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Zhang Beiqi Was Maimed from Being Tortured on the "Stretching Bed" in Jilin Prison

May 15, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 25, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Beiqi, who was unlawfully imprisoned in Jilin Prison, was confined in a strictly controlled solitary compartment. A guard instigated prisoners to stretch him on a "stretching bed" and maimed him as a result.

Before April 2006, Mr. Zhang had been imprisoned in Tiebei Prison, Changchun City, Jilin Province. Later, he was transferred to the 7th ward of Jilin Prison.

Liu Tiejun was a prison guard in the fourth section, seventh ward. Over the past several years, he has been actively participating in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners and was involved many times in persecuting practitioners Diao Shujun, Zhang Beiqi, and others. Mr. Zhang reported to guard Liu Teijun many times about the persecution that practitioners suffered in Jilin Prison and asked him to report this to the head of the prison. Liu Tiejun did not consider his request at all.

In the middle of July 2006, for studying the Fa, practitioner Sun Qian was restrained on a "stretching bed" and tortured. After learning of this incident, some practitioners who were imprisoned there reported it to the leadership of the prison and pointed out that the abusive and cruel torture used to persecute practitioner Sun Qian seriously violated the law. They were ignored.

At about 3:00 p.m. on July 25, Mr. Zhang Beiqi was locked in a strictly controlled solitary compartment. Others, including Tian Rukai, were confined in solitary compartments.

Prisoners Xu Zhigang, Wang Chen, Jiang Xun, and others stripped off Mr. Zhang's clothes and forcibly lifted him onto the "stretching bed." They attached one hand first, then his other hand. One prisoner kept stomping on his shoulders while other prisoners pulled his legs downward with force. Mr. Zhangs feet were fixed at the bottom of the "stretching bed." His limbs were stretched in four different directions. Prisoner Xu Zhigang stuffed a rubber ball in Zhang Beiqi's mouth. During the whole process, words could not describe the pain he suffered. Some of his joints were dislocated. The pain was so unbearable that he wasn't able to make any noise even though he wanted to yell.

After about half an hour, Xu Zhigang saw that Mr. Zhang did not seem normal, so Xu hit Zhang in the head with both hands and asked him questions, but Mr. Zhang had already passed out. Seeing that things were not going well, Xu told prisoners Wang Chen and Jiang Xun to open the handcuffs and shackles with a wrench and take Mr. Zhang down. Other prisoners pressed and held Mr. Zhang 's Renzhong acupuncture point and other prisoners stuffed drugs into his mouth. After over an hour, he gradually started to breathe more normally. Prisoners reported to Liu Tiejun that Mr. Zhang Beiqi was so stretched out that he passed out and they were going to take him into hospital for emergency treatment. At about 6:00 p.m., Liu Tiejun came with prisoners Li Xin and Wang Zhijun and carried Mr. Zhang Beiqi ito a hospital. After a whole night of emergency treatment, Zhang Beiqi regained consciousness.

At 6:00 a.m. on July 26, Liu Tiejun had prisoners Li Xin and Wang Zhijun carry Mr. Zhang back to a strictly controlled solitary compartment again. Prisoners Xu Zhigang, Wang Chen, and Jiang Xun fixed Zhang Beiqi onto the "stretching bed" once again. Lying in the "stretching bed," Mr. Zhang could not move at all. At about 9:00 p.m., he passed out again. He was then moved down from the "stretching bed." Again, a prisoner pressed and held his Renzhong point, and Wang Chen stuffed things into Zhang Beiqi's mouth. After about two hours, Mr. Zhang finally regained consciousness.

At about 7:00 a.m. on July 27, prisoner Xu Zhigang fixed Zhang Beiqi onto the "stretching bed" yet again. At about 10:00 p.m., Mr. Zhang fainted once again! Xu Zhigang and others continued to torture him for twenty days. Zhang Beiqi's arms and legs went numb. He experienced unbearable pain and his lower body became maimed because of the stretching. On August 24, he was brought back to the ward by Liu Tiejun, the guard in seventh ward.

For over two years, Mr. Zhang wrote to the prison's leadership to report the truth about practitioners being cruelly persecuted in strictly controlled solitary confinement. The prison leadership never responded to him.

At 5:30 a.m., March 19, 2009, Mr. Zhang went to the eleventh ward to visit his fellow villagers. He was beaten by prisoners and severely injured. The guard who was on duty in the eleventh ward did not stop the prisoners but instead encouraged them by saying, "Drag him back to the eleventh ward and hang him with handcuffs!" At that time, over twenty people who were serving a term in the eleventh ward and seventh ward downstairs were at the scene. Zhang Beiqi was beaten by prisoners in the eleventh ward from the third floor to the second floor, and his glasses were even broken. Hearing the beating, Li Xiaocheng, a prisoner in the seventh ward, came over to try and stop it. As there were a lot of guards and prisoners in the eleventh ward, Mr. Zhang was severely injured. He had difficulty breathing and suffered unbearable pain in his ribs. When he was taken to a hospital for an examination, a doctor told him he needed care, rest, and nourishment to recover.

The above are details of the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Beiqi in Jilin Prison.

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