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Cooperate Well with Each Other to Avoid Regrets

November 09, 2010 |   By a Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) In order to save people living in the countryside, many practitioners in my county began to clarify the truth to them face-to-face.

While visiting family after family, we are faced with all different kinds of people. In addition, some practitioners have to overcome their own family tribulations. All these challenging situations require higher standards for Dafa practitioners. In the beginning, we did not cooperate well with each other and were unable to oppose the old forces completely. As a result, when going to the countryside, some practitioners have been yelled at, falsely accused, or even illegally arrested by the police. Therefore, this project was stopped from time to time.

Four practitioners went to the countryside to do truth-clarification this spring. It went well in the beginning. Then, one elderly female practitioner was beaten by a village resident. That resident also reported practitioners to the police. Three other practitioners were thus arrested and sent to a domestic security division. With righteous thoughts and righteous actions, the practitioners did not yield to the evil arrangements, and all of them returned home that night. Several days later, another incident occurred in which a village resident grabbed truth-clarification materials from practitioners and tore them up.

Facing this situation, we prepared a special truth-clarification letter for the villages where the incidents happened and the main coordinators held meetings to discuss how we could improve based on the Fa. After sharing understandings, we realized the following: A) Further cooperation is needed. The practitioners who went to the countryside were sometimes unable to work well with each other. Human notions such as selfishness create barriers between practitioners and prevent us from working together harmoniously. B) Those practitioners who were not involved in this project paid little attention to it. They did not help by sending forth righteous thoughts. C) Many practitioners are not clear on the Fa's requirements. Instead of maintaining righteous thoughts, they have many notions such as: It takes more time to ask people to quit the CCP in the countryside, and: Truth-clarification in the countryside often leads to arrest. We thus paid more attention to diligently studying the Fa and increased the length of time for sending forth righteous thoughts. In addition, all practitioners began to support this project as a whole. That is, practitioners will go to the countryside for truth-clarification if they can; if not, they can still help by sending forth righteous thoughts. Through discussions and sharing we gained a better understanding on the importance of cooperation. Fa-rectification period cultivation requires us to work as one body, that is, to improve together and help each other harmoniously. Only then can we do things better. It is not a process of validating or highlighting certain individual practitioners. Only by cultivating diligently as one body can we witness the greatness of Dafa, fulfill our vows and save more people.

After some looking inward, two practitioners quickly adjusted their cultivation state and started to clarify the truth in the countryside again. With their help, five practitioners from one group Fa-study site all went out to participate. They formed small groups of two practitioners in each group and are able to cover four villages per day. One day they even finished 9 villages and more than 200 people agreed to quit the CCP after hearing the truth. More practitioners joined this project soon afterwards and sometimes over 300 people quit the CCP after hearing the truth. One day, 465 people quit the CCP and affiliated organizations. There are also some people who listened to the truth although they had not joined any of the regime's organizations in the past. In this way, within one month we covered more than 100 villages. We clarified the truth to them and asked them to quit the CCP.

The practitioners involved in this project usually spend half a day in the countryside clarifying the truth and the other half sharing experiences. When encountering difficulty or interference, we immediately look within and eliminate various attachments, including fear, zealotry, and selfishness. Because there are so many people to save, we can only spend three or five minutes with each family. Nonetheless, with a peaceful mind and righteous thoughts, every one of us is now able to clarify the truth in a few minutes and the village residents are able to learn the truth as well as agree to quit the CCP.

There are many religions in our local area and most of them are against Dafa. To address this situation, we send forth strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the vicious elements and evil spirits behind them. In addition, when talking with these people, we focused on clarifying the truth with compassion while avoiding arguing with them or engaging their negative side. In another words, we treated them the same as all other sentient beings. Right now, it is easy for these people to quit the CCP as well.

When clarifying the truth in the countryside, every day we have some touching experiences. We also felt that people have been waiting for a long time to be saved. One day, practitioners clarified truth to an 82-year-old lady. The elderly lady thanked the practitioners many times and held their hands inviting them to stay for two days before leaving. She said, "As soon as I saw you and talked with you, I felt my heart becoming very bright. After you leave here, I probably will not be able to see you again." Another time, after hearing the truth, another elderly lady said, "I have lived many years already. Especially these years, I felt like I have been waiting for something. Now I know that I have been waiting for you!" With those words, the elderly lady began to cry. Many stories like this take place every day.

The practitioners also improved a lot while clarifying the truth in the countryside. In the process of saving people, we also felt Master's help and care every step of the way. In addition, Master helped us remove the attachment of fear and we were thus able to maintain strong righteous thoughts. Throughout this process of improving in our cooperation with each other, our mindset has become more and more steady. We are very happy because as we improve our xinxing, we can feel ourselves becoming more assimilated to the Fa. Practitioners who did not travel to the countryside for truth-clarification are also very touched, since in this process they have examined themselves and have found the gaps in their cultivation.

During the period of Fa-rectification cultivation, we have an important mission and responsibilities. Any slacking-off during these critical last moments will result in everlasting regret. As the Fa-rectification is nearing completion, the time is pressing and there are still many people waiting for us so that they can be saved. We cannot leave even one of them behind!