, Sunday, May 11, 2008

News and Events Around the World

Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular

Facts of the Persecution

The People Awaken to the Truth

Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences

News and Events Around the World 

Massachusetts State Senate Extends Congratulations to Mr. Li Hongzhi in Recognition of 16th Anniversary of Falun Dafa Day 


Commonwealth of Massachusetts

State Senate

Official Citation

Be it Known, that the Massachusetts Senate hereby extends its Congratulations to

Li Hongzhi

In Recognition of

Your Founding the Falun Dafa Day

Celebrating Its 16th Anniversary; and

Be it further Known that the Massachusetts Senate extends best wishes for continued success; that this Citation be duly signed by the President of the Senate and attested to and a copy hereof transmitted by the Clerk of the Senate.

By: Therese Murray, President of Senate

Attest: William Welch, Clerk of Senate

Offered by: Robert S. Creedon, Jr., State Senator

Date: April 23, 2008


Falun Dafa in Taiwan--Celebrating 2008 World Falun Dafa Day (Part 1: Awards) 

( It has been 16 years since the public introduction of Falun Dafa in May 1992. Falun Dafa has spread to over eighty countries and regions, won more than 1500 awards and proclamations, and had more than one hundred million people experience better health and peace of mind. In 2000, the Falun Dafa Associations around the world chose May 13 to be World Falun Dafa Day.

2007 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference held in Taichung and more than 7000 practitioners attended.

Falun Dafa was introduced to Taiwan in 1995. On April 27, 1995, the first practice site was set up in Yangming Mountain, Taipei. Since then, Falun Dafa has been widely spread across Taiwan due to its emphasis on morality and marvelous effect on healing and fitness.

More than four hundred practitioners and friends wish Master Li a happy New Year before the coming of the 2007 Chinese New Year

Real format video Watch online (1'4") Download (8.73MB)

The Spread of Falun Dafa in Taiwan

In 1999, Taiwan media covered the April 25 peaceful appeal at the State Council Appeals Office in Beijing in detail and Jiang faction's unlawful ban of Falun Gong on July 20. Many people learned about Falun Gong. The number of people attending nine-day Falun Gong introduction video seminars increased from groups of twenty to several hundred. The number of people practicing Falun Gong increased very quickly. Currently there are nearly one thousand practice sites in Taiwan. Almost every town has a practice site.

Chang Ching-hsi, Director of the Falun Dafa Association of Taiwan and Professor of Economics at Taiwan University, said many teachers and students started to practice Falun Gong. He said, "We don't have a directory. But it is estimated that the number of practitioners in Taiwan is over 600,000." Falun Gong practitioners includes professors, presidents, doctors, lawyers, engineers, public servants, police, farmers, business managers, students, housewives etc. Falun Gong is highly praised by government and various circles in Taiwan.

In the second half of July 2005, a Falun Gong introduction camp for teachers was held in Huwei High School. More than two hundred teachers, staff, public servants, and public attended under the joint recommendation of seventeen presidents.

Many practitioners who benefit from the practice established Falun Dafa clubs in their work units to share it with other predestined people. For example, Central Bank, Postal System Hospital, Department of Economy, Department of Finance, Department of Foreign Affairs, county or city governments etc.


China Times reports: Falun Gong club established in Local Court Prosecution Bureau

Before the coming of 2008 World Falun Dafa Day, this series of special articles will present Falun Gong's wide spread in Taiwan from the following topics: 1. Awards, 2. Anti-persecution, 3. Practitioners' stories, and 4. Practicing the exercises and forming Chinese characters.

Master Li said in June 1996 when receiving an award in Chicago that cultivators take fame and interest lightly. But for Falun Dafa, the award had deep meaning since it represents the world's people and society's witness and recognition of Falun Dafa. The following are examples of support for Falun Dafa from various levels of government and professionals in Taiwan.

Taiwan President and Vice President Voice Their Support for Falun Gong Many Times

Due to Falun Gong's popularity in Taiwan, government officials have praised Falun Gong's effect on purifying people's hearts and improving their health. Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian, Vice President Lu Hsiu-lian, Premier, Speaker of Legislative Committee, President-elect Ma Ying-jeou, county heads, mayors and members of county and city councils support Falun Gong. President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Lu Hsiu-lian publicly voiced their support for Falun Gong at least ten times. Former mayor of Taipei Ma Ying-jeou participated in rallies in person and condemned the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong.

President Chen Shui-bian sent a congratulatory letter to the 2001 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference

Vice President Lu Hsiu-lian sent a congratulatory letter to 2002 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference

Since 2001, many government leaders have sent congratulatory letters to Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference. In 2004, more than 6,000 practitioners participated in the conference. President Chen Shui-bian, Vice President Lu Hsiu-lian, former Chairman Lian Chan of Nationalist Party, and then Mayor Ma Ying-jeou sent congratulatory letters. Chairman Huang Chu-wen of the Taiwan United Party gave a speech in person.

Vice President Lu learns the first set of Falun Gong exercises (first from right)

Mayor of Taipei Ma Ying-jeou attended the 2002 Taiwan Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference and gave a speech condemning CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. He said that freedom of belief is a universal value of a free society and a basic freedom and right. He felt sorrow for Falun Gong practitioners who have been persecuted and killed in China.

Support from the Academic Circle and Parliament

In Taiwan University alone, several dozens of professors, staff and graduate students practice Falun Gong. More than sixty Falun Gong clubs in universities and colleges have been established.

On May 12, 2002, Speaker Yang Wen-chi of Hualian County Council called on communist China to stop the inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and commended those who strive to follow Falun Gong's principles of Truth-Compassion-Tolerance.

Letter from Hualian County Council

Before the coming of May 13 World Falun Dafa Day in 2007, the hosting party received congratulatory letters, statements and calligraphy from Taipei City Council Speaker Wu Bi-chu, Mayor Jiang Hui-chen of Banchiao City, Members Li Ching-yuan and Yan Sheng-kuan of Taipei City Council, Members Li Chian-ping and Wang Chi of Taipei County Council, Members Lan Mei-chun, Chu Chun-hsiao, and Cai Tung-jung of Legislation Committee, and representatives of Luchou citizens.











Exercise Demonstrations in Communities Receive Awards

To let more people learn about Falun Dafa, practitioners conduct group practice in tourist sites, parks, squares, department stores etc. In local festival celebrations and school sports games, local Falun Gong practitioners held large scale group exercise demonstrations, which was welcomed by local people and awarded by the hosting organizations.

For a sports event on September 25, 2004, Tainan Sports Committee invited Falun Gong practitioners to have a one-thousand-practitioner group exercise as the opening program

In 2005, Pingdong Education Bureau invited Falun Gong practitioners to have a community Falun Gong practice achievement exhibition

On February 7, 2007, employees of Taiwan Electric Company learn Falun Gong at the company's sports field

On May 9, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Yilan were invited to Suao Jungmin Hospital celebration party to have a photo exhibition and exercise demonstration, which won praise from the director, deputy director and guests.

On June 12, 2004, one thousand Falun Gong practitioners conducted group practice at the Taipei Elder Citizens' Health Fair

Mr. Hung of Taiwan Falun Dafa Association accepts award from Mayor Ma Ying-jeou (right)

Mayor Ma Ying-jeou of Taipei City commends the Taiwan Falun Dafa Association

On December 18, 2004, Taichung Head Hung Cheng-sheng (second from left in the front row) issues appreciation award to Falun Gong practitioners for their demonstration of the exercises and waist drum performance at the Wuchi Town Community Celebration.

On May 7, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners assisted Guangfu Primary School for its twentieth annual school celebration. The principal issued an appreciation award.

On November 12, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises at the "Whole Township and Evergreen Health Fair" in Shanchiao High School in Luchu, Taoyuan County. The hosting organization issued two appreciation awards to the Falun Gong exercise demonstration team and waist drum team.

Appreciation award from the Detention Center of the Local Court Prosecution Bureau of the Department of Defense

Appreciate award from the Taichung Detention Center

May 7 Forum in Canadian Parliament Focuses on Human Rights in China (Photos) 

( On May 7, 2008, a "Forum on Human Rights in China" was held in the Canadian Parliament. The forum was sponsored by five Members of Parliament, Scott Reid, MP (CPC), Irwin Cotler, M.P (LIB),Wayne Marsten MP (NDP), Bill Siksay, MP (NDP) and Rob Anders, MP (CPC). Four well-known human rights lawyers made presentations, describing the current human rights situation in China with many facts and discussion on whether Canadian officials and Members of Parliament should attend the 2008 Olympics opening ceremony. Part of the forum covered the persecution of Falun Gong and especially the Chinese government's harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

MP Scott Reid

Well-known human rights lawyer David Matas

Canadian lawyer Clive Ansley (speaker)

Former MP David Kilgour

Falun Gong practitioner He Lizhi who was rescued by the Canadian government

Lawyer Guo Guoding

Four Canadian and Chinese lawyers, including David Matas, co-author of "Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China," Canadian lawyer Clive Ansley who worked in Shanghai, and Chinese lawyer Guo Guoding made presentations. More than eighty MPs, Senators or legislative assistants, diplomats, representatives from non-governmental organizations and others concerned with China's human rights situation attended the forum.

No excuse to turn a blind eye to genocide

Clive Ansley discussed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. He said, "Over the last nine years the most barbaric atrocity in modern history has been going on systematically in China. This is the Holocaust over again but with a new and appalling dimension."

He continued, "At the end of the last war, the world was horrified and very quickly adopted the slogan of the Jewish Defense League, 'Never Again.' Never again can we allow genocide to be perpetrated in our world. And they quickly harkened back to the 1936 Berlin Olympics and they said if only we had known. Well now we're doing it all over again, and we do know about it. We have awarded hosting of the Olympics to the most chillingly brutal perpetrator of crimes against humanity on the planet.

"And history is not going to allow our generation to once more fall back on this excuse--if only we had known. We can't say we didn't know. We know that Beijing is systematically murdering thousands, probably scores of thousands of human beings in order to harvest their organs for profit. The world knows it, at least the knowledge is there, because of the two Davids [David Kilgour and David Matas, who conducted an independent investigation into the allegations of organ harvesting] sitting at the table here. They've produced a report which makes appalling accusations but has been systematically ignored by the media and most Parliamentarians. The UN Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak has recognized the report of these two Davids and has recognized the reality of the slaughter going on in the harvesting of organs. And Beijing has openly proclaimed its aim of erasing the Falun Gong from society.

"Torsten Trey, is a German doctor, the spokesperson for Doctors against Forced Organ Harvesting, and as a German citizen and a doctor he made a speech in Washington, D.C. on April 9. He said that Beijing today is worse than Hitler's Germany in the 1930s. And he said that the world's acceptance of what's going on in China today is worse than the acceptance of Hitler's atrocities because no one in 1936 knew the plan Hitler had for the Jews, but we know China's plans for the Falun Gong."

Live organ harvesting is a new evil, made possible by a combination of totalitarian governance and greed

Former MP David Kilgour and human rights lawyer David Matas formed an independent investigation team and released their report to the media on July 6, 2006, "Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China." The two independent investigators came to a conclusion after analyzing thirty-three pieces of evidence. They stated, "Based on what we now know, we have come to the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true. We believe that there has been and continues today to be large scale organ seizures from unwilling Falun Gong practitioners."

Mr. Kilgour said, "Most independent persons the two of us know who have read our report are convinced of the horrifying validity of its conclusion."

Mr. Matas analyzed the truth of the allegations from four CCP reactions to the report. "The Government of China has reacted to our report in four different ways. One was simply trying to shut us up. Wherever we went, the Chinese consulate, if they knew about the event, would call up the local hosts urging cancellation.

"A second Chinese government reaction to our report was counter propaganda. Here is just one example. The Chinese Government has circulated a statement that the report David Kilgour and I wrote on organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners contains 'verbal evidence without sources, unverifiable witnesses and huge amount of unconvincingly conclusive remarks based on words like 'probably,' 'possibly,' 'maybe' and 'it is said,' etc. All these only call into question the truth of the report.' Yet, all one has to do to is to look at the report to see that every statement we make in our report is independently verifiable. There is no verbal evidence without sources. Where we rely on witnesses we identify them and quote what they say. The report is on the Internet and is word searchable. Anyone who searches it can see that the words 'probably,' 'possibly,' 'maybe' and the phrase 'it is said' are not used in our report, not even once.

"A third Chinese government reaction to our report was destruction of the evidence on which our report was based. Much of the evidence in our report comes from the Government of China itself, from hospital websites and Chinese medical research. The Government of China has been systematically taking down or altering the sites on which we have relied.

"The fourth Government of China reaction to our report was an attempt to change the facts on the ground. A new Chinese law on transplants in May 2007 prohibited the sale of organs."

