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Calling China to Help People Withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party Is Saving Them

November 03, 2009 |  


Greetings, Master! Greeting, fellow practitioners!

Looking back over the past two years of clarifying the truth via phone, I realize that the path that I've taken during Fa-Rectification is really my own cultivation path. Everything that I've managed to accomplish was made possible by the sincere cooperation of fellow practitioners from China and Master's compassionate guidance.

For practitioners living abroad, phoning China is not only one of the best ways to clarify the truth, it is also easy to do. All we have to do is pick up the phone and make a call. But for practitioners living inside China, it is not that easy, as they first have to abandon their attachment to fear. By making phone calls to China, we are in effect helping mainland practitioners save more sentient beings.

With the inexpensive US phone cards that are available nowadays, I can call China by simply dialing a few sets of numbers.

Master said in "Fa Teaching at the 2009 Greater New York International Fa Conference,"

"If I were to end this affair right now, too many future lives would be destroyed. Those people that came down to obtain the Fa, and those people that came for the purpose of obtaining the Fa, would have come in vain."

Master also said,

"At present, it is a given that you need to do well the three things and cultivate yourselves well. Have strong righteous thoughts. When you cultivate yourself well, your righteous thoughts will of course be strong. So for all of you, saving sentient beings is your responsibility and your historic mission, and it is something at once both monumental and grueling."

Master's teaching made me realize that Fa-Rectification of the Three Realms has been repeatedly delayed in order to give those less diligent practitioners a chance to cultivate themselves well and to more comprehensively clarify the truth.

I've been making phone calls to China since the third week of August 2007. After sending forth righteous thoughts, I call China for two to three hours each night. Every day I speak to all sorts of people, from workers, to doctors, to teachers. After I finish explaining why they should quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), many people have offered a few words of encouragement to me, saying that practitioners are very brave and hardworking. Some wanted to become my friends, others wanted to send me a gift, and still others asked me if they could join our "organization."

Here are a few stories that I would like to share with you.

Story #1: Public Security Officer Quits the CCP

In 2008, I called one of the county police departments and a female secretary answered the phone. After listening for a while, she put me on hold. When she returned, I finished telling her what I wanted to say and encouraged her to quit the CCP. She sighed, "Our jobs are different." I replied, "You must quit the CCP regardless of your occupation. Quitting the CCP will save your life and bring you a bright future." She told me that she had to leave and would be back in a moment.

When she returned, I asked her if she had a chance to think over what I said. Immediately a male voice yelled through the phone, "We are working, stop bothering us!" and hung up. I redialed the number and the same man picked up the phone and menacingly said, "Do you know who I am?" I replied, "I don't know who you are, but I am willing to tell the truth to anyone who wishes to be saved." He said that he was a Public Security Bureau officer, and that I was calling a police station. I told him, "Officer, you are truly fortunate to hear the truth," to which he abruptly hung up the phone.

When I redialed the number, I said, "Hello officer. You must be very exhausted. While everyone else is either enjoying themselves or resting at home, you are forced to work on Sunday." "Thank you," he said.

Then I told him how the CCP had killed more than 80 million people and that more than 60 million people had quit the CCP so far. I told him about the brutal history of the CCP, highlighting the Cultural Revolution and the June 4 massacre. I mentioned that the CCP promotes atheism, and as a result, countless cultural artifacts had been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. I also explained to him how the CCP continually violates the laws of the universe.

For the whole time that I was talking, the officer appeared to be listening very carefully. I continued, "The CCP has done even more terrible things than that, like harvesting organs from living people, especially Falun Gong practitioners. Also, the CCP's persecution of women is the most brutal persecution of its kind ever recorded. Falun Gong practitioners follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and that is exactly what the evil party is afraid of."

After I finished informing him of the true nature of the CCP, I told him how the CCP knew of an eminent earthquake in Schezuan Province, but failed to warn the people. He exclaimed, "So the CCP is really an evil party! I feel as if I've been in cahoots with them all along. No one has ever told me this information before. I want to completely quit the party!"

After I helped him quit, using an alias, he asked me if I could help him quit his job as a public security officer. I said, "I'm glad you understand the truth now, but my job is to simply help you quit the CCP. If you don't want to be an officer any longer, I would suggest that you switch jobs or resign. But whatever you do, please don't persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Remember that Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!" He replied, "Thank you, I'll never persecute practitioners again."

