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Dai Juan, a 20 Year Old Woman, Detained

August 28, 2009 |  

Name: Dai Juan ( 戴娟)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Address: Fuxing Village, Goulou Township, Heyang County, Hunan Province (湖南省衡阳县岣嵝乡福星村)
Occupation: teacher's aid
Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 20, 2009
Most recent place of detention: Xidu Detention Center (西渡看守所)
City: Xidu City, Heyang County
Province: Hunan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) (Correspondent from Hunan Province) Ms. Dai Juan, nicknamed Juanzi, worked at a kindergarten. Juanzi's father, Dai Guohe and grandfather, Dai Kuisong have suffered tremendously in prison since the start of the persecution of Falun Gong. On July 20, 2009, Juanzi was arrested by Wu Jianjun from the Domestic Security Division of Xidu and was detained at the Xidu Detention House and later moved to Xidu Detention Center. They threatened to sentence her to one year of forced labor.

Both Juanzi's father, 44, and grandfather, in his seventies, are unwavering Falun Gong practitioners. Her father has spent five years in jail and was sentenced to forced labor three times for practicing Falun Gong. Her grandfather has also been sentenced to forced labor. He also disappeared every now and then. Mr. Dai Guo suffered from tortures such as "solitary confinement", "death bed", forced feeding and being burned with cigarettes, while he was locked up in the Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp in Changsha City.

When Juanzi was four years old, her mother and three other relatives were trampled to death during an accident at the Hengyang Railway Station in Hunan province. As a result, Juanzi and her brother grew up under the care of her grandpa and grandma.

Later her father and grandfather were both jailed at the Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp in Changsha City. Their farmland was thus deserted. Juanzi lived with her grandmother, who passed out while spraying fertilizer in the field. Her brother has left their hometown to work in the city. Juanzi was left alone.

Now, Juanzi is grown up. She also practices Falun Gong and follows Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Although she only has an elementary education, she can do a lot.

Once, she went with her grandma to visit her father at the Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp in Changsha, but they were rejected. She insisted and persevered. In the end, she was able to see her father.

On August 11, after Juanzi was arrested, her relative went to the Domestic Security Division of Hengyang County to demand her release, and was told by Captain Liu Zhongming that they would sentence Juanzi to one year of forced labor. Her relative complained that the police only arrested the good people and did not spend their efforts on catching the real bad ones. He said that Juanzi was just using the computer at home and did not break any law.


Wu Jianjun, Chief of Staff, Domestic Security Division, Hengyang County: 86-13973773466 (Cell), 86-734-6681488 ext. 6629, 86-734-6813820.

Geng Zhongchu, Head of the "610 Office" of Hengyang County: 86-13875750919 (Cell).

Liu Zhongming, Hengyang County Head of Domestic Security Division: 86-13973448 (Cell), 86-734-6811564 (Home).

Director Xiao, Goulou Township Police Station, Hengyang County: 86-734-6481110 (Office).