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Berlin: Well-known Actress and Singer Finds Shen Yun Performing Arts "Highly Inspirational" (Photos)

March 26, 2009 |   Compiled by Clearwisdom staff

(Clearwisdom.net) As Shen Yun Performing Arts graced the stage of Berlin's beloved Friedrichstadtpalast Theater on Monday, March 23 for its 2009 World Tour, a packed house showed its appreciation with resounding applause throughout the performances, standing ovations, and repeated curtain calls.

Well-known actress and singer Regina Venus

"This show presents a high artistic level!" exclaimed well-known actress and singer Ms. Regina Venus. She and her friend, make-up artist Ms. Bolick, were surprised and delighted by the world class show. "I am enjoying this show tremendously and find it quite interesting. I have never seen anything like it. It not only changes in character throughout the show but is also highly inspirational. The show presents a high artistic level--one cannot deny this. It was a great evening," said Ms. Venus.

Ms. Bolick said, "For me, personally, this was a very interesting performance. I watched everything very closely. My favorite was the fan dance. I found especially interesting the subtle hand movements and also how the ladies moved their feet. In the West, the ladies always stretch their legs, very taut. The Chinese dancers walk totally differently. Sometimes they walk on their heels, and sometimes they glide over the floor. This was very interesting to see, and I was very impressed by this."

Both were also surprised and delighted to hear and see a live orchestra, "A spectrum of tones that perfectly matched the rich choreography" of the dance, Ms. Venus said.

The more she listened, she found the music, "in perfect harmony with the backdrops." She noted how deities seem to descend from the heavens and suddenly appear on stage. "This idea is fantastic--amazing!"

She shared her impressions the dances "Dignity and Compassion" and "Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution," depicting the persecution of Falun Gong, "I liked very much the spiritual message that was imparted by these scenes, as well as the songs.

"It was so beneficial for the audience that the many songs that were sung during the program were translated into German. Especially how the backdrops--the gorgeous colors and the picturesque surroundings--framed the [dances] perfectly and supported every little bit of the show and left a deep impression on the audience."

Giving her professional opinion as an actress, Ms. Venus added, "For a story to be told through dance is much more interesting than if it is just a mere dance with no story behind it and only presents beautiful figures. And I have never seen such a fan--how it hangs down and then becomes a flower. It was so full of variety, so surprising how, in a new movement, the dancers' hands turn into something else."

Shen Yun Conveys Spiritual Content

Mr. Beck, CEO of a computer company, saw the show with his wife. Both were greatly impressed.

Mr. Beck, CEO of a computer company, attended with his wife

Mrs. Beck was profoundly moved by what she saw. "This leads human beings beyond, elevates them and raises them beyond this small earthly existence." She was touched by the beauty and spirituality of the lyrics, "This ancient inner knowing that human beings actually should return home, back to their origin."

Mr. Beck added, "It is very beautiful that the Chinese spirit and this ancient knowledge of the Chinese people has been preserved outside of China. I find it very beautiful that people still cultivate this culture, this spirit, and this content."

Mr. Beck noted, "European dance for me is much more superficial, more rhythmical, etc. I find it [Chinese dance] much more harmonious, coming from the inside. But the content, conveying the spiritual content of this entire spiritual world, I liked that most."

Mr. Beck was impressed by Shen Yun Orchestra's unique combination of classical Chinese and Western instruments. "This should be done more often. I find that very interesting. It is very pleasant, because it is always interesting when the Eastern and Western worlds meet."

"It went right into my blood!"

Mr. and Mrs. Ulrich, both government employees from Berlin, were also among the audience. Mrs. Ulrich said the show was, "Very nice, very engaging. I appreciated the hosts' commentaries before the scenes. It enabled me to better follow what was happening on stage. The dances were most impressive, also the costumes!"

Mr. Ulrich said, "The dance moves were impressive, and the costumes elaborate. There were so many people on stage at one time, and yet the choreography works one hundred percent." His wife agreed, "The lightness [of the dancers]. . . " Mr. Ulrich added, "Yes, such lightness! Although to achieve this must be really difficult."

Distinguished attorney Mrs. Masuhr said she found Shen Yun to be exciting and colorful. "What surprised me was that, [although] this music is so foreign to our ears, it went right into my blood."

Mrs. Masuhr was enchanted, saying, "Ever since I was young I had been involved in Chinese matters. My father had a business in China 25 years ago, when Taiwan was still called Formosa. That led to my curiosity. Very nice, very multi-faceted. It is great to show 5,000 years of Chinese culture in [such a short period of time]."