Before I could ask to speak to his secretary, the officer said, "Please help my secretary quit the CCP, too." The secretary immediately came on the line and said, "I would like to quit too." After I helped her quit, I said to them, "You two are truly lucky. I hope that both of you will have a bright future ahead of you." They thanked me and wished me luck in helping more people quit the CCP.

Story #2: CCP Cadre Went from Abusing Me to Thanking Me

One day, I called an old, retired CCP cadre and started telling him about the large numbers of people who had quit the CCP. Before I had a chance to finish, he started yelling at me, saying that he was an old party member, and that without the CCP there would be no China. Then he hung up.

When I called him back, he yelled, "I am going to call the police on you!" His wife grabbed the phone from him and said, "I have never met a stupider woman than you! Not only are you interrupting our nap, but you are also forcing us to listen to you!"

I calmly replied, "I'm sorry that I did something that displeased you, but please do not be angry at me, as it could adversely affect your health. The reason I called was to help you quit the CCP. I want you to be safe, nothing more." She didn't say a word, and then hung up. I decided to give the couple some time before I called them back.

Master said in Zhuan Falun,

"In genuine cultivation practice one must cultivate one's own heart and inner self. One should search inside oneself rather than outside."

I looked inward and thought, "Why did that couple yell at me?" Through studying Zhuan Falun and Master's articles, I found that I had an attachment to fear. Then I realized that it was not the couple who were yelling at me, but rather the evil forces that were controlling them. I told myself, "I must save these two people!"

Three days later, I called them back. This time they didn't yell at me but instead asked me, "Aren't you doing this just to earn a little money?" I replied, "We are volunteers who help people to quit the CCP. We do not seek rewards. We call people like yourself because we want you to know the truth and to save you." Then she said, "I'm sorry that we misunderstood your intentions." "No hard feelings," I said. While I clarified the truth to her, she appeared very attentive. After I finished talking, she thanked me and said that she would discuss the matter with her husband. We decided to get back in touch with each other the following day.

When I called back, they both apologized to me, saying, "We were wrong. We are very sorry. Thank you for being so patient with us. We want to quit the CCP!" After helping them quit, I said to them, "And one more thing. Please remember that 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' and you will be rewarded. I wish you both a bright future ahead." They replied, "We hope that your future will be wonderful, as well."

Story #3: I've Always Wanted to Quit the CCP

One day I phoned a female teacher. Halfway through the call, she interrupted me, saying, "No need to go on. I've known about this for a long time. I've wanted to quit the CCP for a while now, but couldn't find a way. I'm so happy that you called today. I'll pay you whatever you want to help me quit." I told her, "We don't charge anything. We are simply trying to save people. Which CCP organization are you quitting from?" She replied, "I am a member of all of them. When I quit the CCP, does that mean that I've completely broken away from them?" "Yes," I said. "That's exactly what I want to do," she said. At the end of our conversation, we wished each other a bright future.

Through the process of making phone calls to China, I've found that the number of people who quit the CCP, on any given day, varies greatly. Some days only a few people quit. But even if the people I call don't quit on the spot, I still feel that my calls were not in vain. At least they had a chance to hear the truth, laying the groundwork for them to quit the CCP in the future.

I now understand that my experiences calling China have always been a part of my own cultivation path. Whenever I encounter different people and different situations, it always helps me pinpoint my attachments.

I've found the following points essential when clarifying the truth over the phone:

1) Study the Fa. Master said,

"The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts." ("Drive Out Interference" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

No matter how busy I am each day, I always make sure to study the Fa well. As a result, I achieve better results when phoning China.

2) Cultivate yourself. Making calls to China gives us a great opportunity to improve ourselves. We are bound to encounter all sorts of people, including those who yell or swear at us. But, no matter what happens, we must maintain high-level xinxing and a compassionate heart, keeping in mind that we are saving sentient beings.

3) Be persistent. If you do not make truth clarification calls every day, you may experience interference.

4) Send forth righteous thoughts. If you experience interference while making phone calls to China, you should send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the interference.

5) Use encouragement and compliments. When I phone China, I try to focus on the positive qualities of the person that I am talking to. For example, if a woman speaks Mandarin particularly well, I compliment her on her clear enunciation. Overall, I try to maintain a positive attitude and an upbeat voice. When the compassionate side of a person is touched, the results will usually be better.

Since the Fa-Rectification of the human world has not arrived, we need to use this remaining time to do the three things better and better, cultivate ourselves well, strive to be diligent, save sentient beings, and fulfill our grand vows.

My experience in making calls to China is limited, so please kindly point out anything inappropriate. Thank you!

September 13, 2009, San Francisco, California