In China, a human rights lawyer cannot defend his own basic rights

Guo Guoding, one of the lawyers who defended Falun Gong practitioners early on, said, "Facing immense political pressure and life threats, many Chinese human rights lawyers dare not be human rights lawyers. In 2003, there were ten human rights lawyers in China. Currently, all of them have lost their jobs. Four of them suffered torture; four others were forcefully taken away; and five of them were beaten by police. Two of them were imprisoned without judicial procedure."

Mr. Guo said, "Lawyers know the law well. Human rights lawyers know human rights law well. But human rights lawyers cannot defend their basic rights in China." Besides human rights lawyers, freelance writers, reporters, organizers of assemblies were all targets and have been monitored and persecuted by the CCP regime.

Mr. Guo also narrated the suffering of his Falun Gong practitioner clients. One is Zhai Yanlai, a good student who graduated from Shanghai Transportation University. He was sentenced to five years' imprisonment for downloading Falun Gong information from the Internet. During the illegal imprisonment, he was force-fed for nearly two years when he conducted hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. In his last four months of imprisonment, his hands and feet were tied up, without any freedom to move. He was tortured until he was emaciated. Another one is Chen Guanghui. He was beaten to a vegetative state and could not speak. Eight police officers monitored him for 24 hours a day until he died. Mr. Guo himself found that Chen's bones were fractured and some parts were missing, due to the severity of the beating. The police lied, saying that Chen attempted to commit suicide. Mr. Guo said, "It was absolutely not suicide because suicide might hurt the forehead, but not both sides of the body."

Mr. Guo said that in China, Falun Gong practitioners do not have human rights at all.

Lawyers suggest Canadian officials stay away from 2008 Olympics

Mr. Ansley said, "To speak out against genocide and forced organ harvesting and torture is not politics, it's just basic human decency. To speak out against genocide and organ harvesting and torture is not politics, it's just fundamental morality."

He continued, "What is politics? We're constantly being told that we can't mix athletics and the Olympics and politics. What's politics? At the municipal level, an argument over whether the next crossing over a river should be a bridge or a tunnel, that's a political debate. At the provincial level, an argument over whether we should cut funding to secondary and university educational institutions, that's a political debate. At the federal level, an argument about whether we should renegotiate NAFTA that's a political debate. The attempt by the International Olympic Committee to relegate crimes against humanity ranking with the Holocaust to the same level as debate on fiscal policy and global traffic control is obscene." He suggested that Canadian officials and MPs stay away from the 2008 Olympics.

Mr. Matas gave several suggestions for using the Beijing Olympics to end organ harvesting and human rights abuses, including having the world focus on China's trampling of human rights, promoting the Human Rights Torch Relay, and suggesting that any leader of a state that stands for human rights should not go to the Olympic games.

Mr. Matas said, "There is the general nature of human rights. Each of us lives in our cocoon. Professionals work at their professions. Trades people ply their trades. Athletes compete in their sports. But human rights overarch all of this. Human rights is not a specialty which engages only experts. It commits us all because of a common humanity we all share.

"Killing innocents for their organs is a crime against humanity. That means it is a crime not just against the victims. It is a crime against all of us. When we do nothing about this crime, we do not just abandon the victims. We deny our own humanity. Silence in the face of crimes against humanity is complicity. Everyone engaged in the Olympics movement must do their part to end crimes against humanity in China. To fail to do that is to fail to be human."

Olympic Games cannot be excuse to reduce pressure on China's human rights issue

MP Bill Siksay said in an interview, "I think people make many excuses. They say many things, they say politics should not mix with sports. They say we shouldn't threaten our economic opportunity to trade with China. They have all kinds of excuses.

"We want to make sure that the people have all kinds of places to interact. I don't think that means for one minute [that] we stop putting pressure on China, or any other country, to address the human rights situation of their own countries. We know there are very serious problems. We can't let the participation of Olympics slow down our concerns about human rights.

"We need to remind China of their commitment, when they were granted the Olympics. We need to hold them to that commitment. And we need to be outspoken on our criticism in the meantime. We just can't let it slide. It has to be front and center in terms of all our interaction with China."

Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular 

2008 Divine Performing Arts World Tour Successfully Concludes (Photos) 

( As the final drum beat of "Victory Drums" resounded throughout the Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, at about 10 p.m. on May 7, 2008, applause and cheers filled the auditorium and the audience gave a standing ovation. It marked the end of a successful world tour of the Chinese Spectacular by Divine Performing Arts in 2008.


Audience of the third Chinese Spectacular show in Edmonton on May 7, 2008 (Photo by Yi Luoxun)

Audience delighted by the show (Photo by Wu Weilin)

Audience absorbed in the show (Photo by Wu Weilin)

Watching the show (Photo by Yi Luoxun)

Audience captivated (Photo by Yi Luoxun)



Pamela MacKenzie, a teacher, watched the show with her brother, Sanfred. "From the first program to the end, the show was breathtaking. I cried and waited for the next performance. I am not a person who easily cries, but I could not help my tears. This is a special show," she said.

Pamela continued, "I was touched when I saw those two teenagers sit down and read the Buddhist scriptures [in "The Fruits of Goodness"]. I felt happy that they were saved and started their journey back to their true selves. The show was touching and entertaining. I want to have a DVD of it so that I can watch it again and again."

Sanfred said, "This show purifies one's heart and will purify society. I heard that one lady watched it eleven times. I can understand. There is Buddha Law in this show. It has opened my eyes. I have never seen such a good show before in my life."

Sanfred's favorites were the dances, "The Risen Lotus Flower" and "The Fruits of Goodness." "I want to obtain the Buddhist scriptures too," he said, "[The teenagers] learned the purpose of life, so their lives were different from then on."

Sandy Helland: "The show gave me new hope for life."

Sandy Helland watched the show three times. She said she could not describe her feelings with language. "The show healed the disease in my spine. It not only healed my disease, but also opened my heart. It gave me new hope for life," she said.

Sandy's spine was injured when she was four, which rendered her disabled for her whole life. Her acupuncturist recommended the show to her. She watched the first show in Edmonton on May 5. "I felt energy flowing in my back. It felt warm and stronger and stronger. I was completely healed by the time the show ended," she said. She was so excited and happy that she watched the show again on May 6 and 7. "My heart is full of joy and energy," she said.

Nun Fajun

Fajun, a Buddhist nun, followed the show from Vancouver to Calgary and Edmonton. She watched it 11 times. "The best of the best in history. Very peaceful and very precious," she said of the show.

"Divine Performing Arts displays the divine realm and culture. Only because the performers' spirits reach to such a height, can they manifest the level of Buddha so well through the dances," said Fajun. "The show provided people with pure truthfulness, compassion and beauty."

Wang Kailun is a government official. His grandparents are from China. Influenced by them, Mr. Wang likes Chinese culture. "I liked the erhu solo the best. I wish my grandparents were here to share it with me," he said. "I am proud of my own culture."

Mr. Wang said the show brought real Chinese culture to the West, instead of the culture of communism. Mr. Wang agreed with the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," that were displayed in the show.

James Mazurok, a sophomore in college, fell in love with the erhu (a two-stringed instrument). He also liked the "Water Sleeves" dance. He said, "I believe in reincarnation, so I was deeply touched by the first program, 'Descent of the Celestial Kings.'"

Ms. Tia Zhang, co-director of Divine Performing Arts, has been traveling with the arts troupe around the world for six months. She was deeply touched by how well the audience understood and appreciated the shows. "Many people traveled long distances to the show, and many of them watched it again and again. I am very touched to see that the audience loves the show and has benefited from it. Our efforts have been worth it," said Ms. Zhang.

Divine Performing Arts held the first show of the season on December 18, 2007 and the final one on May 7, 2008. The two troupes toured in 66 major cities in North America, Europe, Australia and Asia and held 215 shows in total. Approximately 600,000 people enjoyed it.


Huntsville, Alabama: A Spectacular End to a Successful World Tour 

( On May 6, 2008, the Divine Performing Arts staged their last show of a five-month global tour at the Von Braun Concert Hall in Huntsville, Alabama.




Large audience at the Von Braun Concert Hall takes in the Chinese Spectacular




Huntsville audience member gets a closer view of the erhu

City Mayor: It's So Enjoyable

The Mayor of Huntsville, Alabama, Ms. Loretta Spencer came with her friends to see the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular. Afterwards, she had high praise for the performance: "Their talents are unbelievable. Their performance is incredible. It (The Divine Performing Arts) brought us a beautiful evening. We are lucky they came to Huntsville. It is very important that Divine Performing Arts lets Eastern culture meet with the West."




Mayor of Huntsville, Ms. Loretta Spencer

Ms. Spencer had special a feeling for the Tang drums because her son is a drummer. "The dances are so enjoyable. 'Nymphs of the Sea' is incredible. They used fans to imitate waves; it was so perfect," she said.

Ms. Spenser thought that the traditional values expressed in the performance were wonderful. "It shows the values of the Chinese culture. Those young dancers did so well. I also liked that they projected the translation of the lyrics for the songs. It allowed me to understand the meaning of the songs, and how much they have to suffer to express themselves in China."

Immigrant from Guangdong: It Brought Joy to My Heart

Ms. Qing is originally from Guangdong Province in China. She attended the show with her daughter and two friends. "I enjoyed it very much," said Ms. Qing, "I'm very happy. Divine Performing Arts brought joy to my heart. My friends liked it too. My friend's husband is American and they appreciate ancient Chinese stories very much."

Ms. Qing's daughter, Rysa, is studying to be a nurse at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. She said, "The show was wonderful. I liked all the dances. They are so lively. My favorite was 'The Drummers of the Tang Court,' which awoke my heart."

Ms. Qing said she brought her daughter in order to let her know more about Chinese history and traditional culture. Rysa said that she thinks it was important to come. She said, "I am a Chinese too. I learned (from the show) some history, some tales about the sun and the moon. The man shot down the suns until only one was left. I heard that tale before, but did not know its meaning."

David, a friend of Ms. Qing, said that he enjoyed the show very much. "The dances and songs were excellent, so were the costumes and movements. I really enjoyed it." He added, "I was very moved by all the numbers about belief, such as that one about Falun Gong. I think those wrongs happened there because of the tyrannical government."

Dance Director: A Perfect Combination of Intelligence and Arts

The director of the Huntsville Dance Theatre, Monique Ryan and her daughter Kathleen saw the Spectacular together. Ms. Ryan highly praised the show. "I am grateful for the chance to enjoy Chinese traditional culture in the States. This is a perfect combination of intelligence and arts. It's very peaceful and beautiful."




Director of the Huntsville Dance Theatre, Ms. Monique Ryan and her daughter Kathleen

Ms. Ryan is a dance teacher in Huntsville. She said, "As a professional dance teacher, I admire how the Divine Performing Arts shows traditional Chinese culture through dance. It isn't easy."

She added, "Divine Performing Arts passes on the eastern traditional values, which requires that the dancers themselves fully understand the deep meaning of the culture. They are very professional and they dance with their hearts. From the smiles on their faces, I can feel that they love what they are doing."

She continued, "On the stage, I saw that they had all good values. They cooperated with each other really well. I really liked 'Nymphs of the Sea.' The background, fans, silk, and dancers' movements brought the character of water to life. I wish I could have gone up on the stage and danced with them," she smiled.

Ms. Monique Ryan especially liked the first performance, "Descent of the Celestial Kings." She said it has a very deep meaning and has a lot of messages in it. It connected Gods and human beings. She said a lot of materials can be felt but it is hard to describe with language. She found it to be thought provoking.

A Grand Global Tour

On December 18, 2007, Divine Performing Arts On Tour held their first performance of the season in Baltimore, and it has now concluded in Huntsville on May 6, 2008. During these 140 days, Divine Performing Arts has staged a total of 99 performances in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. The Divine Performing Arts Company is composed of two groups: Divine Performing Arts of New York and Divine Performing Arts On Tour. Together they held 251 shows in 66 cities in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia, for a worldwide audience numbering about 600,000.


"I Wish I Could See It All Over Again!" (Photo) 

( Divine Performing Arts' 2008 world tour ended in Edmonton, Canada, on May 7, 2008. Edmonton was named the Cultural Capital of Canada for the year 2007.

Susan is a retired nurse and enjoys experiencing various cultures. After seeing the Chinese Spectacular at the Jubilee Auditorium, she said, "Tonight's show was very delicate, elegant and beautiful. I wish I could see it all over again!"

Susan from Canada

Susan loves dance and her grandson is a professional dancer. She'd seen many folk dances. "Compared to the dances I've seen, the DPA's dances were more beautiful, elegant and meaningful. My favorite dances are the dances I saw tonight!"

