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Additional Persecution News from China - September 24, 2010 (12 Reports)

October 02, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 11 cities of counties in eight provinces. In this report, seven Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least ten practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Beijing] Ms. Bian Baozhen Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
  2. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Weirong Arrested and Persecuted
  3. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Yu Chuanping from Pukou District, Nanjing Arrested in Mid-September 2010
  4. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yi Guanghui and His Wife Ms. Han Lihua Being Persecuted
  5. [Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Shuqin Arrested
  6. [Qianan County, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Shuhua Arrested
  7. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Yihun Detained Again
  8. [Tianjin] Additional Information About Missing Persons Mr. Pei Yi and Ms. Wang Liru
  9. [Shahe City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Guangcai Arrested
  10. [Jiangsu Province] Mr. Shen Weihua Taken to a Brainwashing Center After Serving his Term in Prison
  11. [Chongqing] Ms. Hu Ying Persecuted in Shabao Women's Forced Labor Camp, Chongqing
  12. [Zhuolu County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Xiaoqi and Mr. Wang Darong Arrested

1. [Beijing] Ms. Bian Baozhen Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Bian Baozhen from Dongguan City, Changping District, Beijing was falsely accused for explaining the facts about Falun Gong to the public and was arrested. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor and is now being held in Daxing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

2. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhou Weirong Arrested and Persecuted

Ms. Zhou Weirong, 64, is from the Fourth Commune in Jiangnan Village, Xiangyang Town, Guanghan City. Yu Shusheng from the 610 Office, along with officers from Zhenya Police Station, took her from her home to the Hexing Town Brainwashing Center in Guanghan at noon on September 13, 2010. Family visits are denied.

3. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Yu Chuanping from Pukou District, Nanjing Arrested in Mid-September 2010

4. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yi Guanghui and His Wife Ms. Han Lihua Being Persecuted

Mr. Yi Guanghui and his wife Ms. Han Lihua, from Hongguang, Tieling, went to a market fair in Liaohaitun, Tieling on September 8, 2010. While they were explaining the facts about Falun Gong to a fish vendor, they were video-taped by Zhang and others from the Tieling Public Security Bureau Tienan Branch, who had foreknowledge of their meeting. They were taken to Tieling Detention Center and detained for 15 days.

Ms. Han was taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp after being detained for 15 days, and Mr. Yi was taken to Tieling Public Security Cadre School Brainwashing Center, a new branch of the Lingdong Forced Labor Camp in Tieling.

5. [Jidong County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Shuqin Arrested

After moving from one place to another for many years to avoid persecution, Ms. Liu Shuqin came home on September 19, 2010. Four officers, including Qi Dongquan from Domestic Security Division of Jidong Public Security Bureau, barged into Ms. Liu's home and took her away at about 3:00 p.m. on September 20. They also took a copy of her Falun Gong book, a cell phone, and an mp4 player. Ms. Liu is now being held in Jidong Detention Center.

Wen Zhe, director of Jidong Public Security Bureau (in charge of persecuting Falun Gong): 86-13945861500, 86-467-6124888
Yu Hongjun, chief of domestic security division: 86-13945854586
Liang Zhongyi, director of Yongan Police Station: 86-13089566111

6. [Qianan County, Jilin Province] Ms. Sun Shuhua Arrested

Officers from Qianan No. 1 Police Station arrested Ms. Sun Shuhua and took her Falun Gong books at about 8:00 p.m. on September 20, 2010.

Li Jian, director of Yuzhoulu Police Station in Qianan: 86-13943866800
Shi Yuefu, deputy director: 86-438-8929460

7. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Yihun Detained Again

Mr. Zhao Yihun, in his fifties, is from Shen County, Liaocheng. He was taken away by Zhong Jiliang, deputy chief of the Domestic Security Division, Shen Public Security Bureau; Huang Zejun, head of Information Squadron; and other officers who barged into his home, ransacked his house and confiscated blank DVDs and CDs, toner, and labels for Shen Yun DVDs, among other items. Mr. Zhao is now being held in Shen Detention Center.

Zang Xichun, director of Shen Public Security Bureau: 86-13806357216, 86-635-7310728, 86-635-7320769
Liu Baoen, political director of the Domestic Security Division: 86-13706357516, 86-635-7321420
Zhong Jiliang, deputy director: 86-13869567916, 86-635-7321809
Zhang Hua, head of the squadron and in charge of persecuting Falun Gong: 86-13176358666, 86-635-7986819

8. [Tianjin] Additional Information About Missing Persons Mr. Pei Yi and Ms. Wang Liru

Mr. Pei Yi from Xiqing District of Tianjin was arrested by officers from the Sports Center Police Station of Tianjin Public Security Bureau Nankai Branch on September 19, 2010, when he was out. Ms. Wang Liru from Nankai District also went missing.

Xiyingmen Police Station of Tianjin Public Security Bureau Xiqing Branch: 86-22-27796390
Wangwenzhuang Police Station of Tianjin Public Security Bureau Xiqing Branch: 86-22-23990149
Sports Center Police Station of Tianjin Public Security Bureau Nankai Branch: 86-22-27601568

9. [Shahe City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Guangcai Arrested

Mr. Zhang Guangcai, about 50 years old, has been running the Zhanghualong Dental Clinic at Jianshe Road, downtown. He was arrested by officers from the Domestic Security Division of Shahe Public Security Bureau on September 20, 2010.

Shaohe 610 Office: 86-319-8921132
Zhang Shemin, director of 610 Office: 86-319-8921299, 86-319-8817668, 86-13831970800
Wang Jianjun, chief of the Domestic Security Division in Shahe: 86-319-8625807, 86-319-8905888, 86-13503196699

10. [Jiangsu Province] Mr. Shen Weihua Taken to a Brainwashing Center After Serving his Term in Prison

Mr. Shen Weihua, in his forties, is from Qidong, Jiangsu Province. He was arrested by agents from the Shanghai 610 Office in 2001, when he was working in Shanghai. He was sentenced to a nine-year prison term. At that time, his son was just old enough to enter kindergarden. His wife lived a difficult life with their young son during those nine years.

Mr. Shen was scheduled to be released on September 3, 2010. Nevertheless, he was taken directly to a brainwashing center by Nantong City 610 Office agents on that day.

11. [Chongqing] Ms. Hu Ying Persecuted in Shabao Women's Forced Labor Camp, Chongqing

Ms. Hu Ying was arrested by officers from Chongqing Traffic and Patrol Police Force Women's Special Branch on July 14, 2010, while she was handing out Shen Yun DVDs to the public. Her foot was fractured during the arrest and she was taken and held at Chongqing No. 2 Detention Center. In September 2010, officers from Chongqing Public Security Bureau Northern New District Branch took her to Shabao Women's Forced Labor Camp in Chongqing.

12. [Zhuolu County, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Xiaoqi and Mr. Wang Darong Arrested

Ms. Zhang Xiaoqi and Mr. Wang Dayong from Xiguan, Zhuolu County were taken to Xiejiabao Police Station by officers from the station at about 1:00 p.m. on September 15, 2010, when they were driving to replenish stock. Their car was taken away and officers searched their bodies, taking their cell phones and several thousand yuan in cash. The officers took them to Zhuolu Public Security Bureau. Ms. Zhang and Mr. Wang are now being held in Zhuolu Detention Center.

Dong Fei: 86-313-7985060, 86-313-6525952, 86-13932382700
Li Zhiming: 86-313-6521076, 86-313-6533928, 86-13932390856

September 23, 2010