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A Wise Old Man Recognized the Power of Dafa

March 01, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Huangshi City, Hubei Province. Six days after the 2009 Chinese New Year, I met an old man outside of Zhanben 6th Village in the Xinxialu Area of Huangshi City. I thought that our meeting during the New Year period was really predestined, so I gave him a red envelope with a Dafa amulet (1) and wished him a Happy New Year! He replied happily, "Are you a Falun Gong practitioner?" When I told him that I was, he said that he already knew about Falun Gong. Then, he told me a personal story.

More than one year ago, the old man found two pages from a truth-clarifying booklet that had been thrown away. He brought them home and read what was on the pages he had salvaged. They told of a miraculous event. A big ship was about to sink because of sudden fierce winds. On the verge of life or death, a lady shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!" In addition, she asked others on the ship to say the phrases with her. The ship gradually stabilized and everyone was saved. Many people knelt down in front of her. The lady told everybody that she was a Falun Gong practitioner and that is was Falun Gong that had saved everybody's life! "Thank my Master if you would like to thank someone!" she said.

After reading the story, the old man thought about his nephew who was more than 70 years old and had lung cancer. The hospital report said that he would live for only one more month. His coffin had already been prepared. The old man thought that his nephew could now be saved and asked him to sincerely recite "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." A miracle happened! His nephew quickly recovered! Although he has been well for more than a year now, he keeps reciting these words.

The wisdom of the old man deeply moved me. What a person thinks really can affect his or her life! By the same token, pity those people who throw away truth-clarifying materials without even looking at them!


(1) Amulets - In China, practitioners sometimes clarify the truth by giving people something small to wear or cherish, bearing a few words reminding them of the goodness of Dafa.