"I also loved the beautiful music, and I enjoyed the singers' amazing voices. The lyrics were beautiful and meaningful. They reminded people to pay attention to the sad situation in China now."

Susan was surprised to learn that the artists were not from China, but are overseas Chinese. She was sad to learn that such beautiful traditional culture was destroyed in China. However, she was glad to see through the DPA's world tour that such great culture is being promoted around the world. "I can see that the artists made diligent efforts to inherit and restore traditional Chinese culture. The DPA demonstrated to the world great beauty and truth that people need to know. They brought inspiration to mankind, and what real beauty is. I respect them for doing so!"

Susan thought it was great that the show presented traditional spiritual and moral values from China. "This helps people to discern goodness from evil. I hope the Chinese government can start to respect human life!"

"We've Looked Forward to This Show for a Year!" (Photo) 

( Chinese and Western audience members enjoyed the second Chinese Spectacular show presented by Divine Performing Arts (DPA) at the Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, on the evening of May 6, 2008.

An older couple sitting in the front row were very animated during the show. They kept blowing kisses to the stage. She exclaimed, "Gorgeous!"

A gentleman sitting on the left in the front row warmly applauded at the end of each performance. After tenor Hong Ming's second song, "Fa Rectifies Universe," the gentleman couldn't help giving a standing ovation until the curtain finally dropped.

Restaurant owner Zhenli

After seeing the show with her husband, restaurant owner Zhengli said it was an exquisite show and that there was no way to find such a show in China today. "Every performance has a different background and meaning, each very beautiful and unique. I am very moved. The sopranos and tenors are world class. I don't know much about Western singers, but I can't think of any Chinese singer who could be their match."

Mr. Wang, a draftsman, said he heard about the show too late last year and missed it. His friends told him how beautiful it was, so he had been longing for it. As soon as he read about the show in the newspaper in January, he bought five tickets.

"My whole family came to see the show, which we had looked forward to for a year. The show is even beyond our expectations! It is wonderful! We liked it from beginning to end. We will be DPA's loyal fans and come every year!"

Mr. Chen, born in Canada, works for the provincial government. He loves Chinese culture and takes Chinese classes. He bought front-row tickets for his grandparents and himself. All three of them loved every performance and enjoyed the show every much. Mr. Chen said the promotion of the show was very successful. He was pleased that the governor was very supportive, and the Alberta Minister of Culture attended the opening reception.


Facts of the Persecution 

Seven Falun Gong Practitioners' Deaths Reported in April, as CCP "Prepares" for the 2008 Olympics (Photos) 

( In April 2008, seven Falun Gong practitioners were reported to have died as a direct result of the persecution. Among them, two were female, and three were over 50 years old. All seven victims died between January and April of this year, with five of the seven deaths occurring in April. The Minghui/Clearwisdom website has revealed that among the 34 confirmed death reports between January and April 2008, twenty-six died within the January to April period.

Of the seven cases in April, three took place in Liaoning Province and one each in the provinces of Heilongjiang, Hebei, Hubei and the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region. As of now, 3,150 practitioners are confirmed to have died as a result of the brutal persecution in China.

These cases indicate that with the approach of the Beijing Olympics, and with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) having ordered a series of secret arrests under the excuse of "preparing for the Olympics," the persecution of Falun Gong is getting worse.

The CCP Issues Secret Orders to Severely Attack Falun Gong with the Excuse of "Preparing for the Olympics"

According to overseas media reports, in 2005, the Public Safety Deputy Minister Liu Jing received an order to "eliminate Falun Gong" before the Olympics, and issued an order to the entire police system to carry this out. In March 2007, the former Public Safety Minister Zhou Yongkang issued another order, demanding a second round of severe persecution against Falun Gong. Soon after, many large-scale arrests of Falun Gong practitioners took place in several regions.

On February 19, 2008, the CCP Central Political and Judiciary Committee issued a secret document, which was titled "Suggestions to Guarantee the Security of the Beijing Olympic Games," requiring recipients to "strictly prevent and severely attack" Falun Gong from March to September 2008. It especially stressed "to strictly guard against and hit hard" Falun Gong.

From the end of 2007 up to March 31, 2008, statistics from 1,878 arrest cases indicate that they were spread out over 29 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions.

At the end of April 2008, former Public Safety Minister Zhou Yongkang held a teleconference as the current CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary, and a series of follow up meeting were also held in each province, called "Social Stability Work Meetings during the Beijing Olympics." The meeting focused on attacking "Tibetan Independence," "Falun Gong," "Other Religions," "Extremists," "Repeat Appealers." The orders are to place emphasis on people who go to their provincial capital or Beijing to appeal (a right guaranteed by the Chinese Constitution), interview them one by one, "solve these problems" locally, and strictly control and attack them. It was requested to take extra measures towards Falun Gong practitioners, and to strictly monitor the Internet. Any incident must be reported by media according to the Party line, and the local person in charge [normally the CCP Secretary-translator's note] will be punished if this is not done. The "attack mode" began from the meeting date, completely entering into "war" status, and real-life practice training has started, to ensure no problems go to the provincial level or higher. All attendees of the meeting were required to keep the meeting a secret and destroy all records.

Since the end of 2007, the Minghui/Clearwisdom website has reported a large amount of Falun Gong practitioners being arrested in their homes, workplaces, and public facilities. Some of them are detained or have been sentenced to prison, some have gone missing, and some were tortured to death. Large numbers detained in labor camps or prisons are suffering severe abuse due to this attack order. The disabled or death cases from torture are increasing rapidly.

The facts show that the CCP has not only failed to keep its promise of improving human rights before hosting the Olympics, but has actually escalated its human rights violations. At the same time, due to fear of retribution for its crimes of harvesting living Falun Gong practitioners' organs for profit, organ transplant records are being destroyed, or fabricated by many hospital personnel. The Minghui/Clearwisdom website reported on May 3, 2008 ( what the family of one surgeon employed by Tongji Hospital in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, revealed in a private conversation: In order to deal with large quantity of journalists, lawyers, and other professionals coming to China during the Olympics, the CCP is urging organ transplant doctors to fabricate donor certificates, wills, operation records, and destroy all medical records that could reveal live organ-harvesting crimes.

Several Confirmed Death Cases in April 2008

1. Mr. Fan Dezhen Dies at Only 33

Mr. Fan Dezhen

Mr. Fan Dezhen, 33, was a Falun Dafa practitioner who lived in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Mr. Fan had been been detained and violently beaten multiple times. In 2001 he went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and was detained in the Huludao Labor Camp for three years. In order to force him give up his faith, several guards shocked him simultaneously with electric batons, and beat him cruelly, causing his whole body to be injured and swollen, and his face to be deformed. In October 2002, Mr. Fan went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Guards directed prisoners to cuff his wrists and shackle his ankles onto a metal bed frame all day, and brutally force-fed him. Once, when the feeding tube was inserted into his lung, it almost choked him to death. The guards released him when he was close to death. He recovered, but later had to leave home and do odd jobs to survive.

On April 1, 2004, Mr. Fan was followed when going to a fellow practitioner's home, and was arrested by police waiting in the house. He was detained in the Huludao City Detention Center, and again was cruelly beaten, force-fed, and released when his life was in danger.

On September 17, 2005, Mr. Fan was working on the second floor of the Huludao City Home Appliance Shopping Mall, when a few plainclothes police arrested him at 2:00 p.m. and handcuffed him. He was taken to the Huludao City Labor Camp to serve a second forced labor term, where he was tortured many times again.

On February 25, 2008, Suizhong County Domestic Security Division Leader Li Changhua (male) arrested eleven practitioners, including Mr. Fan and his wife Yang Xiaoxue. Mr. Fan died at around 7:00 a.m. on April 20, 2008 in the Suizhong County Detention Center. Surviving are his wife and a nine-month-old baby. Officers notified his family after 4:00 p.m. that day. Mr. Fan's family requested to see his body the next morning, but were refused. They were told that if they wanted to see the body, to come back that evening, because there would be an autopsy and cremation the next day. They would only see his ashes if they came the next day.

2. Mr. Zhao Shouzhu Tortured to Death within a Month after Being Arrested

Practitioner Mr. Zhao Shouzhu, 38, lived in Bei'an Village, Yaobao Township, in Xinmin City of Liaoning Province. In September 2000, he was forcibly taken into custody at the Longshan Forced Labor Camp and forced to go through brainwashing and subjected to severe beatings. In mid-October 2000, practitioners who refused to accept the brainwashing were transferred to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Warden Su found Mr. Zhao doing the Falun Dafa exercises, and Warden Feng pulled Mr. Zhao by his ears to the interrogation room. Three of Mr. Zhao's ribs were fractured during a subsequent beating. Guards told Mr. Zhao, "You are not allowed to say that we beat you." When Mr. Zhao was returned to his cell, the other detained practitioners, who saw that he had passed out shouted, "The guards were beating people!" Later several guards came to examine Mr. Zhao and said he was pretending to be hurt. As a result, he received no treatment, and instead seven prisoners dragged him to a room, beat him down to the floor, forced him to stand up, then beat him down again. They held his head down to the floor and took turns kicking him with their heavy shoes.

Upon being released, Mr. Zhao had to leave home to avoid being arrested. He made a living by pedaling a three-wheeled flat carrier. On the evening of March 31, 2008, Domestic Security officers from the Xinmin City Police Department arrested Mr. Zhao while he was distributing truth-clarifying materials. He was detained in the Xinmin City Detention Center. He began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The police had people from the City Hospital brutally force-feed him with unknown drugs. His condition became critical, and on April 14, 2008, he was bailed out and picked up by his sister. He died around April 20, 2008.

3. Mr. Qirimailatu Dies in Custody in Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region

Mr. Qirimailatu, 72, was a Falun Dafa practitioner living in Huhhot City, Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region. He was a minority construction expert, employed by the Regional Civil Engineering Design Institute as a senior engineer. His name is in The World Minority Who's Who book. He began cultivating Falun Dafa in 1999 and became very healthy. He constantly clarified the truth after the persecution started, wrote a letter appealing for justice for Falun Gong, and was sentenced to two years of forced labor, which he served in the Wuyuan County Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Qirimailatu was the oldest inmate in the camp and endured numerous instances of physical torture and threats. Prisoners closely monitored him 24 hours per day. His term was extended three additional months because he firmly held his belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The camp administration said that Mr. Qirimailatu "openly opposed the government," forced him to clean the toilets in the First Ward, and made him participate in cruel "physical training." Drug-addict inmate Liu Zhengrong (male, assigned to watch Mr. Qirimailatu) beat and cursed him, took his personal belongings, and often did not allow him to eat. Guard Zhao Naidong (male) encouraged Liu Zhengrong to beat him.

In the beginning of May 2004, Mr. Qirimailatu was arrested by plainclothes police officers while clarifying the truth in a park. The police ransacked his home, then sentenced him to three years of forced labor, imprisoning him in the Wuyuan County Labor Camp again. At the beginning of 2005, guards Yang Furong, Wang Donglei, and Liu Ming (all male) locked Mr. Qirimailatu in solitary confinement for several months. After serving more than two years of the term, he was bailed out on medical parole due to his physical condition.

On August 8, 2007, police arrested Mr. Qirimailatu for the third time while he was clarifying the truth. They had him sentenced to forced labor again, but the camp refused to admit him due to his advanced age and the physical tests that he failed, so he was detained in the Inner-Mongolia Detention Center. He went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution on December 6, 2007. He died after detention center administrators rushed him to the prison hospital on January 5, 2008. Information revealed he was as thin as a skeleton and was unable to speak during the time he was detained.

4. Mr. Guo Hanpo Dies in Baoding Prison

Mr. Guo Hanpo was a Falun Dafa practitioner in his fifties who lived in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. Early on the morning of April 5, 2008, his family received a phone call from the Baoding City Prison saying that he had died. His family rushed to the prison. Details have yet to be investigated.


Mr. Guo Hanpo

Mr. Guo was a famous silver craftsman. He used to make jewelery in the Huabei Shopping Mall for many years, and had a great business. He was also well-known for being a filial son, because he treated his elderly mother very well. In the early part of the summer of 2000, Mr. Guo opened "Sincerity Jewelery Store" on Shuxi Street, and the store was crowded with customers every day.

In March 2001, police from Cang County ransacked his store, and took products worth over three thousand yuan. He was placed on the Cangzhou City Police Wanted List after that, causing him to not be able to go home or visit his mother so as to avoid being arrested. On July 22, 2001, when he passed the City Birth Control Committee gate on his bike, officers who were following him suddenly grabbed Guo Hanpo, pushed him into a vehicle, and took him into custody, detaining him at the Violence Prevention Division of the Police Department. He was tortured, deprived of sleep for many days, handcuffed with his arms behind his back in an excruciatingly painful position, brutally beaten, and shocked with electric batons, which caused damage to his left hand. He was unable to bend or move his hand for a long period of time.

