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Let's Not Allow Relationships to Affect Our Cultivation

December 02, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am writing to let practitioners know about some incidents that have had a negative effect on the cultivation of practitioners in our area. Please be on the lookout for these things.

1. Depending on fellow practitioner for personal gain

Of course, if fellow practitioners need help, it is normal to offer help. After all, we are learning to be compassionate. However, a few practitioners have not yet eradicated "greed." They are constantly asking for help on matters for personal convenience and making it difficult for fellow practitioners to do the three things. To help such a person is to support his greed.

2. Fearing criticism from fellow practitioners

Some practitioners tell others not to remind them of their attachments, saying "I know what my attachments are and if I don't, Master will remind me. Furthermore, I am studying the Fa anyway." This is clearly an attachment that reveals a fear of criticism. Actually, listening to practitioners' opinions will speed up improvement.

3. Fear of pointing out the attachments of fellow practitioners

There are many viewpoints as to whether it is helpful to point out the attachments of fellow practitioners. Some say you can do it as long as it is done in a compassionate way. Others say you are forcing your viewpoint on others, which will create disharmony and hurt people. As a result, at Fa-study meetings no one wants to talk about existing problems. (Of course, it is important to look inward and cultivate one's own thoughts. When we criticize others, we must also be careful to do it in a compassionate way.)

Actually, I think the attempt to maintain harmony is based on human notions. It also reflects the fear of being criticized by others. Giving hints and talking in a roundabout way are based on the Chinese Communists Party's (CCP) culture. A practitioner should be straightforward.

There was a fellow practitioner who loved to do more and have a large truth-clarifying material production center. He amalgamated several centers into one. Some practitioners knew the action would attract attention and increase the risk of detection but did not point it out to him. The site was eventually destroyed by the CCP. Had they pointed out the increased risk, the loss could have been smaller.

4. Fearing confrontation

Many of us (myself included) do not want to point out other's attachments directly for fear of creating disharmony because there are practitioners who cannot accept criticism. Hence, they discuss the issue behind the person's back. I think this is also Party culture and it will create a more complex environment.

A few practitioners play it both ways. In front of the person, they say, "You are carrying a heavy workload. Do you need some help?" To others, "This greedy guy wants to control everything." These practitioners are acting like everyday people.

5. Basing support on personal relationships

When different viewpoints are on the table, the support of a given viewpoint is based on the relationship with the person who voiced the opinion instead of the Fa. If his friend failed to support him, he would say, "Why do you support that guy instead of me?"

A fellow practitioner made a Dafa book, but did not want to follow the guidelines provided by Clearwisdom. It had a low-quality cover which was shorter than the book itself. When he was questioned about disrespecting Master, he replied, " It is the content, not the beauty of the cover that matters." He also used low-quality DVD discs to record Shen Yun shows. Some failed to work. Some other practitioners supported him saying, "It is all right to be able to get by with this type of disc. Different people are at different levels and hence do things differently. It is not right to enforce your own view on others." It seems like they are following the Fa, but they are protecting their own attachments and trying to validate themselves.

I think these kinds of incidents originate from human notions. Many are due to Party culture. There is a lot of fear: of criticism, of offending people, and of the possibility of getting hurt. I want to expose all of these things and try to change starting with myself. I believe each of us must improve in order to improve our environment. When each of us improves, we will be able to cooperate better and save more sentient beings.