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Walking the Path of Saving Sentient Beings and Recovering My Health with Teacher's Salvation

September 09, 2008 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Sichuan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a Dafa practitioner from a village in Sichuan Province. I started practicing Falun Gong on the day of the Duanwu Festival in 2003. I was brought up in a poor family, and due to our poverty I wasn't able to attend school, so I am completely illiterate. During my childhood I had to stay home and help my parents by sharing their workload in farming and household chores. Unfortunately, when I was 10 years old, I suffered from a skin illness which caused the skin all over my body to turn yellow and swell. At middle-age, I suffered from heart disease, making my condition even worse. I had to wear an insulated coat year-round, yet due to abnormal sweating I had to change my underwear frequently. Touching cold water was painful, and in the worst case I couldn't even touch warm water. My skin was so badly swollen that it turned black. My body felt so rigid that I couldn't bend my limbs, and I couldn't wash myself or have dinner without the help of my family members. The suffering was really unbearable.

My family members were very worried about my conditions. They found a folk doctor, who said that I would need to take some medicine that cost 200 yuan in order to cure my disease. I didn't have the money, but I wanted to cure the disease. Whether it was effective or not, I wanted to try it, so I asked my wife to support me in getting out of bed. I tried to walk several steps and decided that I could support myself, so I could go borrow some money. But from whom should I borrow money?

Normally, I never borrowed money from others no matter how difficult the situation, but this time I had no other choice. As I walked around the town, I unintentionally walked into the shop of a Falun Dafa practitioner, Aunt Song. My tongue immediately uttered, "Aunt Song, I would like to borrow 200 yuan, are you hesitant?" Aunt Song said generously, "No, it doesn't matter." She lent me the money, and I went and bought the medicine. I took the medicine at home but to no avail. One day, I again walked down the street for refreshment. I wanted to walk somewhere else, but not knowing why, I again went to Aunt Song's shop, and chatted with her for a little while, then left for home. Before I went far, Aunt Song stopped me and told me that she had something to tell me, so I returned to her shop. She said to me with a warm smile "Do you want to practice Falun Gong?" I said, "But I can't read." She said, "I have audio tapes you can listen to, but the government has banned Falun Gong, are you afraid?" I said, "I fear nothing, not even death." Aunt Song then gave me the audio tapes.

On the way home, I eagerly listened to the tapes, and they made me feel very comfortable. The next day, I wanted to do the Falun Gong exercises, so I went to ask Aunt Song for help. Halfway there I felt that my body wasn't as rigid as before. Aunt Song started teaching me the essence of the Falun Gong exercises in the shop. During the talk, I found that I was able to curve my fingers. Aunt Song closed the shop and started to teach me the movements. After I returned home, I had a bath with warm water. It felt so good because I had not had a bath for quite a long time.

I felt that all these things were really miraculous. I never thought that I could meet with such a miraculous practice and Teacher. I was so excited that my tears flowed. I made up my mind to follow Teacher and cultivate well. I did the Falun Dafa exercises and listened to the Dafa tapes at home every day. Teacher purified my body upon my first exercise. Teacher, thank you for offering me a new life. I feel so good now and everything is back to normal for me.

One day something came to me, "What can I do for Dafa?" Aunt Song said, "You have practiced Falun Gong for three years. Now you should go out to validate the Fa. Teacher will give you hints when you aren't sure what to do." I decided to sell candy, for which I needed to do business in nearby towns and villages, which is good for truth clarification. I wondered at what price I should sell my candy. At that moment a voice sounded in my mind, "Seven yuan, two kilo." So I decided to sell the candy at the price of 3.5 yuan per kilo, while the normal price was 4 yuan per kilo. In this way, by selling candy I started to validate the Fa and save sentient beings. When I clarify the truth, I always start by speaking about my own experience as proof of the power of Dafa. Then I tell people why the Jiang regime persecuted Falun Gong and that Jiang's regime is being investigated by international organizations. Now many people in the neighborhood know that I am a Dafa practitioner. I also invited my neighbors to my home to listen to Teacher's Fa lectures. They all said that the teachings were so good.

Seeing the changes in me, my daughter-in-law also started to study Falun Gong, and her health also improved. She often reads "Minghui Weekly" to me. My wife has also listened to the Fa and benefited from Dafa, and now she is in good health. My family members have all benefited so much from Dafa. I will not let down the compassionate salvation of Teacher and will redouble my efforts to do well the three things.