After being detained at the Cangzhou City Detention Center for a whole year, police had him sentenced to eleven years in prison, without notifying his family, and took him to the Baoding City First Prison secretly. Mr. Guo was forced to do slave labor in the ceramic factory of the prison. He had to do the most heavy labor - crack the rocks, but in a half starved state. He had to ask for money from home to buy over-priced food, while being mentally tortured by forced brainwashing. He became very thin and frail, so different from his normal, healthy condition.

Local police constantly harassed Mr. Guo's family during his imprisonment, and constantly created difficulties for them, causing his family to live in terror. His wife had to borrow money to send to him in prison.

The CCP Exposes Its Evil Nature Through Escalation of the Persecution Before the Olympics

Safeguarding human rights is a common value in the civilized world. It has been seven years since Beijing was awarded the Olympics. The CCP has not only failed to improve its human rights, but has used the Olympics as an excuse to further the persecution of Falun Gong cultivators who follow Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance. Heaven cannot tolerate this! The Chinese people and the whole world are seeing the true nature of the CCP and its crimes clearly. The CCP is moving towards complete disintegration.

Remembering Fellow Practitioner Fan Dezhen 

( When I browsed the Minghui website (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom) on April 23, I read the sad news that Fan Dezhen, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Huludao, had been tortured to death in jail. I pictured him in my mind.

At the end of 2000, when about a hundred practitioners from Huludao went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to peacefully protest the persecution to Falun Dafa, they were detained or sent to labor camps. In January 2001, I got to know Fan Dezhen in the Huludao Detention Center. He and his father had been apprehended together.

Fan Dezhen, other practitioners, and I started to study the Fa and practice the exercises after we entered the jail. Although we were beaten many times, we pulled together and resisted the violence, gradually creating a normal environment in which to study the Fa and practice the exercises. My impression of Fan Dezhen was that, other than studying and reciting Fa, he did not like to talk. Later, we initiated a group hunger strike to protest the long term illegal detention of Falun Dafa practitioners. After observing the hunger strike for a few days, the detention center sent several practitioners to a guarded area. Then we were all sent off to forced labor camps. The female practitioners were sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang, and the male practitioners were sent to Huludao Forced Labor Camp.

A few days after we arrived in the labor camp, I saw Fan Dezhen again. At the time, the labor camp had dispatched a group of people to brainwash us. During that time, Fan Dezhen firmly resisted their attempts to "transform" him, so he was sent to a more strict supervisory team. Although we did not see Fan Dezhen anymore, we could often hear shouts of "Falun Dafa is good" from upstairs. We knew he was still firmly safeguarding his faith. Later we heard that he had become hoarse from crying out. Eventually we heard that the labor camp officials, fearing that Fan's determination would influence others, shut him into a vacant room in a nearby building.

After I was released, I went around inquiring for news of Fan Dezhen. Someone told me that after Fan had been on hunger strike for a month, his health was very poor and he was released. Later, because he printed Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials and clarified the truth publicly, he was sentenced to forced labor several times. However, Fan was released every time, due to his firm faith and by hunger striking.

Today, Fan Dezhen has left this human world due to the Chinese Communist Party's brutal persecution of Dafa. His wife and child will never see him again.

Ms. Wang Caixia from Lanzhou City Suffers Eight Years of Persecution 

( Wang Caixia began cultivating in Falun Dafa in January 1996. At that time, she had been recently laid off, and was depressed over her marriage problems. As a result, her health deteriorated. Not long after cultivating in Falun Dafa, her moral character and physical condition began to improve drastically. Many of her diseases including tracheitis disappeared. She found a good job and gave birth to a healthy baby girl in 1998.

However, the CCP launched its persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999. In order to appeal for Falun Gong and its founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi, Ms. Wang traveled to Beijing in October 2000. She was beaten by plain-clothed policemen on Tiananmen Square, and was "illegally imprisoned" in the Taoshuping Detention Center in Lanzhou for two weeks.

In April 2001, Ms. Wang was abducted by the Chengguan Division of the Public Security Bureau. At the First Detention Center in Lanzhou, she was imprisoned in the Fourteenth Team and subject to inhumane torture. Ms. Wang began a hunger strike to protest against the persecution, but was beaten up by convicts under the instigation of a police team leader surnamed Tian and another policeman Zhang Lingling. She was pressed down on the floor by several convicts, her jaws pried open and the convicts began to use chopsticks and metal spoons to force apart her teeth. After being brutally beaten, she was force-fed brutally until she almost passed out. Then, the prison doctor forced thick saline solution into her stomach, which almost killed her. However, Ms. Wang maintained the compassion of a cultivator and told the convicts about the goodness of Falun Dafa. Some of the convicts even wanted to learn Falun Gong after learning the facts.

After nearly four months of illegal detention and torture, Ms. Wang developed severe scabies in the damp and dirty environment of the detention center. Policeman Wei Dong from the Chengguan Division's 26th Section extorted 2,000 yuan from her father before releasing her. Throughout her detention, Ms. Wang's child often cried silently in loneliness. After Ms. Wang returned home, her child also contracted scabies and both of them suffered severely. In August 2001, Ms. Wang's husband could not handle the great pressure and demanded a divorce. Citing Ms. Wang's practice of Falun Gong as an excuse, the Weiyuanlu Courts gave the the 3-year-old child's alimony rights to her husband. Thus, Ms. Wang lost her daughter and was deprived of her income.

Even then, the CCP henchmen still harassed her at home. Ms. Wang was forced to leave her home. But they would not stop, they went to her child's kindergarten, and tried to force the kindergarten teacher to say that her child was sick in order to try to deceive her into coming forward. The kind hearted teacher refused. In September 2002, policemen followed the child back to Ms. Wang's parents' home and broke in to demand Ms. Wang's whereabouts.

On October 1, 2004, the 26th Section of the Chengguan Division dispatched a large number of people and surrounded the Wang home for two days around the clock. They used all kinds of methods to threaten Ms. Wang's parents. Because of the parents' persevering resistance, their plan to abduct Ms. Wang failed.

In August 2005, when Ms. Wang's former husband brought her child to register at an elementary school, he was told by the principal that the Public Security Bureau was searching for Ms. Wang and if she visits her child in school, the school will report her to the authorities immediately. Policemen at the school even threatened that if he covered up for her, he would be abducted too.

As she was coming home from work in mid-May, 2007, Liu Bailin, Liu Tongchang and a gang from the Landa Police Station, Weiyuanlu Police Station and the local 610 Office followed Ms. Wang and took her to the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center. She was immediately handcuffed on one of the bunk beds on the first floor for three days straight. Ms. Wang started a hunger strike to protest against the illegal abduction and on the fifth day, she was cuffed onto another bed for four days and three nights and force-fed by policemen Sun Qiang and Yang Wentai's gang.

In November 2007, policeman Qi Ruijun imprisoned Ms. Wang in an isolated room. Each isolation room is only about eight square meters, and there are about twenty of them in total. The room has no windows, no heating, and is tightly sealed, damp and dark. There is a squat bowl and sink in the room. All the doors are metallic and about a meter above the doors, there are a whole range of uneven metal bars used for hanging cuffs. Ms.Wang, together with three other Dafa disciples were hung on the metal bars facing the room with their backs against the metal door. Besides letting them down during the three meals every day and one toilet break at around 11 p.m., they were hung up for the rest of the time. Their arms and hands all became swollen as a result.

Ms. Wang was steadfast in her belief of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." Due to her family's rescue efforts, Ms. Wang was released after being hung for two weeks. By then, her legs, arms and hands were paralyzed. The torture she suffered at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center - from force-feeding, squatting with cuffs, cuffs around her back and the psychological torture, lasted about seven months.

While Ms. Wang was imprisoned, her mother suffered emotionally, to the point that her life was hanging by a thin thread. Her young daughter became emaciated after losing her mother, and her grades in school plunged. She did not even dare to reveal her longing for her mother, and could only write behind Ms. Wang's photo, "I miss Mom, my Mom is the best Mom in the world." Ms. Wang's manager and colleagues also missed her and hoped for her release.

Thanks to her family's insistence and strong requests, Ms. Wang was released in late 2007. However, Liu Tongchang, Liu Bailin and Wu Jianqiang's gang from the Landa Police Station demanded that Ms. Wang's father and brother will be implicated. By then, Ms. Wang's arms had already become paralyzed from the cuff-hanging torture. Even so, Liu Tongchang and Liu Bailin's gang from the Landa Police Station refused to stop, and threatened her to force her to renounce her belief in Falun Gong, otherwise, her brother would lose his job. Every two or three days they would go to Ms. Wang's parents' place to harass and threaten them. Ms. Wang's elderly parents had to live every day in fear. Ms. Wang was forced to leave home and was not able to take care of her severely sick mother and her young daughter. Once again, she was forced to abandon her home to avoid arrest.

Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center: 136 Gongjiaping Beilu Road, Qilihe District, Lanzho City
Qi Ruijun (Secretary) :86-931-286001

The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province 

( Since July 20, 1999, people from the 610 Office and the police bureau in Lingshi County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, have been closely following the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Falun Gong. Under orders from Kong Yi, deputy chief of the police bureau; Zhao Xiuyun, manager of the Politics and Security Division; Xie Linsheng, former head of the Renyi Police Station; and other officials, police officers led by Wang Jianjun attempted to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their cultivation practice. The means they used were very base and cruel.

1. The Persecution of Ms. Wang Linying

In spring 2001, Xie Linsheng, former head of the Renyi Police Station, stopped Ms. Wang Linying from doing the exercises. They illegally arrested her and took her to the police station, where they ordered her to hand in her Dafa lecture cassettes. They threatened Ms. Xie by saying, "If you don't hand them in, then we'll strip you."

In summer 2002, Ms. Wang was handing out truth-clarification materials when she was reported by people who were not aware of the truth. She was arrested and detained in the police station, where she was forced to hand in truth-clarification materials and tell where she got the materials. She was released that same day. The local police station handed over the truth-clarification materials from Ms. Wang to the police bureau. Three days after Ms. Wang's arrest, police officers Zhao Xiuyun and Xie Linsheng arrested her again and took her to the police station, where they forced her to "confess" by torturing her. They handcuffed her to a heating device, deprived her of sleep, didn't allow her to eat or drink, and even tried to force her to curse Dafa. The torture lasted for a day and a night.

Later, Ms. Wang loosened her handcuffs and managed to escape with righteous thoughts. To avoid further persecution, however, she had to leave home and move from place to place. In November, Ms. Wang was discovered by someone in Taiyuan City. Kong Yi and Zhao Xiuyun arrested her and took her back to the Lingshi County Police Bureau, where they put her in handcuffs and shackles and beat her. They used a wooden club to hit Ms. Wang on the back of her hands, face, and her entire body. She was beaten until she had bruises all over her body, her hands and face were purple, and the backs of her hands were swollen badly. It broke people's hearts when they saw her injuries. Later, Ms. Wang was detained at a detention center.

A few days later, Zhao Xiuyun brought in a thug, and together they beat Ms. Wang until she had bruises around her eyes and was dizzy. Only when they were exhausted did they stop beating her. Later they sent Ms. Wang to a forced labor camp, where she was detained for three years. During that period of time, they didn't allow Ms. Wang's family to visit her. Zhao even told the labor camp to treat her harshly.

At the forced labor camp, Ms. Wang endured severe persecution. Her hair turned gray, and she suffered from serious anemia and, eventually, severe mental instability.

2. An Account of the Persecution of Ms. Shi Xiuneng

In January 2000, because she went to Beijing to appeal to the government for justice for Falun Gong, Ms. Shi Xiuneng was arrested and taken to the Lingshi County Police Bureau. At the bureau, Kong Yi, Zhao Xiuyun, and a group of police officers tried to terrify her: they held her in a secret place and tried to force her to write the so-called Repentance Statement and Guarantee Statement. Later, they held her at a detention center for 30 days, where she suffered inhuman torture.

On January 16, 2001, Ren Zhaoting and personnel from the 610 Office broke into Ms. Shi Xiuneng's home without presenting any identification or reason. They searched every corner of her home and didn't find anything but a notebook. They forced Ms. Shi to go to the police station a few times, where they interrogated her and tried to terrify her. Ms. Shi was forced to leave home and move from place to place in order to avoid further persecution.

In mid-November 2001, Xie Lingsheng and Wang Jianjun from the Shiyi Police Station arrested Ms. Shi and took her to a police station, where they tried to force her to write the Guarantee Statement. They also threatened her, telling her to not clarify the truth or contact fellow practitioners.

