoidances,” Essentials for Further Advancement)

On the other hand, the way our family members treat us is a reflection of our cultivation state and it's also a test of our xinxing. After I eliminated my sentimentality, I began to have compassion for them. As I improved my cultivation level, my family members changed their attitude, and they began to help me distribute truth-clarification materials and ask people to remember “Falun Dafa is good.” They also asked other relatives and friends to help distribute materials and urged them to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. They encouraged me to cultivate more diligently and published their solemn statements on the Minghui website.

Dafa disciples have broad hearts, and we also have the great responsibility and mission to save sentient beings. Our family members all have predestined relationships with us—we must save them. We should understand very clearly that their negative attitudes are not their true selves, and it is actually the old forces' interference and persecution targeting us.

I want to let the author of that sharing article know that I am also her closest relative. And I want to share my experiences about how wonderful it is after eliminating sentimentality for family members. Let's be even more diligent in Dafa cultivation.