In November 2002, Xie Linsheng and Wang Jianjun broke into Ms. Shi's home again and deceived her by asking her to validate some materials at the police station. Instead, they took her directly to the Police Bureau. Politics and Security Division Manager Zhao Xiuyun swore at her with cruel words and beat her severely. He then held Ms. Shi in the detention center. At the detention center, Zhao Xiuyun instigated a few criminals to monitor, bully, and torture Ms. Shi. She was sentenced and detained in the forced labor camp for three years. The head of the police station boasted to others, "It was I who threw Ms. Shi in jail."

At the detention center, Ms. Shi wasn't given enough food and she was not able to sleep. Inhuman torture triggered her old diseases. As a result, she was extremely weak, yet Kong Yi and Zhao Xiuyun still took her to Shanxi Women's Forced Labor Camp. Because of her poor health, Ms. Shi was denied admittance to the forced labor camp. Later, they forced Ms. Shi's family to hand over 3,000 yuan as a deposit before they released her.

3. The Persecution of Ms. Song Miaomiao

In early November 2002, a group of people led by Zhao Xiuyun broke into Ms. Song Miaomiao's home for no reason. They arrested Ms. Song and Cao Lihong and took them to the police bureau. Kong Yi and Zhao Xiuyun ordered a few robustly-built police officers to cruelly torture both of them. They struck them with clubs, beating them very badly, especially Song Miaomiao. She was beaten to the point where others could not bear the sight of her and hardly any place on her body was uninjured.

4. The Persecution of Practitioners Ms. Cao Shuangmei and Wen Changsheng

Around the 2006 New Year Ms. Cao Shuangmei and Wen Changsheng were arrested. Zhao Xiuyun beat them repeatedly, and Ms. Cao was beaten so badly that she lost hearing in both ears and her teeth were loosened, yet she was still taken to the detention center.

Between November 3 and 6, 2002, six practitioners were arrested. They suffered from Zhao Xiuyun's cruel torture to different degrees. Zhao cursed Dafa and shouted that he would place female practitioners in isolated areas where only men resided.

Since 1999, police officials and officers under orders from Kong Yi and Zhao Xiuyun have been persecuting Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. They have caused practitioners and their family members tremendous physical and mental torment. They have also caused considerable financial loss to their family members. During these past nine years, over 30 practitioners in this area have suffered from persecution to different degrees.

Practitioners who were fined: Qin Lixiang, Wen Changsheng

Practitioners who were held in Administrative Detention: Wang Linying, Han Lianzhi, Li Junmin, Hao Xiuping, Guo Genquan, Shi Yaoxian

Practitioners who were held in Criminal Detention: Li Guobao, Shi Xiuneng, Cao Shuangmei

Practitioners who were under surveillance: Zhao Baohuai, Zhang Laiwang, Shi Yaoxian

Practitioners who were detained in forced labor camps: Shi Xiuneng, Wu Wenlan, Wang Linying, Shi Yaoxian, Zhang Laiwang, Cao Caihong, Jiang Genglian, Cao Fuquan, Qin Linxiang, Zhao Anping, Cao Yihong, Song Miaomiao.

Ms. Wang Chunyan of Huadian City Tells of Her Persecution 

( My name is Wang Chunyan, age 34. In 2002 I contracted hepatitis B, and my doctor told me that cirrhosis was about to develop in my liver as a result. At the same time, I had a lump in my oviduct, rheumatic heart disease, tension headaches, and other illnesses. I had no money for medical treatment, and my situation seemed hopeless. But then I remembered Falun Gong. I had had contact with some practitioners back in 1997. I recalled their gentle manner of speech, their behavior, and the principles by which they lived. At the time, I just thought of them as very good people, but I did not take the path of cultivation myself. In March 2003, however, I finally obtained the precious book, Zhuan Falun. After attaining the Fa, I lived according to the xinxing standard that Dafa required, and all my illnesses vanished into thin air. I had found my path in Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance) and the return to my true self, and I wanted to share this truth with everyone.

On February 25, 2007, Ms. Song Jinxian and I went to Toudaogou to clarify the truth. Two men saw us and reported us to the authorities. At about 2:00 p.m., we were arrested by officers from the Jiapigou Police Station in Huadian City, Jilin Province. That evening, Zhang Shoulin (male) and other agents from the Huadian City 610 Office took us to a different location. One of the men from the 610 office kicked Ms. Song in the chest. They later took her to the Huadian Detention Center.

Later that evening, I had a chance to escape, so I ran out of the building and hid among the woodpiles in the courtyard. Every officer in the police station was dispatched to find me. When they did, four officers pulled me from my hiding place and dragged me to the front gate of the detention center. One male guard kicked me viciously while shouting obscenities. Then several female guards came and searched my body, tearing my clothes apart and cutting up my shoes with scissors. They then put Ms. Song and me into cells 13 and 16. Male guard Ge Tianfu said to us, "First I will force you run, then I will take you to the murderer's cellblock and give you a bath in cold water."

On February 27, two officers from the Jiapigou Police Station under the Baishan Town Police went to my home and to Ms. Song's home and illegally seized our family's property. Court personnel told our families that I was being stubborn in the detention center and that I would be taken to the forced labor camp to be "educated." If that did not work, they said, I would "disappear." Our families had heard that people in the forced labor camp could have their organs harvested while they were still alive. Our families feared that we would be killed, so they borrowed money and asked for help wherever they could. The police demanded 30,000 yuan for each of us. As a result, the Huadian City District Attorney's Office, Police Department, and Court together extorted 60,000 yuan from our families.

After we had been illegally held at the detention center for 33 days, we were taken to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. I did not pass the physical examination, and so the camp refused to admit me, and I was released. Ms. Song, however, was held at the forced labor camp, and it was later revealed that she suffered many tortures there.

Although I was released, officers have still come to my home on several occasions to harass and threaten me. As a result, my family is under constant stress. Despite this enormous pressure, my husband and I must go from place to place to find work in order to repay our debts as soon as possible.

Police Arrest Sixty-Nine-Year-Old Practitioner Mr. Feng Shuwen 

( Mr. Feng Shuwen, 69 years old, lives in Beidao Village, Xinzhan Township, Jiaohe City of Jilin Province. On March 17, 2008, Li Chunshan, the head of village security, brought plainclothes policemen from the Xinzhan Police Station to Mr. Feng's home. The policemen searched his home, confiscated Falun Dafa books and truth-clarification materials and arrested Mr. Feng. Mr. Feng's 94-year-old mother and 68-year-old wife, who depend on him to take care of them, were left at home.

Mr. Feng started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. His duodenal ulcer, which he had suffered from for over thirty years, disappeared. His gallstones and coronary heart disease were also cured. His hair gradually turned from gray to black again. Before practicing Falun Gong, he couldn't read very well. Now, he can read all the Falun Dafa books.

The head of the police station asked Mr. Feng's family for 1,000 yuan under the pretense of "doing Mr. Feng a favor, considering that he has elderly wife and mother," and he told the family that they will keep Mr. Feng for only 10 days in custody. But after Mr. Feng was transferred to the Jiaohe City authorities, it became to a 15-day detention. Now, 15 days has long passed, and Mr. Feng is still detained. On the fourteenth day, the police station sent a notice to the family saying that they had sent Mr. Feng to a detention center and asked the family to send a quilt and money for food and lodging. The notice, signed by Wang Dukun and Guo Fengquan, states that Mr. Feng has been charged with some vague crime named "Violating Law Implementation." Upon hearing this, Mr. Feng's mother and wife became extremely worried and unsettled, and desperately await Mr. Feng's safe return.

Additional Persecution News from China - April 28, 2008 (72 Reports) 

( Today's report relates persecution incidents that took place in 52 cities or counties in 14 provinces. Forty-seven Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to brutal mistreatment during detention, and at least 95 practitioners were arrested.

  1. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] About a Dozen Practitioners Arrested

  2. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Hou Xicai and Mr. Dai Qihong Are on a Hunger Strike in the Mudanjiang Detention Center

  3. [Beijing] Mr. Qi Wei Held in the Beijing Forced Labor Dispatching Center

  4. [Chibi City, Hubei Province] Ms. Lei Shengping Is in Peril

  5. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Liu Pengfei and Ms. Li Chunjuan Facing Trial

  6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Chuanjun Sentenced to Five Years in Prison and Held in the Dongling Prison in Shenyang City

  7. [Jilin Province] Mr. Chen Youli and His Wife Ms. Wang Jieping Arrested

  8. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Gao Shuyu Went Missing on April 22, 2008; Her Computer and Son's Laptop Computer Also Missing

  9. [Fusong City, Jilin Province] Police Harass Practitioners

  10. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Dong Hanjie Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

  11. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Arrest of Mr. Zhao Yan Confirmed; Was Reported to Be Missing on April 2, 2008

  12. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Feng Ruixue Sentenced in the Qiaoxi District Court

  13. [Tianjin] Personnel from the Baigutun Township Police Station Persecute Practitioners

  14. [Shanghai] Mr. Ren Guolin Has Been Missing for a Year

  15. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Hongyan Was Arrested from Her Home in Jishu Town on April 25, 2008

  16. [Qianguo County, Jilin Province] Mr. Jiang Gui and His Wife Arrested; Mr. Zhang Lin Escaped

  17. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Junjie and Ms. Guo Shuqing Arrested

  18. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Police Arrested Several Practitioners

  19. [Tianjin] Police Arrested Mr. Ma Fulu from His Home in Ji County and Confiscated a Computer

  20. [Liuhe County, Jilin Province] A Practitioner Surnamed Piao Arrested

  21. [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] Ms. Liao Yuanmei, Ms. Yin Lanying and Ms. Yin Qiuyang are Held in the Huaihua City No.1 Detention Center

  22. [Longquan City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Shen Xiaoping and Ms. Hua Jianhao Arrested

  23. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

  24. [Fangzheng County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yun Fuqi, 53 Years Old, was Arrested on the Night of April 26, 2008

  25. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Ten Practitioners Arrested

  26. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Six Practitioners Arrested on April 23, 2008

  27. [Liaoyuan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Shufen Was Arrested on the Morning of April 24, 2008, and Is Being Held in a Detention Center

  28. [Shan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Qi Jiansheng and Ms. Wang Fenglan Facing Trial

  29. [Tianjin] Mr. Liu Wenrong Arrested on March 21, 2008

  30. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Personnel from the Tieshan Street Police Station in Jiaonan City Arrested Ms. Ding Xuehua on April 24, 2008

  31. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

  32. [Guangdong Province] Ms. Wang Ying and Ms. Zhao Ping Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked

  33. [Yichun City, Jiangxi Province] Police Arrested Ms. Xiong Ping on April 8, 2008

  34. [Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Arrested

  35. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Chen Xin Arrested on March 8, 2008, Is Being Held in a Brainwashing Center

  36. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] 56-Year-Old Ms. Zhao Xiuying Arrested at 10:00 a.m. on April 22, 2008

  37. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Hou Chunhua Arrested

  38. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Lei Xiuhua Arrested

  39. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Yuli's Home Ransacked; Lives Away from Home

  40. [Yitong County, Jilin Province] Police Arrested Ms. Zhao Fenglan, Ms. Fan Zhongli and Mr. Wang Jinbo

  41. [Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Jiang Yuhui Facing Trial

  42. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Personnel from the Domestic Security Division Arrested Mr. Zhang Qingyi and His Brother Mr. Zhang Qingliang on April 5, 2008

  43. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Han Defa Held in Hulan Prison

  44. [Dingxing County, Hebei Province] The Persecution of Mr. Dong Linyuan

  45. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Wang Xiaoyuan Held in Sanshui Women's Prison in Guangdong Province

  46. [Qianxi City, Hebei Province] Ms. Chai Jun Admitted to Shijiazhuang City Women's Prison on April 21, 2008

  47. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Personnel from the Changqian Police Station Often Harass 71-Year-Old Mr. Yang Gengsheng

  48. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Three Practitioners Sentenced

  49. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

  50. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Police Ransacked Mr. Xu Wenguo's Home

  51. [Meihekou City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

  52. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhang Yuezeng Persecuted in the Jiamusi City Prison

  53. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhao Xiuying and Mr. Wang Dongbiao Arrested

  54. [Liaoning Province] Panjin Prison Agents Transfer Ms. Liu Qinghua, Who Suffers from Liver Cirrhosis, into the Elderly and Disabled Ward for Further Persecution

  55. [Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Sun Guangjun's Health Deteriorated

  56. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. An Fengxiang Arrested

  57. [Tianjin] Ms. Wang Yujie, Arrested at the End of February 2008, Has been Sentenced to Forced Labor

  58. [Beijing] Two Practitioners Arrested

  59. [Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Qiwei Arrested from His Home

  60. [Zhucheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Shumei Arrested

  61. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Huang Jinju Arrested

  62. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Lin Arrested

  63. [Hebei Province] Mr. Shi Ruipeng, an Undergraduate Student in the Shijiazhuang Technology Institute, Was Arrested on April 23, 2008

  64. [Shaanxi Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

  65. [Hanyin County, Shaanxi Province] Personnel from the Local 610 Office Arrested Mr. Wu Changchun; He is Being Held in the County Detention Center

  66. [Pingba County, Guizhou Province] Ms. Du Yushuang and Ms. Tao Xiaoyan Arrested on April 25, 2008

  67. [Chongqing] Seventy-Year-Old Ms. Qiu Zhengshu from Liangping County Arrested on April 22, 2008

  68. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Yang Bin Arrested on the Night of April 24, 2008

  69. [Lushan City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Wang Chumei Arrested from Her Home

  70. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. He Xianggu Staged a Hunger Strike

  71. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Ms. Yu Yumei Arrested in Wuhan

  72. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Zhang Yuanmei Arrested and Held in the Shatoujiao Detention Center

1. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] About a Dozen Practitioners Arrested

Personnel from the Nanyang City 610 Office, from the Domestic Security Division and from the police department illegally arrested about ten Falun Gong practitioners and ransacked their homes at 1:30 p.m. on April 24, 2008. The practitioners were Ms. Zhang Yulian, Xiao Gao, Mr. Zhang Guorong, Ms. Zhang Mingfang, Mr. Liu Chao, Mr. Wang Deyun, and Mr. Xu Xiao. Five Falun Gong truth-clarification materials production sites were ransacked. These practitioners are currently held in the Nanyang City Police Dog Training Base.

2. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Hou Xicai and Mr. Dai Qihong Are on a Hunger Strike in the Mudanjiang Detention Center

3. [Beijing] Mr. Qi Wei Held in the Beijing Forced Labor Dispatching Center

Mr. Qi Wei was arrested on the night of February 22, 2008, and put in a brainwashing center, followed by incarceration in the Chaoyang District Detention Center. Police ransacked Mr. Qi's home twice and then sentenced him to two and a half years of forced labor. He was transferred from the district detention center to the Beijing Forced Labor Dispatch Center on April 2, 2008.

4. [Chibi City, Hubei Province] Ms. Lei Shengping Is in Peril

Ms. Lei Shengping, who is being held in the Wuhan City Women's Forced Labor Camp, has Hodgkin's disease, a lymph system cancer. Officials from the forced labor camp informed personnel in the Chibi City Police Department to pick her up, but the latter refused. Ms. Lei's family requested her release, and officials from the police department ordered them to pay 10,000 yuan. Her family has had tens of thousand yuan extorted from them already, so they refused.

Yu, Chibi City 610 Office head: 86-715-5273076 (Home), 86-715-5227666 (Office)
Tu Jiqiang, Chibi City Police Department Deputy chief: 86-13907245899 (Cell), 86-13886507776 (C), 86-715-5235265

5. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Liu Pengfei and Ms. Li Chunjuan Facing Trial

Mr. Liu Pengfei and Ms. Li Chunjuan will be put on trial in the Pingfang District Court at 9:00 a.m. on April 25, 2008.

Zhu Weidong, Harbin City Pingfang District 610 Office: 86-451-86505710

6. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Chuanjun Sentenced to Five Years in Prison and Held in the Dongling Prison in Shenyang City

7. [Jilin Province] Mr. Chen Youli and His Wife Ms. Wang Jieping Arrested

Personnel from the Domestic Security Division arrested Mr. Chen Youli and Ms. Wang Jieping, in their 60s, at 6:00 p.m. on April 24, 2008, as they ate dinner. Police ransacked their home and confiscated many Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials. The couple is facing trial.

8. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Gao Shuyu Went Missing on April 22, 2008; Her Computer and Son's Laptop Computer Also Missing

9. [Fusong City, Jilin Province] Police Harass Practitioners

Personnel from the Beigang Town Police Station harassed practitioners in Beigang Town, Fusong County. Chief Su Qingyi and other officers and broke into practitioners' homes. Ms. Wang Junhua has been arrested and is being held in the county detention center.

10. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Dong Hanjie Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

Mr. Dong Hanjie, a retired employee from the Zhuozhou City Mine Bureau, was sentenced to three years in prison. Mr. Dong was put in the Jidong Prison No.2 Division in Hebei Province on April 18, 2008. Guards forced him to stand for a long time. Consequently, Mr. Dong has swollen legs with numbness. He also has a severe heart problem and his condition is critical.

11. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Arrest of Mr. Zhao Yan Confirmed; Was Reported to Be Missing on April 2, 2008

12. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Feng Ruixue Sentenced in the Qiaoxi District Court

Personnel from the Hongqi Police Station arrested Ms. Feng Ruixue in April 2006 when she distributed Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Personnel from the Qiaoxi District Procuratorate Department sued her in August 2006. On December 29, 2006, Qiaoxi District Court agents sentenced her to three years in prison, but the sentence was served outside of prison. Ms. Feng's husband could not endure the persecution and wanted to divorce her. She does not have any financial support and lives away from home.

Zhang Yun (responsible for Ms. Feng's arrest) in the Hongqi Police Station in the Qiaoxi District Police Department, Shijiazhuang City: 86-1358261035
Zhang Guojun, Hebei Province 610 Office head: 86-311-87906310 (Office), 86-311-87906898 (Home)

13. [Tianjin] Personnel from the Baigutun Township Police Station Persecute Practitioners

Personnel from the Baigutun Township Police Station in the Wuqing District, Tianjin, ransacked several practitioners' homes and confiscated their satellite receivers on the afternoon of February 4, 2008. They were Mr. Xu Jiaming, Mr. Zhang Shuhai, Ms. Liu Fuzhen, Mr. Zhao Tan, Mr. Zhao Jun, Mr. Zhao Ke, and Ms. Ma Yongli.

14. [Shanghai] Mr. Ren Guolin Has Been Missing for a Year

15. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Hongyan Was Arrested from Her Home in Jishu Town on April 25, 2008

16. [Qianguo County, Jilin Province] Mr. Jiang Gui and His Wife Arrested; Mr. Zhang Lin Escaped

Personnel from the Pingfeng Township Police Station and from the Qianguo County Police Department broke into Mr. Jiang Gui's home at 11:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008. They arrested him and his wife. They then ransacked Mr. Zhang Lin's home, but Mr. Zhang successfully escaped. The police arrested his wife, who attempted to protect her child's laptop computer from being confiscated. .

17. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Junjie and Ms. Guo Shuqing Arrested

Mr. Wang Junjie, a retired employee from the Electric Bureau in the Jiaohe City Coal Mine, was arrested from his home on the morning of April 24, 2008. Ms. Guo Shuqing, who was living in the mine district's Zhonggang Street, was arrested from her home that same day.

18. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Police Arrested Several Practitioners

Police arrested Mr. Li Yi and Ms. Duan at Mr. Li's home on April 23, 2008. They also confiscated Mr. Li's computer and a printer. Ms. Duan's home was ransacked and some Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials were confiscated.

Police arrested Ms. Ma, her mother, and Mr. Zhou on the night of April 23, 2008. They confiscated two laptop computers, three printers, and several boxes of white paper.

19. [Tianjin] Police Arrested Mr. Ma Fulu from His Home in Ji County and Confiscated a Computer

20. [Liuhe County, Jilin Province] A Practitioner Surnamed Piao Arrested

Police arrested a practitioner surnamed Piao from Gushanzi Town, Liuhe County, and put him/her in the county detention center on April 24, 2008.

21. [Huaihua City, Hunan Province] Ms. Liao Yuanmei, Ms. Yin Lanying, and Ms. Yin Qiuyang are Held in the Huaihua City No. 1 Detention Center

Li Yuegong, Huaihua City 610 Office head: 86-13307459315 (Cell), 86-745-2725516 (Home), 86-745-2710851 (Office)
Zhang Chulin, Huaihua City 610 Office deputy chief: 86-13307450612 (Cell), 86-745-2721937 (Home), 86-745-2711611 (Office)

22. [Longquan City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Shen Xiaoping and Ms. Hua Jianhao Arrested

Police arrested Ms. Shen Xiaoping and Ms. Hua Jianhao and took them to the Longquan City Detention Center. Ms. Shen was sentenced to three and a half years in prison; Ms. Hua to three years. Ms. Shen has appealed to the Intermediate Court.

23. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

Several practitioners living near the Dalian City Airport have been arrested. They are Ms. Zhao Qiubo, Ms. Wang Ying, Ms. Bao Caixia, Ms. Cao Zuimeng, Ms. Cui Yuzhi, Ms. Zhang Xuemei, Mr. Yi Zhiqiang, and Mr. Zhao Wenjia.

Zhang Zhongyin, Airport Police Station deputy chief: 86-13998570916 (Cell), 86-411-83089855 (Home)
Jiao Jian, a policeman: 86-13050510924

24. [Fangzheng County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Yun Fuqi, 53 Years Old, was Arrested on the Night of April 26, 2008

25. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Ten Practitioners Arrested

More than ten practitioners were recently arrested. They include the Mr. Liu Jiang couple, Mr. Wang Junjie, Ms. Guo Shuqing, Mr. Li Zhenhua and Mr. Liu Baochun's wife Ms. Jia. Mr. Liu Baochun, the owner of a computer shop, was arrested a month ago. Mr. Li Zhenhua was arrested in Jilin City, and his home in Jiaohe City has been ransacked.

26. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Six Practitioners Arrested on April 23, 2008

Zhao Lanping, Gongzhuling City 610 Office head: 86-13804473179 (Cell)

27. [Liaoyuan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Shufen Was Arrested on the Morning of April 24, 2008, and Is Being Held in a Detention Center

28. [Shan County, Shandong Province] Mr. Qi Jiansheng and Ms. Wang Fenglan Facing Trial

Shan County Court agents were to try Mr. Qi Jiansheng and Ms. Wang Fenglan at 8:00 a.m. on May 5, 2008. The two were arrested on December 24, 2007.

29. [Tianjin] Mr. Liu Wenrong Arrested on March 21, 2008

30. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Personnel from the Tieshan Street Police Station in Jiaonan City Arrested Ms. Ding Xuehua on April 24, 2008

31. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

Personnel from the Dongsan Police Station in Gongzhuling City arrested Mr. Li Hongjun and his wife, Ms. Yan Lifei, on the night of April 23, 2008. They confiscated their house key and ransacked the place. Ms. Yan was admitted to Guowen Hospital and released the next day. Police ransacked another practitioner's home and arrested Ms. Qu Ping from her home. They confiscated three satellite dishes and some cash.

Mr. Qi and his wife from the Liufangzi area were also arrested, but they eventually escaped. Police ransacked their home and confiscated a computer and at least two cellular phones.

Ms. Liu Xixia, 40 years old, from Guojiadian Village, Lishu County, was arrested on April 23, 2008. She is presently being held in the Shuangliao City Detention Center.

Ms. Song, Ms. Sun Yan, and Lao Wu were arrested. Ms. Sun is being held in the Gongzhuling City Detention Center.

32. [Guangdong Province] Ms. Wang Ying and Ms. Zhao Ping Arrested and Their Homes Ransacked

Ms. Wang Ying, an engineer from the Geography and Chemistry Research Institute in Guangzhou City, was arrested from her workplace on the morning of April 15, 2008. Police ransacked her home. In the meantime, police also arrested Ms. Zhao Ping from the institute. The two are being held in the Tianhe District Detention Center in Guangzhou City.

Ms. Wang was arrested in 2000 and 2002 and was held in Chatou Forced Labor Camp for two years. Ms. Zhao used to be a teacher in a police school in Guangzhou City. She was fired for practicing Falun Gong.

33. [Yichun City, Jiangxi Province] Police Arrested Ms. Xiong Ping on April 8, 2008

34. [Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Four Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Wang Shuqing and three other female practitioners living in her home in the Toutaizi Division, Fengcheng City, were arrested at the end of March 2008. Police confiscated a computer from Ms. Wang's home.

35. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Chen Xin Arrested on March 8, 2008, Is Being Held in a Brainwashing Center

36. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] 56-Year-Old Ms. Zhao Xiuying Arrested at 10:00 a.m. on April 22, 2008

37. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Ms. Hou Chunhua Arrested

Personnel from the Jilin City Police Department and from the Hadawan Police Station arrested Ms. Hou Chunhua from her home on April 23, 2008. They also arrested her non-practitioner relatives Mr. Zhao Chenglu and his wife, Ms. Guo Yunchun. The police confiscated 30,000 yuan in cash and a 10,000-yuan cellular phone deposit card from the couple's flower store. In addition, they arrested Ms. Hou's sister-in-law, Ms. Zhang Min. Ms. Hou and her relatives are being held in the Jilin City Detention Center.

38. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Lei Xiuhua Arrested

Ms. Lei Xiuhua, 45 years old, lives in the Lianshan District, Huludao City. She went to a practitioner's home at noon on April 27, 2008, but the practitioner's ex-husband reported her, and she was arrested.

39. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Yuli's Home Ransacked; Lives Away from Home

Ms. Wang Yuli, in her 70s, lives in Wangda Village, Fate Town, Shulan City. Fate Police Station Chief Zhang Yaoming and five policemen and broke into her home at 10:00 a.m. on April 25, 2008. They ransacked the place and confiscated a printer, four satellite dishes, a TV, a copier, some Falun Gong books and videos. Ms. Wang fainted on the spot and was hospitalized. She lives away from home now.

40. [Yitong County, Jilin Province] Police Arrested Ms. Zhao Fenglan, Ms. Fan Zhongli and Mr. Wang Jinbo

Personnel from the Yitong County Police Department's Domestic Security Division arrested three practitioners on the night of April 23, 2008. They were Ms. Zhao Fengshan from Ma'an Town, Ms. Fan Zhongli from Kaoshan Town, and Mr. Wang Jinbo from Yitong Town.

41. [Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Jiang Yuhui Facing Trial

Ms. Miao Jingli was held for 16 days and released on April 25, 2008. Mr. Jiang Yuhui is still in detention and will be sentenced on April 28, 2008.

42. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Personnel from the Domestic Security Division Arrested Mr. Zhang Qingyi and His Brother Mr. Zhang Qingliang on April 5, 2008

43. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Han Defa Held in Hulan Prison

Personnel from the Daqing City Police Department's Domestic Security Division arrested 57-year-old Mr. Han Defa on March 20, 2007. They ransacked his home and confiscated a computer, a paper cutter, some Falun Gong books, and truth-clarification CDs. Mr. Han was then sentenced to three years in prison.

Mr. Han was taken to Hulan Prison in Heilongjiang Province in October 2007. He is still being held there.

44. [Dingxing County, Hebei Province] The Persecution of Mr. Dong Linyuan

Thirty-year-old Mr. Dong Linyuan from Dongluobao Township, Dingxing County, is a technician in the Changgoushangu Coal Mine at the Beijing Haohua Energy Company. He explained the facts about Falun Gong online and was arrested on June 8, 2007. Mr. Dong was put in the Fangshan District Detention Center in Beijing. Fangshan District Court agents sentenced Mr. Dong to four years in prison on November 12, 2007. He was transferred from the district detention center to Daxing Prison, followed by incarceration in the Zhengzhou City Prison No. 9 Ward.

45. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Wang Xiaoyuan Held in Sanshui Women's Prison in Guangdong Province

Personnel from the Doumen Domestic Security Division arrested Ms. Wang Xiaoyuan in Zhuhai City and put her in a detention center on December 26, 2006. Ms. Wang is currently subjected to torture in the Sanshui Women's Prison's No. 3 Division and her condition is desperate. She is too weak to take care of herself. Her husband cannot endure the pressure of the persecution and wants to divorce her.

46. [Qianxi City, Hebei Province] Ms. Chai Jun Admitted to the Shijiazhuang City Women's Prison on April 21, 2008

47. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Personnel from the Changqian Police Station Often Harass 71-Year-Old Mr. Yang Gengsheng

48. [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Three Practitioners Sentenced

Mr. Zhuo Jiangshan, Mr. Zhou Jianyuan, and Ms. Wang Jiafang were arrested on September 23, 2007, and held in the Wuchuan City No. 2 Detention Center. Wuchuan City Court agents sentenced them on January 22, 2008. The practitioners' families got notices on April 21, 2008, that Mr. Zhuo was sentenced to 12 years in prison; Ms. Wang to nine years; and Mr. Zhou to seven years.

49. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Personnel from the Songyuan City Police Department arrested Ms. Zhao Guiping, Ms. Ji Yingzi, and Ms. Liu Wanfang on April 25, 2008. Ms. Zhao had been held in the Heizuizi Prison in Changchun City and is now being held in the Songyuan City Detention Center.

50. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Police Ransacked Mr. Xu Wenguo's Home

Personnel from the Ping'an Town Police Station arrested a practitioner surnamed Zhou from Xinfa Village on April 24, 2008. They also arrested Mr. Xu Wenguo and ransacked his home. Not finding anything related to Falun Gong, the police later released Mr. Xu.

Yang Yuejin, Ping'an Police Station chief: 86-13894290088

51. [Meihekou City, Jilin Province] Several Practitioners Arrested

Personnel from the Yijing Police Station in Hongmei Town, Meihekou City, arrested Mr. Song Zhonghua, Ms. Li Yuhua, and Ms. Li Yan at 8:00 p.m. on April 23, 2008. Personnel from the city's Domestic Security Division ransacked the homes of Mr. Wang Anping and Mr. Yu Wanquan.

52. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zhang Yuezeng Persecuted in the Jiamusi City Prison

53. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhao Xiuying and Mr. Wang Dongbiao Arrested

Plainclothes policemen arrested 56-year-old Mr. Zhao Xiuying at 11:00 a.m. on April 22, 2008. Mr. Wang Dongbiao was arrested at 9:00 a.m. on April 26, 2008. Police also ransacked Mr. Wang's home at 1:00 p.m. that day.

54. [Liaoning Province] Panjin Prison Agents Transfer Ms. Liu Qinghua, Who Suffers from Liver Cirrhosis, into the Elderly and Disabled Ward for Further Persecution

55. [Zhalantun City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Sun Guangjun's Health Deteriorated

Mr. Sun Guangjun, being held in the Bao'anzhao Prison in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, suffered from kidney cancer. He could not eat or take care of himself. Not wanting to be held responsible for his death, officials of Bao'anzhao Prison and its hospital released him at the end of 2007.

Mr. Sun's family renewed the bail-out procedure on April 23, 2008, but local prison officials put him back in prison under the pretext that Mr. Sun's kidney function is now normal. Mr. Sun's health has deteriorated, and he is again in the prison's hospital.

56. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. An Fengxiang Arrested

Personnel from the Xisantiao Police Station in the Kuancheng District, Changchun City, followed Ms. An Fengxiang and arrested her at 6:00 a.m. on April 24, 2008. They held her for 15 days.

The police also harassed a practitioner surnamed Zhu.

57. [Tianjin] Ms. Wang Yujie, Arrested at the End of February 2008, Has been Sentenced to Forced Labor

58. [Beijing] Two Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Lin Le from the Haidian District, Beijing, was arrested on April 20, 2008. Police arrested Mr. Tong from the Chaoyang District in the Dongcheng District at 3:00 p.m. on April 21, 2008. The whereabouts of his wife, Ms. Zhang Shuping, is unknown.

59. [Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Qiwei Arrested from His Home

60. [Zhucheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Shumei Arrested

Police broke into the grocery store run by Ms. Zhang Shumei, in her 50s, at 9:00 a.m. on April 26, 2008, and then arrested her and ransacked her store.

61. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Huang Jinju Arrested

Linyi County Police Department's Domestic Security Division Chief Wang Zhifeng broke into Ms. Huang Jinju's home in the Linpan Oil Field and harassed her in early April 2008. Ms. Huang later lived away from home but was arrested on April 20, 2008.

62. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Lin Arrested

Ms. Zhang Lin was arrested on April 14, 2008. She had been held in the Liuchangshan Brainwashing Center on October 6, 2007.

63. [Hebei Province] Mr. Shi Ruipeng, an Undergraduate Student in the Shijiazhuang Technology Institute, Was Arrested on April 23, 2008

64. [Shaanxi Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

Three practitioners were arrested near the Shaanxi Province Women's Prison on the night of April 11, 2008, for posting Falun Gong truth-clarifying banners. They were taken to the Shaanxi Province Women's Forced Labor Camp.

65. [Hanyin County, Shaanxi Province] Personnel from the Local 610 Office Arrested Mr. Wu Changchun; He is Being Held in the County Detention Center

66. [Pingba County, Guizhou Province] Ms. Du Yushuang and Ms. Tao Xiaoyan Arrested on April 25, 2008

67. [Chongqing] Seventy-Year-Old Ms. Qiu Zhengshu from Liangping County Arrested on April 22, 2008

68. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Yang Bin Arrested on the Night of April 24, 2008

69. [Lushan City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Wang Chumei Arrested from Her Home

Ms. Wang Chunmei was arrested from her home on April 10, 2008. Police confiscated a computer and a lot of Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Ms. Wang was held in the Jiujiang City Detention Center for a few days and then transferred to the Ruichang Detention Center. Ms. Zhang Lihong and Ms. Yang Yinjin and her sister were also arrested.

70. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. He Xianggu Staged a Hunger Strike

Personnel from the Wujialing Police Station in Changsha City arrested Ms. He Xianggu and ransacked her home on the night of April 23, 2008. They confiscated her computer. Ms. He is presently being held in the city's Changqiao Detention Center.

71. [Macheng City, Hubei Province] Ms. Yu Yumei Arrested in Wuhan

72. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Zhang Yuanmei Arrested and Held in the Shatoujiao Detention Center

70 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void 

( A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practice again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."

Here are some examples of the Solemn Declarations:

Please click here for more Solemn Declarations

The People Awaken to the Truth 

My Husband, Work Colleagues, and Sister Awaken as a Result of Watching the 2008 New Year Spectacular 


1. My ex-husband was deeply contaminated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He valued money above anything else, believed the CCP's propaganda, thought my practicing Falun Gong was political, and was afraid the CCP would persecute him. Because he believed the CCP's propaganda against Falun Gong, he kept my daughter away from me. I never gave up the wish of saving him, even though he was confused. After the 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular DVD came out, I asked my daughter to bring him a copy along with a letter to rectify his heart telling him how the Divine Performing Arts show astonished the world.

When I called him one week later, he was so glad. He said by watching the Spectacular DVD, he had found orthodox beliefs. He said Falun Dafa is great and miraculous. From then on, he stopped saying I did political campaigns. He also told his relatives that I am good. Eventually, he felt relieved to let me take care of my daughter because he believed that I would rear my daughter into a self-confident, sensible lady. His heart was really changed.

2. Our company had a supplier. I gave him a copy of the 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular DVD. After he finished watching the show, he called me and said that the stage backdrops were marvelous and the performers were skillful. He was most impressed by the perfect combination of the costumes and stage backgrounds. He decided to keep the DVD until his whole family watched it. One of his friends also wanted to make a copy of the DVD.

3. My colleagues loved the music of the show and said that after listening to this kind of music, they felt listening to pop music was torture. The pleasure they got from listening to the Spectacular music has never diminished. This music can purify one's mind.

My sister is in her fifties and is illiterate. While she was living in my home in February, her high blood pressure and headaches stopped. She watched programs on New Tang Dynasty TV every day. She asked me, "Does your cable network have a magic channel?" I was so surprised and replied, "New Tang Dynasty TV is founded by Falun Gong practitioners, providing viewers with accurate and reliable information. She then said, "No wonder the anchorman and the anchorwoman are so wonderful."

While watching the live broadcast of the Spectacular, she barely even blinked her eyes! She marveled at the show and exclaimed: "That's fantastic! That's fantastic! I never saw such a fabulous performance in my life. There's nothing better than this." I believe that we should vigorously promote the Divine Performing Arts Spectacular and allow more people the chance to see it.

Practitioners Exchange Insights and Experiences 

Getting Rid of the Attachment to "Validating Oneself" 

( After watching the video of Teacher's lecture to Australian practitioners, I had deep feelings about the attachment which Teacher talked about at the beginning of the lecture -- "validating oneself." Looking inward, I identified this as my biggest attachment. I used to think that validating myself was a part of truthfulness, and this thinking increased my attachment. Teacher's lecture brought this issue to my immediate attention.

I graduated with an engineering degree from a famous university, and often felt that I knew true science, compared with some elderly practitioners who did not know scientific rules and often followed their own experiences and feelings. I thought that I was always right and often argued with others. While at work, I often insisted on my own "principles" and felt unhappy when others were late or did not work up to my expectations. I misunderstood the meaning of what Teacher defined as a "good person" and thought that I appropriately fought to protect the "truth." Subsequently, I was not tolerant, lacked good self-control, and demonstrated even less compassion. This issue has caused some problems concerning my relationships with others.

My "validating oneself" issue also reflected into the daily life of my family. I wanted others to follow me with the reasoning that I was doing things for the Dafa, making me the center. These actions caused unhappiness for my husband (who has not yet started to cultivate). Fortunately, I reminded myself to be a real woman--kind and gentle, as Teacher taught us, and I began to take better care of my husband. Eliminating the attachment of "validating myself" along with raising my level has helped to create a better environment, which I believe will lead to more understanding and support from my family.

My "validating oneself" issue has also affected my interactions with other practitioners. I often emphasize my abilities and technical knowledge, and force my opinions upon others. When other practitioners disagreed with me, I would identify their mistakes in order to prove that I was right (this was unrighteous thinking). These actions caused a separation in our group.

The attachment of "validating oneself" is a thinking process that is developed from postnatal life, and reflects elements of the communist party culture. This thinking is as hard and thick as granite, and is a combination of selfishness, attachment to competition, jealousy and more. With Teacher's words, I believe that I can realize and remove this attachment, keep my righteous thoughts and truly lift my xinxing level. I should keep a mind of kindness, help others from my heart, and cooperate well with others.

Our time is limited. In order to do the three things more efficiently, we should eliminate our personal motives, truly take the Fa as our teacher, harmonize with Dafa, remove our human attachments which slow us down, and catch up with the Fa-Rectification.

Truth Clarification Requires Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions 


Falun Dafa (Falun Gong), a mighty way--a great virtue

I feel very fortunate to have started practicing Falun Gong in the early part of 1999. Before that I had health problems that tortured me so much I didn't want to live. Although I am not old, I had high blood pressure, felt fuzzy in the head almost every day, experienced neck pain, and had difficulty just getting through the day. With three children attending school, chores at home, and a store to look after, I was often teary-eyed at work. I also had a serious gynecological problem that caused continuous menses for three years. None of the medical treatments I tried solved my problems. I was really suffering.

All my health problems disappeared within three months of finding Dafa, and without any medical treatment. While I was so joyful, I also realized the power of Dafa, which solidified and strengthened my cultivating Falun Dafa.

Righteous thoughts paired with righteous actions, assist Teacher's Fa-rectification, and save sentient beings

Since July 20, 1999 Falun Dafa has been smeared and brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Although I was a new practitioner, and still had a shallow understanding of the Fa at that time, I was not deluded by the slander, lies, and smearing of Dafa that I heard on the radio, or saw on television or in the newspapers. What I had already experienced proved that Falun Dafa is a great way with lofty virtue.

With respect and gratitude to Teacher, I made up my mind to go to Beijing with fellow practitioners and clarify the truth about Falun Dafa. In Tiananmen Square, we, with righteous thoughts and righteous actions, shouted, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! Return Teacher's reputation!" We gathered with fellow practitioners from around the world for Fa-ratification, we shared our cultivation experiences, we mutually understood the great magic and benevolent might of Falun Dafa, and we exposed the CCP's evil actions. Based on our righteous thoughts and righteous actions, and the protection of Teacher, we all returned safely home.

Teacher wanted us to spread the truth with the goodness and compassion of Dafa practitioners, to broadly distribute the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" and other materials, to post all kinds of materials in villages and towns for all those who've been poisoned by CCP propaganda, regardless of whether they are high officials or common people, older folks or young children, let them know the facts and the teachings of Falun Dafa, let them know that heaven will destroy the CCP, and let them know that to be safe they must withdraw from the communist party and its affiliated organizations.

My days are very busy. In addition to cooking, doing laundry and other household chores, I work in a store. While in the store, I use every opportunity to tell customers about the goodness of Falun Dafa, and advise them to quit the communist party. Of course I'd also eliminate the evil meddling elements in other dimensions, and awaken people's main consciousnesses. The results were pretty good. Most young people agreed to quit the CCP and even used their real names. They also thanked me before leaving the store.

Late at night, we posted banners and distributed truth-clarifying materials. The more materials we passed out, the more hopeful we felt that we were saving sentient beings. As I recall, there was one time, very late at night, when my fellow practitioners and I were distributing materials everywhere. As we were walking on a small trail through a field, we were suddenly confronted with a bunch of dark things, causing us almost to fall to the ground. We realized that we'd walked into a group of tombs. Before becoming a practitioner, I was a easily scared. But at that time, I thought of Teacher's poem "Benevolent Might," and my fear disappeared right away.

Benevolent Might

Dafa is what you carry everywhere,

Zhen Shan Ren, rooted in the mind;

A great Arhat walks the earth,

Gods and demons fear with awe.

January 6, 1996

Eliminating human thoughts, replacing them with Godly thoughts

In November 2002 the CCP was relentlessly persecuting Falun Gong and arresting practitioners. One night, while my fellow practitioners and I were distributing materials, we were arrested and taken to a brainwashing center. The 610 Office agents tried every possible way to instill the CCP propaganda into us. When we were in the brainwashing center we recited Lunyu and Teacher's articles every day. We had only one thought: We are Dafa disciples; we don't acknowledge the persecution; and we will steadfastly cultivate Dafa until completion. Consequently, Teacher gave us a hint in a dream, "Return home in sixteen days." On the 16th day, we, with strong righteous thoughts and Teacher's support, pushed through four iron gates and escaped from the dungeon. Again we experienced Dafa's benevolent might.

In 2004, the husband in a family living right next to our store happened to be in charge of a 610 Office, which gave me opportunities to chat with his wife. I gradually told her about the goodness of Dafa and its power. Due to her having heavy karma and a devilish nature, whenever I mentioned Falun Gong, she'd howl at me, and even shout abuses. Then, one day while I was reading in the store, a bunch of people stormed in and dragged me into a police vehicle and then took me to a forced labor camp for a 15-day detention.

However, I realized that I couldn't hate the head of the 610 Office and his wife because they were being taken advantage of by evil forces. I must disintegrate the evils behind them and then do all I could to save them. So I went to their home, and of course sent righteous thoughts first to disintegrate the evil elements in other dimensions in their home, and then to ask for Teacher's help. When I saw him, he was still angry; but my state of mind was peaceful. Using my personal experiences and other facts I told him about the goodness of Dafa in detail. Gradually, his attitude changed from condemning to quietly listening. Finally he said with a sense of regret, "Actually I knew that Falun Gong was good. From now on it will be better for me if I don't help a tyrant do evil!"

A Brief Discussion on the Attachment of Fear 

( Every practitioner probably has many understandings and experiences with the attachment of fear. The attachment of fear is an obvious human attachment, one that we cultivators must be able to identify and then get rid of. Otherwise it will affect the diligence of many practitioners.

I personally think that there are two layers of meaning associated with the attachment of fear:

The first sense of fear is the same as its meaning on the surface, meaning fear or being frightened. It is similar to the connontations of being timid. Some practitioners were afraid of dogs, cows, snakes and spiders before they started practicing Falun Gong. This attachment of fear can come back quite often, even after a practitioner has started cultivation. There is a practitioner close to me who was afraid of dogs and cows. One night, on her way back from distributing truth-clarification materials, a big dog ran towards her. She quickly bent over, pretending that she was picking up something from the ground. The dog ran off. That same night she had a dream, in the dream she saw a dog that looked like a bear with a group of dogs following it. Just as she got worried, she woke up from the dream. Later she enlightened that it was time for her to get rid of the attachment of fear. We should not be afraid when we suddenly encounter dogs or other animals; we should quickly stop them from doing bad deeds with our righteous thoughts. I also had a similar experience. Once a dog suddenly ran next to me and started to bite me. I scolded it loudly, "Beast, how dare you bite me?" I was thinking in my heart: I am a Dafa disciple, don't you want to live any more?

Because we are still living under the persecution, some practitioners are afraid of the police and police vans. This attachment of fear indicates a lack of righteous thoughts. Usually if I see a police van on the street, I send righteous thoughts to the people in the van. When we encounter a police vehicle, we must not be afraid. Those people are merely the tools used by the evil specters and the wicked Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Dafa disciples. Now we are thoroughly eliminating the remaining elements of the wicked CCP. We must also stop these tools used by the CCP from committing evil deeds. Otherwise they must receive immediate retribution. Receiving retribution is to awaken them. How can human beings commit evil deeds against gods? That was the principle of the old universe. We must eliminate this evil with righteous thoughts. This kind of fear is quite easy to be identified. We have Master's law bodies protecting us. Dafa disciples shouldn't allow this evil to stop us from doing the three things.

The second aspect of fear is being afraid of bad things. For example, a practitioner daring not to do something, or maybe he or she was worried that something might happen if he or she chose to do something, or maybe the practitioner was worried about having thought karma. Thus some practitioners dare not contact fellow practitioners lest they be reported; some dare not visit Dafa websites lest they are being watched; some dare not talk to strangers about quitting the CCP lest they may have a bad result; some also betray fellow practitioners lest the police go after them.

I've had my own lessons with this kind of fear. A year ago, an elderly fellow practitioner's life was taken away by the old forces. I was worried that I might have the same illness as her. Then I really had similar symptoms as her. A few days later, I realized that I had invited the illness because of my attachment of fear. Later, I had another kind of fear; I was afraid that I might have the thought of fear of being like her. Then I felt uncomfortable for another few days. My life finally became normal after I clearly recognized the fear of having the attachment of fear. There was another elderly practitioner who was overly worried about her son being persecuted by the CCP after she found out about the CCP's crimes of organ harvesting from living practitioners. Her attachment of sentimentality was taken advantage of, and her life was taken away by the old forces. Cultivation is a serious matter. A cultivator's every thought must be on the Fa to avoid being controlled by the old forces or one's postnatal notions.

Thoughts on Participating in Morning Exercise 

( Because I am young, I didn't have any illnesses before cultivation. From Teacher's lecture, I heard that "cultivation" comes before "practice." I misunderstood that. I only paid attention to "cultivation," and didn't value "practice." When I was busy, I would not do the five sets of exercise for a long time. I often worked in fits and starts. I thought I spent a lot of time studying the Fa and was keeping up with the Fa-rectification progress.

Until one day my little sister asked me how come I looked so old. I had already noticed that problem. I thought it was probably because I did not cultivate well due to my attachment to looking good. Before I started cultivation, I had dry skin. Maybe it's a tribulation Teacher had set for me. I thought my skin would improve as time passed, so I did not pay any attention to it. But I noticed now and then that I was different from fellow practitioners. Teacher said in Zhuan Falun: "Those practices that cultivate both mind and body make one look very young in appearance, and one looks quite different from one's actual age." Although I am just over 30, the skin on my face is so dry that it flakes off, and I have more wrinkles than a person my age should. I am a cultivator yet I have the opposite phenomenon to what Teacher said? I thought I was keeping pace with Fa-rectification and doing well. Isn't this an attachment of complacency? I felt sleepy all day long, spent a lot of time sleeping, and got tired easily from doing very little. I heard that some fellow practitioners spend very little time sleeping every day. Compared with them, I have wasted a lot of time. I didn't do the exercises, so my body transformed slowly. I didn't have any energy, not to mention the fact that I wasn't saving sentient beings to complete my pre-historical promise.

I realized that doing the exercises is very important--it involves the fundamentals of cultivation. I also realized that I was not being strict with myself and understood the seriousness of not listening to Teacher's words--both very dangerous. I further realized the importance of participating in the morning exercises at 3:50. I previously thought that not participating in the morning exercises was my personal business. I talked to other practitioners, and there are some young practitioners who do not value practice and are in a situation similar to mine. This is also one of the reasons I wanted to write this article.

I think that participating in the morning exercises is not just one's personal business. In the environment of Mainland China, some practitioners get used to doing things alone and feel good about it. As the environment becomes increasingly liberal, why is morning exercise at 3:50? Some say that it is a reminder to practitioners who do not value practice. Some say it feels like group practice before July 20, 1999. Some give other reasons. Actually, as Fa-rectification has progressed to today, there is an overall coordination and harmonization issue. When there are fewer evil elements, why are fellow practitioners detained, or persecuted to death in some areas? There exists division, conflict, and even mutual exclusion among practitioners and regions. Although we don't talk about it, we view our actions in different ways. "Minghui Weekly" has a column: "Disciples learn from each other, Overall improvement." It is not just about how well individuals cultivate. Each of us is a particle of Dafa. Let's put aside personal issues, think as one body, harmonize Dafa, and harmonize the overall body. What Teacher wants is to see the whole process. How do we think and act? When we do not actively participate in the morning practice at 3:50 or when we find all sorts of reasons and excuses not to participate in morning practice, isn't that not putting aside personal stuff? Actually, in the several years after July 20, 1999 (when the persecution began), everyone had his/her own cultivation environment. Who had the same environment as others? Cultivation is serious. Insisting on personal issues can cause interference and even losses to individual cultivation and saving sentient beings. I am not accusing fellow practitioners. Actually, I myself am far from doing well.

We support Teacher rectifying the Fa. We know how difficult it was to reach where we are today. In this more and more open environment, let's do well the three things in the limited time left. Let's do well at every step. Let's live up to Teacher's compassion and salvation. Whenever I think about Teacher's enormous sacrifice for us and sentient beings, I cannot keep my tears from falling. Out of responsibility for fellow practitioners, I have shared about my understanding. I would appreciate corrections if there is anything inappropriate.